Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

The KD KTP looks good.
Big amount of seeds to test. It is a lucky you are free to plant them there.

Good work!!!



Really exciting developments!


The KD KTP you great, you’re going to have some sizable buds when done. Will the branches be strong enough to keep from flopping or will you need to support them later on?

Nice job! Genetics sound fascinating too. Will do some research on this.

I remember the Thai sticks of the early 70’s. They were devastating.

I highly recommend a slow release food like Osmocote. Be glad to send you a kilo or so of the 15-9-12, 8-9 month, if the shipping logistics allows it. It would be a perfect no maintenance solution. It’s an excellent complete food.

BTW, have any issues with hermies? Thai is notable for that trait but a lot of blame can be shared with the grower who stresses the plants. Here’s a statement from Mandala seeds, who through Ace Seeds releases has such Thai hybrids as Golden Tiger and this pure Thai from Chiang Mai.

Despite the (not always deserved) bad reputation of the Thai cannabis family in terms of hermaphroditic traits, this well-developed Thai variety from Ace Seeds is stable and hermaphrodite flowers are very rare.

Genetic analysis carried out on this Thai variety from Chiang Mai show a relatively common genotype (given the prevalence of this type of high quality Thai genetics in the development of some of the best modern hybrids), with extremely low genetic variability and direct kinship with other traditional Sativa’s in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

Interesting read, check out the DESCRIPTION. Golden Tiger – Mandala Seeds Shop

Good luck,
Uncle Ben


A comment on your plants doing better in the ground. Of course. Way too may folks concentrate on the trivial, the buds. It’s really all about the roots. Which brings me to a point on seedlings, the tap root is already 10 cms. long by the time the babe pops the soil’s surface. Reason why I use 20 oz. Styro-Cups to germ which are 16.5 cms. tall. No paper towel method either for me.


G’morning everybody!
Likely the latter! I’ve got a bunch of 2 m. tall tomato cages that we started placing yesterday on some of the Franken Bubble in-grounders that look like they will need it soon. The KD K.T.'s had a rough start with the monsoon and probably are not representative of how they’ll grow in long season. I’m just into seeing what thing’s will do a.s.a.p., it gives me some clues of what to look forward to!

The election is now slated for mid-May and I have said all along that we won’t get any legislation passed until that happens. No idea what that will entail, but there WILL be changes. So it’s been and will continue to be - ‘pedal to the metal’ for now! Can’t let an opportunity like this slip by!



555! Thanks @OldUncleBen ! I use Osmacote in/on my regular nursery stock, but try hard to stay Organic w/the girls. (That said, I do occassionally find a little yellow pellet in the mix now and then…sometimes the old stuff is getting amended a couple old pot’s of nursery soil get added in to plump up the mix!) I’m not ‘religious’ about the organics, but go out of my way to make the best LS mix I can and try to look out for my worms as they seem to be one of my ‘best/most effective’ components!

I buy it (Osmacote) by the rice-sack full…pretty expensive over here and with our high temps, there’s a lot of variability in effectiveness due to how long it’s been stored in whoever’s warehouse and the conditions there. (All bags are printed w/a warning about this, but it’s more important for those of us far away from the source and in the tropics to be concerned about it! Weeks in the hold of a cargo ship at sea probably don’t help much either!

No problems w/ intersex issues (yet!). But with these very late-season plantings I’ll be trying to keep a close eye on them. Talk about stress-testing :joy: .

I’m also gonna try to come back with a lot more ‘new’ info I’ve come across on some of the Thai landraces in the near future. Think Thai-lovers are gonna find it interesting. I also hope to present to you all a number of recently uncovered sources for Thai genetics that are ‘live’ or ‘current’ material…not somebody’s Thai strain collected 50 years ago and (excuse me all indoor growers, no offense meant!) not those bred for the last 50 years in ‘artificial’ conditions on the other side of the World or crossed (knowingly or not) with something else to make hybrids. (Just ‘my’ interest).

(For anyone interested, I came across a couple interesting articles on this subject the other day, have a look;

From Landraces to the present day. The Importance of starting from seeds grown outdoors )

Need MORE coffee! Just woke up!


16 cm. here! Agree! Due to numbers and space constraints, I pop 'em in 1" plug trays and transplant them to the cups within a day or two of breaking ground. And I’m blown away at my recent testing of sitting those cups in a mix of perlite/vermiculite in the Ebb & Flow table to stabilize the moisture levels. I seem to be getting a week’s worth of growth in about 3-4 days now…



VB day F90

Chocolate/coffee on the hands, getting frosty.

Edit: just had a small tester and woohoo that’s some rocket juice! Comes on in about 3 minutes, let me say “energetic” but no paranoia. Nice good overall feeling with joint pain relief, for me a good sign of thcv. Definitely not done yet.


You figure another month?


LOL maybe… it’s ripening from the center out, no new flowers coming I’m thinking 10-15 days at least. It could very well keep going 4 more weeks.


Looks great, who’s VB are you running?


Thank you :blush: This is from @slain


Hey man, if there’s still room to pick those up, i’d love to try these out!


There’s room @DonGnosis . Send me a PM with your details. :grin::v:


Will do man!

Seedsman with their Mama Thai pre2010 also said in their description 11-14 weeks flowering.A guy I knew grew it partly indoors and outdoors, but he harvested it at 18 weeks, but could even a bit longer.The smoke was wonderful, but the high was strong, no ceiling.


@grendal that is beautiful looking I can’t believe at the nuggs up and down the entire plant nice! @mexcurandero420 that is a fire looking pic
Afghan original #1 heirloom day 58f

this one is manifold but I think I locked it out 🤷 hopefully enough leaves to finish her out


Nice…I’m glad you pick that up also brother, means I’m not just imagining stuff :grin:
it’s looking beautiful man, I hope you enjoy the smoke as much as I have🙏

Another 2-4 weeks though? Holy crap, it’s amazing that I even managed to find that amount of patience :rofl:


No doubt that sunlight you get there drives them faster. And the soil and… :laughing: