Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

@lefthandseeds They all have some color to them. Beautiful ( but premature due to waterlogged soil) fade to the foliage. Lots of vigor for Lebanese. Shocking vigor. I see Morroccan( Sativa) in them now…or should I say I see Lebanese in Moroccan. These behave in a very similar manner, going thru a quick but impressive stretch phase before Flower commences. I think in the ground these could hit 8 feet. The Lebanese branches are more developed than Moroccan and the smells are definitely different. I’m still trying to determine exactly what they are. I’m kicking myself for trying the earthboxes now. It was meant to be an easy way to keep these happy. I’m an asshole for not ordering the plastic covers that would have kept the rain off the soil. I really didn’t think I’d need them with the thick foliage of the plants acting as an umbrella. Serious miscalculation on my part.

You have no idea buddy. If there is one spot in the whole entire county where lebanese plants should not be growing, they are in it now. They are in my “hardest tester” location to see if they can be successfully grown here in NY. There is standing water on the ground less than five feet from them, rotting comfrey with spores on the rot within spitting distance, septoria all around them. When I mentioned these would be getting a tough test this summer, I wasn’t kidding :sweat_smile:. Nice work my friend. You built one tough Lebanese strain.


My dad always talked about red Lebanese Hash as well. He was very fond of it. He was stationed in West Germany in the early seventies while in the military and they always got the blonde and red Lebanese hash. I’ll be sure to give a good smoke report when these are finished😁
How’s the big apple treating you these days?


Totally, and both the blue hemp Lebanese and black lebanon have that kind of structure, with the BH Leb having some very apical phenos. Both the RSC and Willy G I’ve grown are more branched, but RSC is more of an indica structure.

Here’s a volunteer plant from my compost pile that I think is either SyrianLeb or Willy G. It’s a good 8-10 feet, and pretty well into flowering. I’m thinking this will be done mid-September, which is quite early here at 40N


Beautiful plant, what a gem from the compost!


Haa, haa, haa! Well then, sounds like they’re ‘almost’ ready for testing over here! I should have hit on the idea of running “mold-resistance trials” for OG’er’s beans years ago! :joy: @lefthandseeds



I think 2 years ago I hit one of Sebring’s Point Break (which is a terpy gassy CBD strain that is not given enough credit) gals with some Leb black pollen from @lefthandseeds

The result is one of the most unique smelling plants I’ve ever grown. The cured bud is very dark and spicy smelling, with a strong coffee/chocolate smell. Super complex. And the high lasts a very long time.

There’s some magic in Lebanese genes, for sure!!


Beldia update


Did this one stretch a lot?

Mean Green week 28 of flowering.


Hey @Upstate you have any info in your vast repository on Greek Kalamata Red?


what is in that mean green…?

…reminds me of the “mako haze” w/the Christmas tree shapes

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Yes, some stretch - nothing ridiculous.
Plants are on the smaller side, hight wise - most everything hybrid grew enormous in veg this year - Big Sur Holy and MangoBiche x 88G13 are about 12-14 feet now & putting their energy into flowering


Does someone knows what happened to AfricaTribalSativas and why he doesn’t reply on strainly? I want to buy some Lesotho seeds.

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@Heyoka I think he might be the same guy as “love of landrace” on IG. Try him.


@Upstate today I found love of landrace on Reddit. He was recommended with few other sources for landraces from around the world. Also there were a link for a video with him and khalifa genetics about strain hunting in South Africa. A synchronicity. I like to read from you and other guys here. Very knowledgeable, it’s like home in here.


This sounds killer!


I’m curious on everyone’s thoughts on Black Tuna…. Like original, old school black tuna.


Jamaican x BC indica (herijuana ?)


Yezzir that’s her (lambsbread x heri)


my experience is much more indica than sattie