Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Big brother is always watching !


So…I have some of the African Buzz from seedsman and afropips Malawi from kwikseeds
Are they likely the same? Are they.possibly pure Malawi? Should I grow them together?
Inside or outside?

i principially dont judge by the look.

However at a certain point, i would assume the African Buzz catched some foreign pollen –
I never ment to say how much foreign pollen WAS in the Strains before ACE seeds got them.

So :upside_down_face:

  • African Buzz - is i think the same as ACE - Old Killer Malawi, flowers 9 weeks :worried: wich is of corse suspicious… :upside_down_face: I personally dont like the look IMHO.

  • So, and the normal ACE - Malawi (there are two relases), not called old Killer, the normal one: is acording my theory African Buzz X a thinleaved pure Malawi… The pure Malawi neeing an Afropips is my far specualtion, in any case , it showed pure on Phylos… The Normal Malawi realse is just the Africna Buzz x thinleaved, im convinced… So, also this one includes the fat ass African Buzz line.

SO: you want malawi? i have far better links, if you just grow the Afropips Malawi, hell, its rather the save bet… (ithe repro is sold on Realseedcompany)

Or you ask me for my elusive 70s Malawi links (no, not from the shady guy i talked about).
Those two are the best imho, and voila.

I offered my Malawi Links to everyone a while ago, its meant out passion, and care for old Gold . If you want good tips, ask me… If you happy guy, you get the links eventually, whatever :cowboy_hat_face: the old Malawi 70s line is silver… i still search for gold…

The ace stuff, well, i cant remeber, off my radar. hope its all clear peace,

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in short: always choose 1) old collected, atleast collected before millenia, 2) thinleaved
lines for a save bet…

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I was never all.that interested in Malawi and the African buzz was a freebie…not fond of ACE for their reasons…but I’m thinking of running a different sativa each summer here in Oklahoma
Maybe it will be the afropips.


beeing for free shouldnt change the decision, its really questionable to choose the Malawi and the Panama from ACE seeds if you love sweet vibes of landraces.

anyone found them nice?

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The afropips Malawi is better then the ones from Old Malawi Killer, if you are after a more pure Malawi Gold. Remember that it’s quite tropic where the true Malawi Gold came from so everything listed with weeks that doesnt reflect this are some sort of descendants :grin:

Pz :v:t2:


I have some of the Afropips. Might run them this summer.


You should check out the Central American thread. :wink:

If you are interested in doing a comparison, I can send you some TLT Malawi gold for your outdoor grow.


This is my Winter grow of the Laotian Bokeo #2 from The Real Seed Co… She’s still up, prolly into second week of January but we’ll see


Very cool to see someone growing these


Golden Tiger (ace)

Amazing the difference in the Two Golden tiger fems.

One tall and Lanky and the other much more bushier . Both very pretty.




Been trying to find this. Fine looking plants! I have a feeling the lanky one will be better smoke.


SWEET! I have some of these I haven’t run yet. Lovely plant!


What an incredible structure on that Laotian, that’s a beautiful plant and one I’ve never seen before, thanks for posting these


I dont get it dude. The truth was spelled out clearly and redundantly, yet you keep spinning off on your own multiverse. Mustafunk said what clone and what seedline were used yet you try to speculate what other lines were used and …well fuck it. I dont have the energy

Kaiki never lied. He’s one if the kost honest and generous people in the game. In fact, he retired after Dubi stole from him and started selling hybrids as landraces.

Killer Malawi was the original clone ACE worked with and was a popular clone in Spain. Its Malawi x PCK.
African Buzz is Malawi x Skunk. Similar to Killer Malawi.
ACE never found a pure Malawi male, hence their use of PCK and other males on the pire sativas he got from Kaiki, Mustafunk, and other Vibes guys.

The Viet Black x Thai you like so much was from Vibes, not from ACE, Dubi simply had his guys F2 it and sell it.


yeah, i always try to represent truth. thats why i satate everything literally as an oppinon, not truth.

However, i found the similarity between African Buzz -Seedsman, and old Killer Malawi - ACE astounding… colors, shape size, …
Also i find remarkable that the n**ormal Malawi from ACE relase ** showed exactly the half amount of Inclusions of the 4 Samples that ACE sent to phylos…

So, i was also wondering, what was the pure Malawi sample that ACE sent to phylos?
This was the starting point for my theory, that, since the normal Malawi relace is alot thinner, not exactly thin, but thinner… That Old Killer Malawi was the African Buzz, and this was crossed to a pure malawi, hence you see it in PHYLOS samples… that the Inclusions are exactly in the middle. Go figure my old post… its exactly in the middle…

If it now uses the Afropips malawei, well i guess thats not the main point of what i said. The main point lies in the Readings from ACEs phylos samples. How exact halfed the Inclusions are …

Also your explonation fails to describe the ACE normal Malawi relase imho.
The normal Malawi relase is a bit thinner than the African Buzz…

Well, who knows the truth thats about my paygrade to tell, and not my style.
However, this discussion now, is kinda in the light of someone saysing : ACE outcrosses almost all landraces… Wich is what i wanna defend… The idea, that ACE does this, does that, and nothing sounds really cogruhent enough to me.

i dunno. really … theoretically you had atleast a hint of explonation for normal ACE realse,… so i guess you resoned:
African Buzz was NOT the Malawi, that Mustafunk said it ACE used.
But its a skunk x malawi.
ACE used the unskunked malawi, crossed to PCK, relased it as old killer mala
Used the unskunked Malawi to outcross to all sorts of things , to relaseit as normal Malawi…

But i like this propper explonations, so everyone can check…

Anyay, i cant debunk that ! thats too detailled for an outsider to do, but its astonishing what i discovered in the Phylos readings, and i kinda lean thowards that…

@romanoweed your constants reference to Phylos as a source for comparison really undermines your theory.
There testing does not show much of the genetics so what you are looking at is a small portion of the equation and is no where near enough of a data set to compare and come to any conclusions. They are limited by the equipment they use and the information is purposely displayed in a non sensible manner.
What they consider pure is incredibly subjective due to the fact there is no concrete baseline and all of there samples are based on the information obtained from the source.
Plants looking alike and growing similar means nothing
I have grown countless unrelated strains that shared common traits and growth habits so assuming there related based of looks and appearance is honestly something I would expect from somebody who has not grown many strains from seed.
The simplicity of there skunk, hemp , berry bs is astounding, insulting, laughable and it’s a shame anybody considers the work they have done as something of any value. Bunch of lying con artists and I’m sick of hearing there name it’s a discredit to the community as a whole.


i guess you spelled it wrong, you said you would expect from a guy that has grown few seeds…