Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Wow that plant’s amazing. It’s a lot shorter than I expected it would be, and it;s actually structured a lot like some phenos I’ve seen in some Ace strains. Really nice.


Thanks Lefthand. Means alot coming from you. And I have your advice to thank for their nice compact size . Any bigger and I would have run out of room for sure . All five of them have the same structure. Looks like two different phenotypes, the one pictured being a lot more common( 4 of 5). I would also add that these things have incredible drought tolerance. I’ve had two males indoors in a window unwatered for more than a month now and they are still alive in one gallon containers. I don’t know how it’s even possible. There is some nice resin starting to form on these as well. Definitely a great candidate to use in breeding for indoors. I’m sure you’ve already thought of it, but I bet it would go great with your triple Durban… I read that in the 1940s, Malawi gold miners went down to South Africa. Whether Malawi genetics’ ended up there, or Durban genetics ended up in Malawi, I don’t know, but I read that one of these two scenarios happened. Perhaps Durban Poison is a hybrid of the two? Or perhaps Durban genetics being introduced to Malawi 80 years ago would explain some of the earlier flowering phenotypes found in some Malawi lines, such as the one from Ace seeds? Either way, I bet they would make great babies!


I’m just amazed at how short you’ve managed to keep it. It has the same conical bud structure as a pheno I’ve seen from Ace, and actually looks very similar in flower structure to a Panama Haze x Malawi/Panama girl that I’m growing right now.

On paper, mine is only 25% Malawi, but I feel like it’s a really dominant plant. It seems to come out a lot more often that other things in the hybrids I’ve been testing.


wooow nice cultivar, i was expecting something wilder like the old afropips malawis but it looks beautiful, good job here some

malawi afropisp from the old stock, photographs of my friend musta


Nice! That is more like what I was expecting the Afropips Malawi to be like. More airy and less developed flowers. I guess there must have been some selection done on the seeds RSC obtained.


I have some seeds from the old Swazi network of Afropips, they must be a bit old, when spring comes I will germinate them


I hope it smokes it as good as what I’ve read about the older afro pips. I’m hoping it didn’t lose any of that up up high I’ve read about. I’ll be so sad if it has lost it. I’m pretty damn shocked how small I’ve been able to keep it myself. It definitely looks like the ace Malawi. Great structure for breeding.


Beautiful plant! This is what I was expecting to be growing myself. Do you plan on growing these Malawi next year with the swazi? I came across old afro Pips stock. I can’t remember the name of the company but something like Canadian Hemp Depot. I started to get a bit suspicious when they stocked absolutely every old sativa I’ve been looking for. Turned out they are a fraud. I’m glad somebody has that old swazi for real. Do you plan to reproduce either of these? I would absolutely love to trade you for some beans if you do! I grabbed some of the landrace team Malawi, which is unworked. But not afro pips.


is the Malawi from the landrace team on strainly ?
just curious as they have lots of strains


Not the Malawi pictured. That is Afropips via Kwik seeds/Real seed company. I did pick up the landrace team Malawi though, the one on strainly.


Is this a worked Malalwi? Just cruised through this thread and someone needs to have a chat with ace seeds. These all look hybridized, which makes sense if you want to sell like this but maybe label it like that?


Yeah, this is worked. I’m worried about hybridization too. Always worried. From RSC. Usually they are very good. We’ll see. At week 10. The old Afropips went 105 days I think . I’m not quite to 70…ace seeds Malawi is no landrace either. Killer, but hybridized imo.


Well there’s no way you could run a commercial op selling landraces like durban or malawi without working them. People would be pretty pissed if 70% of the seeds they bought where hermies. Just find it odd when you see a plant label as an african landrace and it looks like a hybrid with wide leaves.


For an unworked Malawi, my last hope is the landrace team. If this one doesn’t go for another 30 days or so, I’ll be pretty sad. We’ll see. Malawi landraces can have giant buds… I started flowering at maybe 3 weeks age. The Cabeca I’m growing, nice as it is, isn’t a landrace either. Kullu by Khalifa genetics is the only landrace I’m confident of so far for my “tropicals”.


If it wasnt for the plague I’d try see if I could source you some from here. Postage is all broken here at the moment and people are in hiding though.

edit: I’m in South Africa so just down the road from Malawi.


Cabeca de negro. Brazilian " landrace" ( my ass) same age as Malawi. I do think it could be Manga Rosa though, or certainly a close relative. They look identical, and manga Rosa has an 11 or 12 week flowering time. Bahia Blackhead is another possibility. 10-11 weeks. I think these will go 11-13 weeks, maybe 12=14 weeks. I have no problems with out crossing landraces. Just say so!


That would be great. If you can find real Malawi, that would be awesome! To say I’m a bit bummed is the understatement of the year. I’ve wanted the Afropips Malawi for years and years. If the high is in tact I’ll be happy though. Anyone else have thoughts on this Malawi? Or the Cabeza de negro for that matter? I don’t have any experience growing long flowering strains, so I don’t know what to expect as far as what flowers should look like at 10 weeks. I will say the buds exploded with pistils after I gave them a tea…



Did anyone ever take Zimbogro (Sp?) up on the free seeds thread “North Malawi seeds to share thread” …I saw the post late last year…
Obviously, the genetics sounds like a Hail Mary…but hey, ya never know…


Beautiful plants Yaxu…

Nice thick buds…


every time i grow some local varieties i like to make seeds i was looking at my seeds and i also have some senegal haze from afropips.