Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Ich muß in Defilade bleiben.

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Getting too tall over a fence or something?

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Yeah was pushing up the shade cloth. Can’t be visible from the street. It’s a huge plant but mostly space. LOL

I’m committed now to having some bud from it but I doubt it will be a lot given the footprint of the plant.


It always hurts and I make myself feel better by calling them acceptable losses. Cannon fodder, whatever.


I always yearn to see the whole plant. Part of the joy of it for me. Kinda like visiting the place in a vague way.


I have rarely seen a plant express itself in natural form, except outdoors way back when. For my cabs I always have to train them to fit right so I have to guess when I say nice structure and the like.


IDK man. He was really attentive until I ordered and then went stone cold. Zero responses back. I noticed he hasn’t had a post in his IG account since March. I hope I didn’t get burned. He was supposed to send a tracking # over a month ago. At this point I’d be very surprised if I get them. So I’d say be careful ordering from indianlandrace97…


Those look awesome!

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Man those leaves look cool! I’ve never grown something like that. How does it smell? Have you flowered the strain out before?

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I haven’t gotten seeds personally but a many member has and yes it takes a while but it’s not his fault from what I understand it’s got to do with logistics but everyone so far has gotten seeds it just takes a while and worth it from what I understand @Ottafish


I only ever see him post on ig unless he has a new/different line to add. I have bought from him and yes it takes a while but I got my order eventually.


I can relate to your experience. It does not bode well but ultimately he does follow through with the majority of order or provide some sort of update eventually. Give it another 2-4 weeks before you message him again on IG - the Indian post itself can take 1+month and there may be unknown/logistical issues that are holding him up.


Thank you :blush:

First time I’ve grown this. Not much smell yet.


Ok thanks you all! That’s reassuring. It was just weird he was very attentive until the order was placed then nothing. It’s strange. But sounds like that’s how he does business. Hurry up seeds!


Hi All -

This is my first post on OG. I’ve been following the community for a while and decided that I’ll start contributing. :slightly_smiling_face:

I am not sure if this is the right place to post this if not then I apologize in advance.

I’m growing some Highland Nepalese outdoor.
I’ve noticed that this strain seems to be hard to come by.
I have four plants. Don’t know the sex yet.
I’m kind of hoping for both a male and female so that l can preserve it in seed form.
Concerned about blooming a male outside b/c I’m not sure if anyone else is growing around me. :grimacing:

Has anyone here grown Highland Nepalese?
If so, could you share your thoughts about it?



Howdy @workingonmyzen welcome to Overgrow. I can’t speak for everyone regarding the potential stray pollen outdoors but I think most should assume that outside there is potential for stray pollen, though your concern is kindhearted. If the climate is that you feel comfortable sharing your gardening details with your neighbors perhaps add it to the conversation somehow, or to gauge their reaction. If you’re not able to share more default to the aforementioned, people should assume rogue pollen is possible outdoors. Interested in what others perspective and thoughts are, that’s a really cool thoughtful question. Much love


Your concern is admirable.

How many seeds do you want?

Off the top of my head the best move would be to clone them all, bloom a male indoor, collect pollen and then apply manually.

I know people who’s grows have been seeded by someone else’s lack of courtesy/understanding.

I’m growing a Nepalese hybrid right now but not sure that’ll help you out information wise.

Best of luck.


This is pretty considerate. On the days you’re collecting and applying the pollen or giving them a shake you could even possibly put up something downwind to help knock any stray pollen down. A big water sprinkler or something downwind? Just curious where y’all got the viable Nepalese Highland? The ones my buddy had he wasn’t able to get any from his pack to germinate via Seed Boutique, though I believe it may have said it was old seed stock. Not blaming Seed Boutique or anything just wondering if or where there is possibly some quality and viable stock available at any of the reputable seed banks. Much love


My Nepal Highland seeds came from Tropical Seeds Co. I bought them a while back.


@workingonmyzen I’m growing Malana Village outdoors right now, from farther northwest on the Himalaya plateau in Himachal Pradesh, it’s been extremely resilient, thin stemmed and leaves, generally a very willowy plant so far and she wants to get TALL