Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I just saw a video on youtube That claimed the King James version of the bible was the only one mathematically perfect. I read the Old Testament around 5 years ago, but no idea what version. I figured they were all the same. I never paid attention. Apparently some Bibles have different books in them? I never would have guessed.
@rasterman Enoch is an interesting character. The one human that " dwelled with the Gods", who used him as their scribe to inform humanity. Interesting to read it. Some of it is pretty wild and the descriptions Enoch gives of the moon and star cycles, a round earth, portals and spirals in space are spot on accurate, but then other parts seem
born of a manā€™s imagination, or perhaps just the confusion of a man that sometimes wondered what the heck he saw.


Thatā€™s certainly a possibility.


I just started reading it. I couldnā€™t make it through the Adam and Eve books though. But I think this oneā€™s pretty interesting so far.


Have you tried an audio version? I donā€™t think I could read it either, but spoken it held my attention

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In 2020, ancient hashish resin was found at the temple of Tel Arad.

The book, Cannabis: Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World is a very interesting read. It details cannabis use in the ancient Middle East religious areas. Since 1996, I have been hearing about how ā€œKaneh bosemā€ was used in the recipe for Holy Anointing Oil. It required 6 pounds of cannabis to make the oil. In Assyria, ā€œkanabuā€ was used in certain religious rites.

Have a deep listen to this discussion with the author of the aforementioned book. He quoted the Bible and Torah:


No - I mean it really didnā€™t seem authentic to me and kept repeating itself over and over. I finally just gave up. :rofl:


I got to the part about green herbs yielding seedā€¦God given gift


Hey @rasterman . How you been ? When Constantine became emperor and converted to Christianity he had a list made of all the books that the jewish priests ā€œ acceptedā€ as authentic. That list became what we now know as ā€œthe Bibleā€. Before that, there were hundreds or thousands of ā€œscripturesā€ in circulation. They were all hand copied so not a lot of uniformity. Some temples may have had only one scripture. Some may have had many or only oral teachings.


The creation story is especially interesting to me, as Iā€™ve been to both the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. It was interesting to be in the very place the authors envisioned as paradise.


@Upstate @Kidete DGC hosted dj short as a guest and he was saying Africa is gonna be big in the future of cannabis around the 18 minute mark. Love listening to these guys they are super informative


For sure. We are all together making sure of this. Africa is probably the most untouched continent when it comes to cannabis breeding. Good stuff coming!
And corporate has made it their new cannabis home.
Interesting video


The old testament and tora both talk of cannabis use. The church is who removed books of the bible because it didnā€™t fit their narrative for control.


Iā€™m back on topicā€¦

My Namkading landrace is loaded with seeds and the branches are fat and heavy! But her branches are stiff and strong, so theyā€™re not falling over like I expected them to. Sheā€™s greasy and waxy now, and smells like underarmsā€¦in a nice way, if that makes sense.


Itā€™s a Thai-Sativa I guess. I growed them outdoor once (2011 I guess) and it took until mid december till it was finished. Thanks to the small buds without any mold (even here in central europe) and a purple phenotype. Unfortunately it was a ā€œSativa-Mixā€ package and I was unable to find the genetics (or even something similar) again. Iā€™m pretty sure it would grow and produce much better in warmer conditions.


Pollenated Oaxacan hit again at 6wks cause so many white pistils.:crossed_fingers: Everything lines up and can pass out some :fire:.


Yeah, sheā€™s a monster, for sure.

I had a PineTarKush I grew that was pure Indica, but stretched like a sativa and continued flowering well into November. It was extremely cold resistant too.


Broadleaf hemp contains cbd, and many suspect the Thai genepool may have some BLH genes in itā€¦but regardless it seems to me a sign of Northern influence in some form, and not necessarily a modern influence. Remember that you tube thai stick sample from the early- mid 70ā€™s? Frozen at purchase time and left frozen til a few years ago, the sample had 15% cbd and 15% thc. I think king Rama v spread Squirrel tail( the futures Thai stick)far and wide BECAUSE of the cbd in it. Could be whatever the Han brought with them in the 1800ā€™s contained the cbd.
Another possibility is that, similar to India, you have nearby Highlands with full spectrum plants, perhaps similar to Cangshan Mt preserved by
@zephyrā€¦and these genes were brought to Thailand and domesticated long ago. Itā€™s quite possible my favorite Thai plant is mixed thc cbd. The other plants seemed cbd dominant or low thc. It was weak smoke at any rate.
I have a feeling there are 2 parallel populations of these landraces. One highly domesticated and selected by drug farmers for high thc, and another more original version kept safe
by everyday farmers, kept by families for medicine.
Seems to be the case other places. India has the original versions of its highly domesticated lines that are grown for thc in the tropics up in the Himalayas where cbd is common.


That old Afghan Sativa is shining thru in that pheno I bet. Peshawar genes.


Remember I had asked that you keep those Oaxaca seeds for you this time so i can pass out my own line.
Not trying to be a dick but iā€™ve worked on it for 3 years and Iā€™d like to be the one to share it. Thatā€™s why I said I would( and did) send you the original seeds from the open pollinationā€¦ So you can make your own line to pass out seed. That pollen was just for your own headstash seed this time. I share just about everything freely here on overgrow, but I have to keep some special stuff held tight for a little longer For my own breeding work. That pollen I shared is from my main breeding effort over the last three years. Please hold on to the seeds til I release my version.