Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Just the list of mysterious names I’ve never heard of make me want to run them all, lol. Although I’m currently running 3 Lemon Thai ix outside at the moment, but mine came from @santero and was the dutch flowers thing, I believe.

I made a few extra seeds of the LT and decided to test them to be sure I didn’t get any foreign pollen while I left for a hospital stay for a week after breaking my leg. But, they all look very similar and I’m feeling much better. They started flowering a week ago, just like last year. They finish fairly early, too, which I like, especially for outside here at 37ºn, 6,400 ft. elevation.

I hit the Cryptic Oaxaca/@Upstate with the LT and also a Goji. I only had one of each for a test and both came out nice.

I’m also tending to 5 landrace, Atao Swazi Red and Lambsbread (@Roms), with two Ace of Haze/Zacatecas from @Motaco. I left them in small pots until 2 weeks ago and they’re all little dwarf sativa plants with the Swazi looking like it’s gonna start flowering. They’ll all likely have to come in the house to finish but I’m stoked for them all.

I gotta add pics from my phone, so I’ll try to get some on soon. :man_farmer: :v:


Ooooh bro ! That’s a killer elevation! I’m like 1400-1600ft but only like 20-40miles south of the 38th parallel :slight_smile: it sounds like a beautiful spot @GMan


@Tlander or @wallyduck might have some ideas on these at least🙏


More than happy to share, but those seeds were originally from the generosity of our friend @Hyp3, who I am sure is at least as curious as me to see your results.



Image 1 is gilget valley from landrace warden

Image 2 is pre soviet kabul originally recieved by swami



this is the friend who sent me these genetics.

peace …


Wow @JAWS there should be amazing phenos in some of those packs I’d think for sure…

Friends with seeds are friends indeed!



Moroccan Belida - outdoors

Two girls, one guy - looking for seeds to continue the line


Oaxaca pollenating is Done. Colombian Black and 73 Durban were used, too. Meangreen is getting stinky​:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:. I’m getting excited.
This is the first strain I have ever grown Where I have been able To pollinate a branch to make seeds, harvest those seeds, pollinate that branch using a different strain, harvest seeds, and then hit that SAME branch with a third pollen donor lol. Incredible!
@Trickster Yes, started indoors in February., Outdoors sometime in May for the summer, And from the looks of things, she will be finished up back indoors if I can fit her in there.
@JAWS Is there any other info about them online? There are five Oaxaca landraces I’ve read about, But I don’t think they are limited to the areas they originally hail from. We need more information.
Pelo Rojo is red-haired. Very similar to the short plants in the cryptic labs Oaxaca I’d guess.
Are these available?


no other info at this time, not wanting to overwhelm things until im ready to roll with them. im going to start with the SALINA CRUZ and just see how they do or how shitty i am at growing them. my friend said he will send me the cambodian{sp} as well it was not in this package.

are these gettable not sure on that, i do not think these were something he had/has large numbers of.

peace …


Ooooh that’s a good one! I been looking for it if you make some seed or need someone to let me know :slight_smile: thanks


interesting article on the columbian cannabis boom and subsequent decline.
10_Dossier08.pdf (815.9 KB)


Ohh yummy oxacala pollen to durban-Frankenstein , white widow sound sweet…what ya thinking @Upstate , thanks for the comeback, Grow The World ,with Love. Later ,Peace all Ogers , happy day a growing…


Nice Job @Upstate , you are the man breeder ,have a fine day, bro…

I have Cambo Red. Want seeds? @yobigdaddy reproduced them. I don’t know if he has grown any seedless or not.


Lmao :rofl::sweat_smile: now that’s a silly question :slight_smile: lol but is it different from the old Cambodian? This is the first time I have heard it with the red attached to it but yes I would love some:) thank you my friend


Yes Sir @upstate go ahead and make my day ,thanks Alot …Peace…

Gimme a brief lowdown saving pollen anything like Save Corn Pollen, in a container with brown Rice Storage ,will that work…Peace…

Burmese male that hermed. Good reference tho


I don’t think so bud, I tried using rice to dry my pollen the very first time I collected pollen it didn’t mold but it didn’t make no babies either ! So now I use a drying chamber that I made , a 5gal bucket with snap on lid and I got some of the silica gel beads I fill a bowl with and put in there and I put pollen in another bowl or open jar and leave it for a week or 2 ( just cus) it brings humidity down to 13% so far it’s done great the hole set up cost me like 12-15 bucks not bad