Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Rhetorical question I assume haha but the answer is an absolute yes!

Mine have done great so you should have no problem. I have one growing this season that I kept in a 1gal container for almost 2 months to help manage its strong desire to grow huge and only a few weeks ago transferred it to 3.5 gal


In az you could probably start now and flip then finish outside from October - done. I might have to try that this year in Nevada. Since can get 2 harvests from other plants why not bud? I hope ,:rofl:


Let me know how it goes! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes! Dare!


Oaxacan male getting the axe in the morning!


Beldia Kif this morning from ACE. Pollination with Ethiopian Highlands (ACE) over the course of the past few days looking successful, seeing a lot of seeds form. Goal of getting a few hundred seeds from this hybridization getting closer to reality!


I just had to drench my beldias in neem because of a spider mite infestation. One of them seems to not even be touched though so that’s good at least.


Hi folks, here’s those two Malana Village that were gifted to me by US3RNAM3, both at 42N. The one in the ground is at my partners house a town away, full southern exposure on a house lot that used to be a cow pasture until the 90s, I dug it into a hole 2-3x the size of the root ball with some DTE Bio-Fish and CoM crab shell meal. The one in a pot is behind my garage in my usual soil mix and is gonna get potted up to a 10-15g today or tomorrow with the organic veg garden soil mix. Both are doing great here in Western Massachusetts, absolutely no issues so far with our rain, wind, and humidity, these girls are tanks. No sprays or IPM of any kind yet, just water and some occasional nutes on the potted one.

@US3RNAM3 @Upstate @yardgrazer @Radicle_Reefer @Abukeif


Great looking mulch around the base with the shape to keep water from running off. Plant looks cool I’m digging the leaf morphology and color hues. Much love

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I’d be willing to bet pollen dies even more quickly here, since we have a lot of heat in addition to the high humidity. Pollen can travel long distances, but usually doesn’t.

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If it’s anything like north Texas, the wind is a major consideration. I saw a kite stay in the air for two days by itself after the string got caught in a tree.


Hey @Upstate and other Landrace aficionados.
Cryptic has a Panama Red, and a Papua New Guinea listed, is there more info somewhere about these? I’m looking at the PNG in particular, or even the heirloom Mexican sativa moms, crossed with Oaxacan!


I only know of 1 PNG that is out there. I’ll have to see if this is different but it’s likely not. I don’t know anything about his Panama. Except that it f flowers 14 to 16 weeks. i’m sure it’s good💥

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That’s the timing listed for sure.


The morning dew is what immobilized pollen here. So pollen has 24 hours maximum. For sure the Georgia humidity would turn pollen to cake very quickly


After some additional research, the PNG appears to be a continuation of the accession back in the mid-late 'teens, rather than a new collection.
Carry on.


i see crypticlabs rather as a source than a guy copying whats already out there.
wasnt he sprouting like 30 or 40 mexican lines ? he is one that collects , but rather not the usual stuff…
you mean its the png-line that surfaced around 2019?


I believe one year earlier, but yes, that one.
There was a new release of it, but I thought it was a brand new collection from PNG. It’s actually an ex-situ reproduction of the 2018/2019 line. Have you tried it? If so what might you compare it to?
Edit: I definitely respect Cryptic Labs approach, and genetics, and didn’t intend anything derogatory.


no ive not smoked it, sorry was a bit overly tired yesterday.
the panama of Cryptic might also be same as others ? probably its the same like from Dr.Greenthum / Reeferman . Just specualting.

Would be nicer if they label it straight away.


Have a good male here with the beldias. Very thin leaves and vigorous growth.