Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I store pollen in film canisters w rice in the freezer and have had success after 4yrs+.




More potent but that’s not the whole story. To get >20% THC, we gave up a bunch of other cannabinoids…


Every generation, it seems the differences between strains gets smaller. It seems like the flashier the name, the less unique it is.


That’s why when I see a breeder with “Bubblegum Candy Runtz”, or “Cookies Crunch”, I click away from the page instantly.


The tricky part is the industry has equated potency with a narcotic stone, and use THC to measure that.

There is a craft market seeking landrace lines with rich terpenes that takes one on a trip, gives that electric energy or a happy euphoria rather than a 35% THC cookie crunch that is today’s block werk


I once smoked some cannabis I got from a lady in Chicago, IL in 2002 and each time I smoked it, it had different effects The first time It didnt kick in for nearly two hours. The second time, I was smoking and i closed my eyes and then saw myself from above myself but from the perspective of within myself as I could only see black and reddish tint because my eyes were closed. Hard to explain but just like the colors you see when closing your eyes or a virtuaboy. Then I passed out! They were medium sized golf ball nugs. I will be on search for that. TLT description of ugandan says “out of body experience” so maybe that is it.

The variety of effect of some cannabis strains is interesting and still needs to be studied.


uganda is very close to where the Congo Black came from, its also highland i think, like congo blacks place.
I think this TLT offer is relatively interesting, but too modern for me, but really special anchestry


100%. I have been breeding and selecting a hybrid using Syrian and Lebanese genetics. At times I have smoked plants that I believe ranged from mostly THC to mostly CBD.

I selected only for the effects that I liked, as well as other properties I wanted to retain. After 6 generations, I finally TLC tested them, and it turns out I stabilized on something that looks very close to 1:1

All that to say, I’ve essentially done a blind test on myself over several generations and determined that I prefer a significant amount of CBD even for a recreational high. THC isn’t the end all, and I believe that cutting out other cannabinoids, especially CBD, is detrimental to the effects.

But you won’t hear that broadcast on the commercial scene.


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

@lefthandseeds speaking of your Syrian X Lebs, I was walking around smell them and I got one that caught me and it took me a bit to figure it out but it smells like tootsie rolls ! :slight_smile: Super cool it took me on a time travel flashed me back to when I was a kid eating Halloween candy ! It was a pretty cool ride :slight_smile: and I haven’t even smoked any yet :slight_smile:


Wow! That’s pretty cool. I don’t recall that smell but I think plants tend to smell a bit different out in the sun.


Was it…seeded😁?
What have you heard or what do you think about Colorado Sativas Oaxaca? A friend recently ran them and suggested it could be a hybrid. Wondering if you’ve seen it grown.


Black and Blue Lebanese. I cant lie…the plants had a rough time with all the rain, being stuck in earthboxes I can’t lift. The plants themselves are holding up well, but they went thru a period with waterlogged soil a few weeks back, and they nearly drowned, causing rapid yellowing of the whole plant until i realized what was happening and helped to dry them out a bit by dumping the water reservoir out. Typically container grown plants Won’t allow enough water to get to the soil even in a rainy summer… But these earth boxes are different. The rain was reaching the soil no problem, and i had no cover on the earthboxes. The bright side is the results of the punishment. No mold, very little stem rot, and only on one plant… . Not much Septoria either. Just a couple leaves. Very impressive for Lebanese! I have them in the same location as I had the real seed company lebanese years ago during a similar wet summer, when i lost nearly everything to mold. Flower making started about 3 weeks ago or so. Maybe 4 weeks.
@lefthandseeds I’m sorry I didn’t grow these well this time. I did have one male, and if there is still pollen, I’ll make seeds for an in ground redemption grow next summer, now that I’m pretty confident of success.


Meangreen, start of week 28 flowering.

The plant is stinky for a Sativa. Has that dank smell to it. I just gave it a tea a few days ago. I’ve been giving N in respectable amounts, but either she wants more or doesn’t care to eat. Most bigger leaves have yellowed and have been eagerly consumed by the chickens. There’s still plenty of small leaves, which are now yellowing at the rate of 30 a day. I keep telling myself what my cousin told me years ago, when he was explaining to me what a master grower’s comment was about leaves falling off prematurely.
“We’re growing bud, not leaf”. True I suppose.
Surely a bigger container would help. She’s been in a 10 gallon bag for a couple months now.


It looks like you’re about to get some colors. Good to see they can hang through all that. Thanks for sharing!


Looking good half a year of flowering wow how long was veg?


Yes bro
Well mostly of the People just got hybrids
But i prefer to not comment about it.

I prefer to maintain a diplomatic stance
there is a lot of discord in the world lately
and the forums is not the exception.

When I was interested in something or you read me giving my opinion, it is because it is definitely legit.


Week 28 of flower! Damn @Upstate, your commitment is god-like! I love watching these grows :+1::raised_hands:

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No veg, flowered from seed like in it’s home climate.
@firehead I don’t expect to ever flower another plant quite as long lol.
If I grew these one after another and lived to be a hundred years old, I would only be able to grow another 80 plants😁.
I’m hoping this one is a keeper.


Super cool seeing the Lebanese run and curious what you think of them after a smoke. My dad dealt hash in the early 70s in socal and “Red Leb” is still the smoke he talks about like “the one that got away”…