Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Put aloe vera on the roots, then put them in water.


I used to just stick them back in dirt, but your humidity is lower, so you’d need a humidity dome. Cut the base at a 45, like a clone, and remove some lower shoots. Clone them in case it doesn’t work. Will it fit in a bucket? Cover the top with plastic?

Aloe water couldn’t hurt. Whole branches root quickly. My dad’s neighbor used to grow huge plants, and would lose big branches all the time. He’d throw them in a bucket and they hardly stopped growing, so I did it, too, using momma for shade from direct sun.


Bummer bout that rot. I am in that neck of the woods now. Just came down from VT to upstate and I must say I didn’t see that storm coming! Crazy summer deluges, I felt for all the growers and farmers. Hope you get a drier late summer and fall man. Seems like you do some awesome work.

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I would also remove the fan leaves if you haven’t already. That will decrease the transpiration load.


Two Beldia’s - one pot


Are those ACE?

Bama Seeds - got them a few years ago

Ace’s Beldia don’t look similar to me…


The Nepalese, Red Congo (ACE’s Congo), Bangi Haze…they all have NL in there, sometimes even more. Like Red Congo is Congo#3, Acapulco, Afghan, NL. Great line, and is the basis for a lot of ‘pure’ Congo that seedbanks use.
CBG was always open about their breeding and listed and documented everything on the old Spanish and French canna forums, whereas other seedbanks claim everything is pure. CBG offered pure Uzbeck, but also a Bubba and NL outcross then Bx’ed and taken to f13 or so but I forget the name. Usually if it had a name it was a hybrid and if the heirloom/landrace was outcrossed it was disclosed in the description.


Bama seeds - they had some interesting sativas

Kif Ketama

Zamal x Ketama


I am growing ACE Beldia


Cool !!!

What do yours look like ?

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I started them 6/10 and 1 died by getting karate chopped in half by the wind. 4-6 hours of sun a day for first couple weeks… otherwise they would turn completely sideways. The lil one was almost completely devoured by a caterpillar before I transplanted it somewhere else. It is now recovering nicely. These pictures were 4-5 days ago before the heatwave.

Now check out what happens when you let them go too long without water to varying degrees. Some are more tolerant than others. There are some white spots on one :frowning: A couple looking hella clean though. Straight organic with soil with just GH PH Down as anything else but all natural inputs.


Hey everyone, just ordered a seed pack of the Balochistan Black Tiger broad leaf variety. Has anyone done a run of these yet?


No, but I’ve definitely drooled over it, looking forward to seeing them grown out! :wink:


Where did you pick it up?

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Tirah valley/ Peshawar leaves. They are massive at 18 inches long. 13 fingers too😁
One photo is my leg up against a leaf.


I got them from Red Scare Seed Company. I was getting a couple other seed packs and he threw me a good deal on the Balochistan from the Indian Landrace Exchange.


That has to be the largest 13 finger pot leaf I’ve ever seen. wow


Where can one buy some seeds from this area? I have been looking for that size and type of leaf structure from India.

This is the closest I have found so far


Good grief that’s big. :eyes: