Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

A friend that picked up seeds on Koh Tao was told that KD Koh Tao seeds go 8 weeks - so certainly hybrid - as Chocolate Thai goes 16 weeks - more in line with what I would expect.

With that they said the KD gear was really good !


Namkading must be looking greasy by now…any update?

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Yeah, scroll back 14 hours @Upstate but I’m glad you asked. :rofl: I wrote about it alot on other sites too but not sure if I can post a link here.

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I mean a new pcture…
@rasterman.oh oops. I see it now. Looking good!

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The real story with Hang Krarok/ Squirrel Tail is that most likely, at least most think this…the Han Chinese fled to Thailand in the mid 1800’s, fleeing oppression by the Chinese( real shocker there) bringing medicinal cannabis with them. These new genetics likely hybridized with something local and Squirrel Tail was born. King Rama v, king of Thailand ( Siam at the timr) saw its medical benefits, and thru the University of Bangkok, it was distributed around Thailand for the people to use.
Going from memory here, so post may not be 100% accurate. I think it was the Han fleeing Hainan island…but the memory is a little fuzzy there.
Another possibility…and one that I just came up with…and a good possibility of why the name Squirrel Tail was used.
Here is an old story from India about Lord Rama and a Squirrel. I could be onto something here…

Could explain the name Squirrel Tail…but the end buds do look like a Squirrel Tail too…
Just found another correlation to Lord Rama of India. Could Squirrel Tail be part Indian and NOT part Hainanese? :thinking:


Great story about Lord Rama, it’s one of the four government approved strains.


That’s major. Thanks for the share. That helps the Thai population to have a greater sense of pride in local cannabis and it’s benefits. It really helps to see it in print, on television, radio or social media. It broadens the discussion and brings from the lab/boardroom/classroom to the dinner table. Making it public record also serves as a historical marker.


Do Ruderalis strains Produce less trichomes than normal plants?


Don’t see many people growing Vietnam strains. Is there a reason why? I’m taking a trip to Vietnam and a friend says it grows wild on his property and he has to pull them like weeds lol. I think I’m gonna go and see if I can walk his place and find something nice but everything would be dying by the time I get there anyone interested in Vietnam beans?


Many Vietnam genetics available today have been hybridized, so a chance to get some in situ would be incredible!

Dying… full of seeds!


Does Howdy Doody got wooden balls man?


send meeeeeeeeeeeeeee some . I think I heard of Vietnam Black or something like that. Prolly some really good untouched genetics there


go for it… Best to go straight to the source and see for yourself… I’d love a few too…

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Very much interested if you can acquire them my friend…


I have some Vietnam black from some friends here on OG, but to be there and be able to pick and smell what I like would an experience.


Thanks for sharing that article.

Here’s more info on the specific lines that was not included in that article:
sourced from > 4 Cannabis Strains Specific for Thailand Cultivation | Bloom

"Each of these contains different ratios of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) to CBD (cannabidiol) in order to meet a broad therapeutic profile.

For instance, the TT1 strain contains more THC and will naturally be psychoactive, while ST1 is more along the lines of equal parts of THC and CBD. Similarly, RD1 is bred to provide high amounts of CBD.

The strains identified are as follows.

Hang Kra Rog Phu Phan ST1

Large, bushy flowers, looks like a squirrel’s tail which is directly translated to ‘Hang Kra Rok’ in Thai. It has a rich aroma similar to mangoes with no pungent smell.

It has equal parts CBD and THC.

Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon TT1

This strain has long flowers like a rudder and smells like orange peel with a slightly pungent scent.

Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon TT1 has more THC than CBD.

Tanaosri Kan Khaw WA1

It has the appearance of tightly clustered flowers; smells like orange peel mixed with lemongrass.

Like the TT1 strain, this too has more THC content and a less pungent smell than the TT1 variety.

Tanaosri Kan Daeng RD1

Similar to WA1 but is red on the branches, stems, and petioles. Has a sweet, pleasant aroma without any pungent scent. It has more cannabidiol content than THC, making it the least psychoactive type among the four marijuana strains.

Compared with the marijuana database globally, these strains were found to be grown only in Thailand.

The Medical Department will study these strains and their benefits in collaboration with Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus and Kasetsart University Chalermphrakiat Sakon Nakhon Campus."

The CBD content is a little concerning. I read some chatter online from professionals in the cannabis industry that seem to be local Thais and they are claiming these lines are hybrids.


The question should be anyone NOT interested in Vietnam beans. :rofl:


You got it @US3RNAM3 ! I just saw your DM and the first article I saw was the one you posted above. Here’s anther link to a different story; The main Cannabis strains and 4 Thai Cannabis identities - saithongherb

4 identity of Thai cannabis strains

These 4 strains of Thai cannabis are Sativa cannabis. Thai cannabis strains It has 3 distinctive features:

Type 1 cannabis that provides high THC, such as Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1), Tanao Sri Kan Khao (WA1)

Type 2 provides THC and CBD in equal proportions, namely Phu Phan (ST1) Thai stick cannabis.

Type 3 provides high CBD, is the Tanaosri Kandang (RD1) variety.

Type 1 cannabis that provides high THC, such as Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1), Tanao Sri Kan Khao (WA1)

Hang Suea Sakon Nakhon (TT1). Herb Research Institute, Department of Medical Sciences together with the Department of Botany Faculty of Science, Mahidol University and RMUTI, Sakon Nakhon Campus have selected the cannabis variety Rud Suea Sakon Nakhon from the obtained seeds. By planting and selecting 3 generations, morphology, chemical profile and genetic profile were studied for selection of Sakon Nakhon rudder (MY NOTE: So if there’s ruderalis in it it’s not very likely ‘pure’) cannabis varieties.




Got that right ! ! ! :green_heart: :globe_with_meridians: :green_heart:

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