Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

i can tell you i have seen like an Angel in the Room on Western Winds x a Modern Cambodian for 4 hours, it was only transparent, so not a Hallucination, but slightly… it IS special . (Western winds beeing a not indicaized version of Kalimist --pre2002 probably IN MY OPPINION)

Well, the exact Kalimist lineage is unshure, but two things are mostly shure: it contains Cambodian, and it Contains Afghani… I read that in old Articles. and dont hear much else… Some specualte if there is Columbian in it too…

it just has some heavyness to it, but not in a way that it makes it untrippy. im astonished such a thing exists … so it makes you a bit groggy, feels a bit hybrid, but it gave me one of the most remarkable memories from my 7 Sativish strains i grew in the past years. And this effect was not due to the cambodian i mixed it with alone… that cambodain was on its own, meh… ok.


then there were 10… @romanoweed


Grateful for your shared perspective! I was hoping you’d share the speculation of it’s lineage even if exact lineage was still mostly unknown. I can understand the secret sauce idea, but I hope Simon divulges the information someday.

Your description is remarkably similar to my experience. I want to say a sort of cerebral “drunkenness”. It was a very functional heavy body buzz with “in the zone” cerebral action. It wasn’t racy, edgy, or unpleasant; it was so very groovy! I mentioned “drunkenness” and that’s not the right word as it wasn’t necessary an inebriated feeling, it was more of an intoxicated functional feeling. Does anyone here shoot pool or like to shoot pool? It’s like when you have the perfect combination of some good weed and just a drink or two, not drunk but buzzed and feeling good.
Feeling focused and in the zone. Like you can’t miss! And it all feels so good! Appreciate your shared perspective and the speculation of its lineage. Much love


Those are some huge leaves.

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I looked for the seed company and I couldn’t find it. How do I get on the website? Did you ever find anything out about all those strains?

They sure are. I don’t know if I posted a picture of the petiole? ( leaf stem) next to a 30 inch branch… By far the thickest sturdiest petioles I have ever seen. I normally feed my chickens Thirty to fifty pot leaves every day. Last night I fed them only two massive leaves from this plant And it took them longer to finish eating it.

Late jo bx Peshawar plant.
Another good example here of the law of attraction… A few years ago I saw these pictures from Kashmir And I really wanted to have plants like that.
Here’s my lolab volunteer. She’s all dark purple in the buds now after a 44 degree night. I’ll get new pictures soon. Pretty cool plants. ![Screenshot_20230903_124117_Gallery|690x310](


I might have a lead on some landrace pollen guys.

Might be able to get some Kashmir Azad , mazar i sharif, jalalabad, tora bora, Balochistan, and a few others. It will be a hard choice, but I will probably pick a couple out of the list to choose from.

I will most likely use the magic dust on a few things to make good use of it while it’s fresh and see what I can pass out around here.

So exciting, I’ve never made any seeds from land races just yet, only played with a little bit of modern hybrid pollen and a few different males and females.

Happy growing and have a great day.



Colombian MangoBiche x Gash Plant f3

Faster flowering female

much longer flowering male expressing MangoBiche


That is a good cola.
Nice plants.


Dan Chang Thai


Working on the F2 line right now.
Kanak balochistan x Maple leaf.
Massive leaf structures. Strong stems.
Probably gonna be a 10 to 12 week flowering time.
Testing the F1s now outdoors. It’s just now putting pistils on.

I pulled them out of the garden to breed them together. Definitely a good building block strain to work with.
Male on left eventually surpassed the female on the right. Both were the best of my first set of F1s I tested.

They recovered no problem. Strong genetics. :100:


I feel like there is a purple Afghani that dreams of being used in breeding work out there. Hunted from the commercial landrace farms by an Army Ranger during US occupation. I had a dominant pheno in my packs that was essentially grape alien tech. Riveted to the floor for hours after three grape funk nasty bong Rips. Huge yields of dense nugs from stout bushes as well. They call it war trophy


One of the best songs about cannabis i ever heard…


Big Sur Holy


two females :blush:


Wow that’s an interesting one. What a fascinating, sparse structure. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out!


Looking lovely!


Lolab Valley in the ground filling out much more than last year in containers seeded.

These are 3rd generation, as the P2’s were given to me.


Ciskei? Is that Ciskei?


High on the H.O.G…
Highland Oaxaca Gold😁