Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I like how there are different iterations of GT using different parental selections and at least two different Thai lines.
So far my favorite is the original that uses the Hmong Thai.

I like that cool Thai with the hulk arms athe the internodes in the 2nd pic.
Last pic looks Killer Malawi dom, so she may be nice and colorful



Ye big difference…they were both nipped at the fourth node as well, ye I’m liking the lanky narrow leave one…



About the Pigmy Tribe who assumably grew Congo Black Strain:

On following Picture you see:

  • a Map of Congo (Blue)
  • The Weatherstation close to where somebody said the Pigmys lived who grew Congo Black Strain (Red)
  • The Forest that somebody says the pigmys Lived in (Green)
  • And elevation just to gain some perspective.

Just an approximate map where Pygmies lived, to doublecheck:


So the Pygmies who grew Congo Black lived somewhere left to Lake Victoria (The great Lake you see in the Map)…
So, the weatherstation (Red) is a close approximation to this,
So, lets have a look to the weatherstation:

kongo klima

Its in Foreign language, but yeah,
Blue line - Rainfall
Yellow Line - Sunhours a Day
Red and Grey - Temperatures Celsius

so you see, the rainfall is getting stonger from Okt, Nov till next April!

You ALSO see that the Sunshine is quiet low… Its lower at the Time of Year that the Pygmies grow weed (im shure they grow it in Dry season,. ,) its lower than herein mid europe

Would you as a inhabitant of this place eventually select a strain that finishes before rainseason, so the resin doesent get washed away? A place where the plants recieve lower sunshine Hours than even we in mid europe?
My anwser is : probably… wouldnt be a bad idea.

That might be the reason why the strain is said to finish end of october.

Its no claim!


(i wanna add. i read these Clima Charts quiet alot, so i know the sunhours are low there, and the rain is pretty high where the black congolese strain grew)
If you dont believe, then compare it to your location: google enty climate chart

Thanks, much appreciated. Sounds like no joke long flower sativa that’s for sure.

I may wait a bit until I have more space and stick to a Mexican strain this time around but if I run it I’ll veg the seeds, then flower clones it seemed to work well for me on a Mexican sativa I recently tamed. Not sure I could tame the panama beast with my current space…


Yep this one is the same. Pop seed and find sex the take clone get it rooted and flip it.


really ?
Not sure about that one…


@romanoweed I think that your efforts would be better put to historical research rather than speculation, I don’t know very much about the Congo or Congo Black or any of that but I’m mildly conversant in African history and this is what I came up with in fifteen minutes:

The area is probably correct, but why speculate when we can hit the archives? Also, you’re doing a common thing of conflating everyone in that area with being Bambuti Pygmies, when there are only four Pygmy tribes, and traditionally each one lives in a symbiotic relationship with a with a village-based agricultural peoples. The one you probably want is the agricultural groups (the ones who would be farming and curing the heirlooms made from the jungle weed/landrace), probably Lese-Dese:

“Mbula’s brother, Djumbu, succeeded him, but he was ousted by the Belgian administrators within one or two years in favor of a new leader, the chief Arambi. Reports in 1932 and 1933 state that a military excursion had been carried out by the Belgian administration in order to halt “illegal practices.” Djumbu, Mbula’s fellow clansman and successor, appears to have been involved with large-scale cultivation of marijuana (an illegal activity), which, according to the official reports, he exported from the chiefdom.”

From Page 45, Chapter 2: The History and Isolation of the Lese, Houses in the Rainforest: Ethnicity and Inequality Among Farmers and Foragers in Central Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1994 1994;;doc.view=print

I also came across this 2019 book which is probably the most authoritative contemporary source I’ve seen:

Also the curing theory is a common one among experienced cultivators, it seems like:

Cannabis likely was in the Congo by the 1800s or earlier according to Stanley and other contemporary travelers, he was excited at the potential for colonial exploitation of the cannabis crops along with other agricultural output like tobacco and coffee. It wasn’t Pygmies in the forest with magic jungle weed it was African farmers just as dedicated and organized as the Afghanis or Pakistanis we are used to.


Where is that photo from originally? I have seen it used in every ABM/Ituri Noire thread but never a source.

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I’ll have to check. I have it listed as black-african-magic…

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somebody said the black plant in the pic was delivered from the “shady” guy i menationed who sells his various african black, or whatever he calles his strains.

However, it has to be said, that nobody who grew his African Black, relased by Arizonaseedconnect found a black pheno…
So i think the plant in the pic is, yeah, from this guy, but another african line probably…

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Sounds like nice info in it.

So, it sounds like you think "Congo Black " was a foreign genetic mixed with congolese ?

So it sounds like you read in these papers that only the cultivating pygmies, outside the forest would have had strong weed… ? is that what you ment ?

interesting, im happy to learn if somebody can find things that are nicely factual. !

Sad that there seem to be links i cant fully open… (when it says coaccess… man im to tired, but probably you can concretly explain what you think you read in the book regarding black african)

@romanoweed No, I’m saying there’s no evidence of cannabis originating in Africa, it arrived and was cultivated or invasive and was rediscovered as “landrace”, that there is no “Congolese” before foreign genetics arrived, in the same way that Transkei is likely a acclimated or adapted Hindu Kush that arrived with Indian laborers in the 1880s.


yeah, but you say its like transkei, its acclimatized.
that means to me, ex hindukush brought to tanskei its to a degree “transkei landrace”. so i dont see the point you trying to make, if you say yourselve it IS acclimatized

depending on the duration that its acclimatized it IS the new landrace… the longer, the more, the shorter the less

African history is much deeper and more advanced than most realize, including contact with Europe and Asia. The Portuguese reached the Congo and spread Catholicism starting in 1482, the king of the Kingdom of Kongo was baptized eight years later, and trade (the real reason for colonization besides religious hegemony) began. Now the Portuguese, one can imagine they would have had some access to hemp seeds and cannabis flower from around the world given their trade empire. It’s often been speculated in this thread that Portuguese sailors are responsible for a significant amount of early genetic spreading of cannabis or hemp seed on purpose or by accident, and I’d posit that’s exactly how cannabis made its way to the Congo.

It could also have easily arrived earlier through trade with the Empires of Songhai, Mali, or the Ethiopian Empire, all of which traded with the Arabic Middle East (thus accessing Silk Road genetics) and also with the Congo and Angola. Mansa Musa made hajj from Mali to Mecca in 1325 and then returned, to give you an idea of the length of the connection between the Arabic world and both Saharan and Sub-Saharan African peoples.

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what i found interesting tho is that one article indicated tht the forest pigmys dont appear to cultivate much, atleast it sounds like it. yeah just watched a doku… they hunted, not seen much more that they doo… had a bit of plantmedicine…

atleast these, i dont know how foresty those live, they have cannabis growing, watch:

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but you seen the swiss cows in the vid? she says they were introduced by germans. so i guess upstate might be also close with his hemp-introduction theory! i mean they seemed closeby the cows

@romanoweed My man please stay focused for once in your life on the discussion. Why the fuck would I want to watch a video by a crypto-promoting rich girl from Dubai who makes travel content videos? We’re trying to have a discussion here about real facts and history and you are so easily distracted by the next jumping theory you can’t hold a discussion with us. Please do a little bit of research somewhere other than your dream imagination space in your head and whatever pops up first in a YouTube search, this is honestly insulting to think it’s something we should talk about. Besides the person making it, why would I be interested in what’s there now unless it’s someone who deeply understands cannabis there looking at it and talking to growers?