Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I’d love more beans Upstate…that said, I’m becoming a bean addict…lol…

Hold off and let me create some more beans so that I can at least reciprocate your generosity with something interesting :slight_smile:



No worries. This one is rare and needs preservation. See how things go first, but the goal is to pass a few seeds around to keep it alive.

Aren’t we all?!lol. The more the merrier I say! There’s too few of us holding some of these genetics.


Following are Vietblack x Hoabac (thinner), or straight Hoabac (fater)


Albino Vietb. x Hoabac:


Lowgen Vietblack (massive Leaf):

following are Vietblack x other supposed Viet:

I smelled on them , and simply by that i feel its Effects. A more consistent Feeling, very deep Feel of warmth. I like them more than straight Vietblack. I ever wanted to lower that Chinespercentage in Vietblack… All outcrosses are cause i had to. All Plants i own will be Seeded.

Just ask any Question, PM, or whaterer you feel free.


Looking good! Have any shown preflowers yet? They all sound great! I wish for you that they would finish where you are. It must be torture! This year I’m also growing tropical plants up north. In and out everyday since june 4. It’s a labor of love. Any chance of you doing such a thing? It will be worth the effort. How is yr trip weed search going? Any luck finding Dalat? What is this Lowgen Vietblack? Pretty leaves.


You will probably see it by given Time what i scored, but i cant promise anything till it happend.
If you are to late for Seeds to finish, then they didnt finish. Here at 45 Degree north i just about finished Vietblacks, the Plants were all fully brown while Seeds still abit developed.

From 1st November they were brown, but the Seeds became bigger till 1st December, when i harvested the longest Pheno. This Vietblack commonly shared under Collectors , they are actually not pure, have Chinese in it. Otherwise they wouldnt finished , and i say it as a naturalborn Realist.

So, see my Vietblacks as a sort of Automatic-cross. Hoabac says its pure, but it s said to be from Dalat, a montain wich is 1500 meters high, so: its pretty alpine. Therefore a shirt viet . Then the "supposed viet " includes centurylong downselection, also includes some small possible Indica incluion.

Trust your feel, make up your own mind, google it, if it finishes. Acording my Impression Vietnamese Strains can even be bit shortflowering `ish.

It is the golden Strain for trippy Weedlovers in northern Regions, good luck finding some.

IF i want to finish a pure tropical-Type Viet, i found that here i need to find a programmable Motor. Wich builds the Base for a Automaitc lightdep. To construct a Door wich by gravitation closes Boundless, is the 2nd Part i already mastered. For free basically. Needs aluminum, glue, a dirtcheap Plastic. Glue the alu on the Plastic. Use elastic Foam to cover the edges of the closable Roof. I layed inside, couldnt see my own Hand. Programmable motorcontroller wich should close/open each day:


Yeah, my research into the Vietnam black said the same. A south Vietnam line from outside Saigon and another from northern Vietnam closer to the border with China.


A illustration how i set up cords to close/open Doors automatically. I tell you it worked to make it Lightproof by the first try. I still see dangers of malfunctioning , but a clever Person will figue it out. You can ever testdrive it empty , right…? Its worth an Investment.

The Alternative Greenhouse, heated or not is rather unrealsitic, here we have so much overcast Days, i know for certain how my Sativas stagnate without sun. They basically stand still, so: im unshure about the Grenhouse-heat idea…


@upstate i found some golden gentics, so, its 100 Percent allright to ask whatever you want to ask me, but im not in Promising-Mode, but thats rather cause i could be busted still.

A great proof for Light deprivation working reasonably at North is Kiona Farms! All their Strains are outdoor Lightdep, including some Nigerian i recall? Grown in Washington.


Are Kiona Farms seeds available to purchase? Thanks, be safe/well.

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Hey thanks for that link and picture. !I’ve been looking for such a thing. Not seriously yet, but looking… the automatic cover would be the ticket to easily induce flowering early, while there are sunny days and warmer nights. My area gets those same cloudy days when fall starts. You just have to pick your best harvest month and start flowering based on that. I hated to induce flowering before the solstice, but you have to do what you have to do. I haven’t seen any bad effects from doing so.
So the viet black you have has had some China Yunnan crossed to it? You mean its a man made recent cross or it’s from a region where 2 gene pools overlap?( sorry, I just read what @DiggySoze wrote. I have my answer) I remember reading about you growing vietnamese up north. I’m at 42 north and it would die before November here without some cover. What are your thoughts and what have you been hearing about thelandraceteam Vietnamese? I figure you probably know better than just about anybody.


like described, i grew Vietblacks outdoors , no Greenhouse, Seeds just about finished, not that the Seeds are nicely built… They are just about viable, low gerination Rate.
Only Seeds finished, but again: Plantmatter all browned, rotted, no smokable Product possible, all Plantmatter became brown borridge. But some Seeds made it. Survival at its best.

I guess if you have a pure Thai and such, they will not only flower longer, NO, they will go into flower close to 12/12, wich would be close to 23 September ? ! ? i dont know. Count 4 Months flowering from there, and you see this means Doubletrouble compared to my Vieblack wich begun 15. August, but i no Expert yet


I have several 4month + strains and my plan is to veg threw winter and flower Indoors for two months , timing it so I can put them out in the spring for there last two months and have them finish before the light increases to much. I normally do light deps with shorter flowering strains in the spring but you could manage a longer dep If you can keep the heat and humidity in control.


That’s a great option, to finish them so early. What 16+ weekers do you have?


off the top of my head, a few that come to mind
Eastern manipurna Burma
North Indian Redstem
Panama Red
Punto roja
PNG ( pending successful project)


Great list! Which Malawi? I picked up some from the landrace team, and the seeds are reddish brown like my Marijuana Botany book describes. Seems legit. Cant wait for them! That’s their viet you’ll be running?


Yes the Vietnamese comes from the Landrace team,the malawi is from a member here who lives over there. I also have some Malawi seeds from either cannabiogen ,ace or world of seeds i don’t remember which one. Another Interesting one i have is a Malawi cross from the late 70s that has been kept in Santa Cruz sense then, it’s labels Malawi x 76 African and came from equilibrium genetics when there packages were hand drawn, also have there cross of Malawi to choc hash berry.


I’ll be looking forward to seeing all those grows, or at least some pictures hopefully. Those old crosses sound especially Special( is that redundant?). I don’t recall cannabiogen or world of seeds having a Malawi, but then again I haven’t been looking for that many years. Probably Ace seeds Malawi. Their Malawi killer is supposed to be incredibly potent. Landrace Viet. Doing a thread?


Rsc has malawi gold from afropips right now