Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I don’t see how spelling has anything to do with the statement and I do not see what you mean in regards to a error anyways.
That’s bordering on a ad hominem path that is typical of modern thinking.


yeah, thats why i always add a Its my oppinion. or soething along those lines… Altho i kinda get tired, and might have forgot.

Again; you try to like say: i might fail to see similarity.
However, many things match up, together with phylos readings, collegue , i even atarted with Mustafunks verification… So, its not that i found out its this or that…

Mustafunk mentioned; African Buzz, the same Line was used.
And: ACE described in one Place the Old Killer Malawi beeing a part of the normal Malawi Relase…

So, since the normal malawi Relase is thinner… it matches perfectly with phylos… the normal Malwi relase has the halfed amount of Inclusions, go figure my old post… exactly in the middle of Old Killer Malai on phylos, and the pure Malawi on phylos…

SO: these is 3 instances , where i just looked ofr explonation, starting with the enimy of ACE… but Enimy with explonation… it just kinda matches, however, this is just my subjective specualtive oppinion…

Well theres the genesis of the problem
You’re using Phylos as a scientific tool to debunk what the actual breeders have stated.
Its been proven Phylos is not reliable and serves narratives - not science


I also find it odd you would point out perceived spelling or grammatical errors when half of what you type falls far outside of those lines.


In the recent post you see my thinking path, and it doesent soley rely on phylos, infact it relys on the enymy of ACEs EXPLONATION…
Uses the statements of ACE, as a secound stage of verification,
And uses phylos as a secound stage of verification.

Common symptom of schizo/schizoidal

so you calim im sick? can you stop please?

Me or him lol half my friends insist I’m crazy the other half come to me for answers when in need of help :rofl:

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No he pointed out that certain behavior is symptomatic .For example I don’t consider myself stupid but I have certainly done some stupid things.
I consider reality subjective and perceived when some would say that alone is crazy mans talk.
The thing is I have watched these different realities take shape and unfold with the people steering the wheel having no idea they were in control of the vehicle.
Perception is key and some have mastered the art of manipulating that very thing to there own benefit. There are those who see threw the fog and those who stay forever lost within it.


You keep saying “well, i posted ‘its just my opinion’” but then come off with an attitude like this post where you’re surprised people havent learned from you and your delusions.

Perhaps if you just asked questions instead of constantly trying to debunk and ad hominem your fellow forum buddies things would be more constructive.


One thing I will say in regards to African lines and equatorial sativas in general is that I have never seen a true landrace from these areas that finished in less then 12-16 weeks, some of the African lines do grow chunkier buds then other long flowering types but not on a short plant.
Most people think they want pure sativas but when the breeders gave them that they would complain about the length of flower time, the yield ,and other aspects but if you gave them a sativa dominate cross that grew giant spears and take 10-14 weeks they would be ecstatic.
It’s hard to grow these long flowering varieties and that has made them harder and harder to get in there true form.
They are out there but one has to apply common sense and accept that there are as many if not more fakes then real ones.
Landraces used to be of little interest to most people besides breeders but with there recent rise in popularity there are a lot of intentional and non intentional hybrids being passed of as the real thing.
Bad information is like a virus is spreads much faster then truth.



anyway, no, after thinking about your eplonation, it sounds possible.

I just tought over how your theory, that they had a pure malawi and one outcross to pck. Wich resulted in a very similar looking plant like African Buzz - Seedsman. wich acording your explonation was also outcrossed.
Thats good, nice.

And later this was crossed back to pure malawi.

This would explain the exact halfing of the Inclusions in the normal Malawi Relase-

Nice, now you have an explonation for the Phylos reading.
(i mean i added the exact explonation my way).

Well, now i have more grounds to believe you the malawi could be outcrossed…
OR not, i principially never easily believe…

However, i dont find myselve unlikable… Dont know what you mean with attitude. I see myselve as softspoken …
I was bit defensive the three previos posts. But yeah… dont think its thaaat bad, overall i see myselve not as unlikable. Never claiming, unless i forgt… Very peacefull.

Its nothing personal I just have a huge problem and lack of respect for phylos and there business model and will always speak against what they did.
The theorizing and disagreement about strains and there origins has always existed and never comes to much of any conclusion.
There are things we know first hand, things we know second hand and decide whether or not to trust based on first hand experiences and then there is the rest with us often assumed or perceived and must be scrutinized carefully.

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About Africans
but heritagefarms: acording dj short, he had African Black, he seemed to indicate he thinks its african, what he smoked… Atleast he said: “oh i actually saw Congolese tribes , how they grew their weed in a Documentary that was ment to educate people how bad pot is”.

atleast i think he indicated it…
And he saisd it flowered 11 weeks.

I cant hundert percent claim that he ment the 11 weeker is african… you would have to ask him.
Have you seen congolese hoghland weather?? i dont know when rainseason is, but its cloudy as f__K. It rains like Thunderstorm rain like… For quiet a while…
Temperatures, i looked it up, are like temperate Climates simmertime… Thats still quiet warm. But it definitly is not thaaat what we understand of tropicall idyll. its soaking wet thunderstorm with clouds…
atleast ive seen thaat… dunno if that was unrepresentive.

About Phylos
i have to tell you this: ive looked at a few examples in multiple sessions, … per example all the skunks 1 samples are very similar to eachother…
Then there was a Sample that said Skunk 1 too… It showed strong difference…
The cool thing: i read the exact description, this sample had a description: it said “i dont know if it really is skunk, it was a bagseed, and could been anything that i had standing in my tents, from a Mexican Landrace to Skunk”.

The funny thing was, that the sample showed “pure LAndrace”…

So, you see, this guy probably wanted to test Phylos …wether they are lying or not…
he tried to hide what it is from phylos, and KNEW it… testing if phylos falls for the Skunk Title, and just draws in a Thought out Reading… A wrong reading.

Well, i dont know it, but atleast they didnt fall for the title and draw in a Skunk reading…

Phylos states themselve they ordered another Company to make the testing… So i personally, from what ive seen, i think Phylos Analysis could be simply truthful. why not.
(not talking about the possible bad intents of Phylos, just the anaysis)

Hey @thepollock nice looking colas on the double panama!

I have a pack of those as well, they are in the running for what I run next year along with some other snowhigh gear I have.

I have a couple questions if you don’t mind…

Would you have a smoke report you can direct me to?

We’re these the seed plants that stretched 6x or were they from clones?

Pot size?
Approximate flower time you experienced?

Thank you and nice to have you; I’m digging your selections!


I can get a smoke report here in a couple weeks. The plant stretched was 6x. I had to top it 3 times in flower and removed several branches. It started odd about 18 to 20 inches. Flower time is 18 to 26 weeks. I had to take mine down at 15 weeks because I had some issues I caused myself. But feel free to ask any questions feel free.


@Wuachuma @Heritagefarms I found this interesting genomics/multinomics database project that looks like what Phylos could be, but is probably much more genetic sequencing than they do. Too bad it seems like it might be a stalled project, the security certificate on their site is expired for 85 days now, but it’s a nice collection and visualization of a bunch of open datasets:

I think it integrated the data from this earlier project but here’s another one:

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Vibes Co tested Phylos and exposed it back on ICmag.

They showed the accurate relations from the first gen of galaxy.
Then they showed the false relations made in the galaxy update after making galaxy coordinate with Sam and Chimera.

Some plants were submitted with real names, some woth a fake name, and all submitted multiple times with real and fake names. This is how they exposed the BS that is Phylos.


African Black wasnt a strain. It was a curing process. Ive talked to NAVY and peace corps guys who got it throughout Africa back in the 70s and 80s before the Dutch got involved