Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

73 Durban

1970 Oaxaca

71 Panama Red
This is a retro summer i guess.:grin:.
68 Lambsbread rounds out the line up


Iā€™ve never grew one out but have always wanted to I think they are super cool looking and seem very efficient indoor :slight_smile:


Creepers branches can hold lots of weight without breaking. They just use the ground for support. Neat looking for sure.


Are you making seed with any of these ? @Upstate , or do you already have seed stock ? And the panama have you grown it before? And if so whatā€™s the high like?

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I would imagine they would also root where they touch the ground , I think anyways :slight_smile: PS and if they root one would be lead to believe that it would Produce! Big ole buds and lots of weight because each "knuckle would have roots more roots= more buds

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I think some can root frequently on ground contact. Cambodian can, if I recall correctly.


.Iā€™m almost always making at least few seeds. The Panama is Part of a group purchase and Iā€™m making some beans for everyone that went in. Its my Third Panama grow searching for the speedy Panama. This one might be it. I donā€™t know much about it. From Hippie Cannabis Genetics.
The Mean Green Southeast Asian is part of a breeding project in search of trip weedšŸ˜.


Pretty sure thatā€™s exactly right.

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Yes! I too have a ā€œspirit weedā€ project or should I say ā€œquestā€ Iā€™m on or shall we say ā€œshamanic smokeā€ :slight_smile: thatā€™s super cool I figured you probably already made one :slight_smile: @Upstate Iā€™m going to get that apondo mystic and see whats in there , but good luck and you will find it, I can feel it :slight_smile:


Dude, @drgreensleeves I highly recommend reaching out to @MAHAKALA he has at least one strain he describes as ā€œshamanicā€ type smoke


Yes heā€™s got some really nice haze crosses that I seen on the haze thread , I mean nice and thatā€™s cool as sh!t but I want to make my own haze and let him try it and tell me what he thinks about it :slight_smile: if he doesnā€™t mind? Lol @HeadyBearAdventures but I would love to smoke that acid beauty heā€™s got sounds amazing


I want to try the granfunk so bad! And Incense Sticks used Bandaid #7 so Iā€™m curious about that too


And heā€™s good people, he let me pick his brain Abit and was patient and yeah heā€™s pretty good people I can tell by how well he puts up with people argueing with him and all itā€™s kinda funny sometimes heā€™s so patient lol :slight_smile: smh lol PS yes Grandfunk!


Life is like thisā€¦
Btw i got also the ā€œmean greenā€ cross and i really exciting about it! Happy that you are already growing it


Sure tolerance must be factored in. I stopped smoking at the age of 18 and didnā€™t start up again until a few years ago and Iā€™m in my upper 50s. I smoked a lot back then, and was able to get high whenever I smoked. Now, I smoke only in the evenings. Still, after a couple of weeks I have to take a tolerance break. We didnā€™t need tolerance breaks back then.

Also after a tolerance break of a month, modern buds are extremely strong and extremely same as everything else. A boring, monotonic high if you compare it to what was available in the late 70s in Northern California.

Iā€™m still pretty confident the plant has changed, but it could be that the cannabinoid system becomes less sensitive or deteriorates with aging.


Breeding for extreme THC levels has resulted in the monotone high, as well as the fast tolerance build.
Until weight, appearance, and THC take a backseat to entourage cannabinoids, and broad terpene profiles, ā€œmedicalā€ marijuana wonā€™t be.


I couldnā€™t agree more.

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Well see we can get all sciencey about it if you want to but basically thatā€™s when everything/mostly was alot closer to landrace and most stuff was grown organicly and that creates an environment for 160+ different cannabinoids and later in years the over use of only npk and bottle necking genetics is what happened to most of the ā€œmagicā€ but itā€™s not gone only tucked away for safe keeping but this is the place where we are working to fix all that so Iā€™m glad youā€™re here asking the right questions and it would be real nice if you stayed awhile and helped :slight_smile: we are glad youā€™re here, welcome home :slight_smile:


I plan to stay awhile. Iā€™m on several cannabis sites but thereā€™s stuff going on here that I donā€™t see on the other sites (and vice-versa). Like this thread and some of the other landrace threads. And Iā€™ve developed a huge interest in landraces after growing everything under the sun and not finding what Iā€™m looking for.


What exactly are you looking for if you donā€™t mind me asking? @rasterman