Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Can’t add to what has been suggested, but welcome to OG.

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I think trsc/Kwik has it for sale at least they did and welcome to OG it’s like coming home :slight_smile:


Im going to germinate or attempt at germinating either Kandahar from baaba or Moroccan hashplant from RSC can’t decide which atm what ever I start now will go outside around august and the other will be started for the winter indoor so I guess which seems better for each situation.
Anybody have any experience with either from those specific sources ?

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Well the Moroccan you might want to run indoor because if not it will go strat into flower unless that’s what you want:) ps oh well maybe not it maybe different than the beldia my bad :slight_smile: me personally I want to know just what terp profile you got hiding in those Kandahar! :slight_smile: But that’s just me @heritagefarms

@drgreensleeves It is the Beldia line actualy and I’ll start them inside and move them out around aug or even mid aug so they finish before the frost. I forgot they are semi auto flower. The Kandahar is from a dark plant with melon profiles from baabaqoseletions , I think the Kandahar will be for winter so they can veg longer and maybe tora bora or somtething else instead of the Moroccan atm.


Would you be willing to send me some pollen? But if you don’t have the space I understand

Well if you don’t get to it by spring this is one I have been looking for and am willing to op it if you want to? Just let me know

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See I too am working with Kandahar but I’m looking for specific things and I ran across this on IG

And I was talking to Maha and he has also found this to be true so I’m trying to increase my chances like adding extra dice to every roll :slight_smile: ya know? @Heritagefarms PS he was saying how that my odds actually get smaller if you collect seed from a plant and expect to get a plant that looks or smells just like it I would be e better off getting seed from the one next to it something to do with how the genetics work the outliers

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I don’t send or receive threw the mail , the Kandahar I have is associated with melon terps but the same seed vendor has some different Afghan lines with more rotten meat and oil type smells from what I remember.

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@Heritagefarms , I prefer to make my own selections thanks :slight_smile: it’s also the journey, not just the destination:) thanks


I am really interested to know the terpene correlation between the rotten egg/meat and sulfur. There are probably roving terp gangs of little known entourages creating useful medicine through “terp wars”. Perhaps the rocky soil/sand of that Afghan/Pakistan region contributes to that profile. There be gold in them hills. :sunrise_over_mountains:


Don’t they also bring in river sludge? I think they do but I don’t know about that specific village

I’m growing some Moroccan Beldia’s from ACE and you should start with more than 5 I would say. They’re wild.


Oaxacan 1

Oaxacan 2
Oaxacan 3

Ancestral skunk x Turkish hash plant

Peshawar Afghani 1
Peshawar Afghani 2

2 Swaziland x ApG 3 days above ground. The others are 43 days above ground and in 12/12 for 16 days I believe 1 PA is female can see little hairs with loupe. All the others no sign of sex. I think the talk lanky ox is male. Weird that leaf sets on stem at node haven’t really started growing yet is this normal with sativas?

Tops are in the same order. New phone won’t load groups of pics only one at a time.


Real seed co or “kwikseeds” is a great supplier.


Looking great! Going to have to change your OG name😁. Not looking noobie at all.


1970 Viet Black. Decided to grow a bigger plant or I smoke it too quickly @YoBigdaddy

Same plant next to creeper Meangreen for comparison


Lolab Valley volunteer
Tirah/ Peshawar volunteer. Huge Tirah leaves with Peshawar leaf serrations.
A couple Cryptic Labs Oaxaca, Silversides edition.


Yep I have everything I have spoke of so far and several other varieties from them :+1:


They utilize underground irrigation. Sediment and rock dust saturates the water. Perhaps azomite and basalt, greendsand will help coax out the stank. It will be impossible to replicate the exact conditions of Afghanistan/Pakistan, but perhaps the plants will absorb similar nutrients and create the ballpark range of terpenes. Naturally, the plants are also responding to the beetle pollinators in the terrior.


They’re both looking nice, I think you’ll be glad you did. Have you tried that mean green yet?