Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That’s a good question, it might have self topped. With the landraces I just let them do their thing, defoliate when needed, but that’s it.


Peshawar Afghani pre cut and wash!

she’s got wings


@upstate, what you say about a possible influence of Kandahar, due to the colors of the leaves, I would not rule it out, but I think that the transformation of chloroplasts to chromoplasts or rhodoplasts and the production of anthocyanins is a fairly common adaptation to the cold. in many species, which may have segregated from atavistic genes. You must remember that punto rojo there are mountain lines and punto rojo has a flowering period of 18 or 22 weeks, even periods of up to 26 weeks. Therefore, it is a variety that is very exposed to cold during its late ripening.

three punto rojo (red pheno) that bro @Motaco sent me and three black kandahar, they are tiny, we will see how they develop, their similarities and differences


Yes sometimes good to learn the history and obviously I don’t know it! Thanks for the info @Weednerd.Anthony I would take it that the BOEL type is a very Afi/Paki type? Why is BOEL not on a preservation run?

@Upstate all good there bro!! Dude, I have some lambsbread from your run… and I wanted to know if with 13 hours of light it starts to bloom? We’re starting summer!! I’m on the north coast of Brazil and here the days have more light than darkness… 13 hours of light to 11 of darkness.reaching 14 hours of light in a month

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jamaica lambsbread, is a fairly tropical variety, for the same reason, I think it should flower from 11 hours of light onwards. even 10.5 hours of light daily. and in these very tropical plants, it is usually necessary to progressively reduce the photoperiod as flowering approaches its end, to avoid reflowering and the spike of torresillas.


Glad you got them going. I am looking forward to it. Keep us posted!


@motaco, thank you very much bro for sending me those beans. Punto rojo is a variety that I truly love. I know the line, I studied it a lot on paper and thanks to you I have the opportunity to study it live and direct. Two more people agreed to send me some more red dot beans, to expand the genetic pool of this punto rojo CBG reproduction. to treasure this line and distribute those beans to people with good karma.


Thanks @Arbac, so I’m sure it will adapt to the summer here on the coast, which is tropical, I believe that around here it will grow until mid-February where the lights start to dim and flowering begins, which lasts until August. I don’t plan on taking her indoors hahahaha

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Hey all you landrace and heirloom lovers.
I’m here to offer some of the early returns from my big Sativas of the World grow. Several landrace females and one heirloom male. Tonight I have 10 packs of what I’m calling…

I received the KDKT from @Tlander , who sourced them locally and sent them to me and the Malawi Golds from a repro by @Tejas , outta seed from The Landrace Team. Should be on the fast side. The Malawi male was dropping pollen by week 4 and the female KDKT where done at13wks or so but heavily seeded, so that may have sped things up. I didn’t see inter sex traits on any of the parent stock as well as the Malawi Gold females.
So the next 10 members that want to have a pack will have one sent to them. Just say the word.


Yes please.


Me pleaseeee
Dibitidibiti Dibs


I’m so happy to read this Budderton! Congrats bro!



That really generous of you. Sativas aren’t something I smoke so I’ll pass this time, need that heavy indica stone. Hope they grow some great plants for the sativa lovers on here.


@Budderton you know you’re speaking my language. I’d certainly appreciate a pack.


I’m down for the landrace thank you


I’d love a pack thank you so much for the offer @budderton
@ohno555 @Piter


Yes please @Budderton. Thanks


I’m here, Thanks.


Yes please thank you very much @Budderton