Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

What about landraces Heirloom with ,high THCV Malawi killer. ,I’m sure there is more , any stash of genes …any0ne Knows …Peace…


It’s all sorted!:+1::hugs:


Malawi, Nepalese, Durban, Syrian…and many more can have high thcv. If I could only choose one grow to look for it, Black Willie ( viet x nepal) it would be. 15% thcv reports.
@calman1955 the killer has indica in it. Malawi isn’t known to carry any indica heritage.


Sinai is supposed to have THCV too and it’s a relatively-easy plant to grow as long as you’re easy on the nutes. It runs about 10 weeks though.


This one is from seed collected out of Herb grown in the Aruka Valley and sent to me by @iceman . Flowered for 18 wks under 11/13

Just had a joint of a dry, but not cured sample and I have to say it tasted better then I anticipated. Kind of a spicey/herbal pipe tobacco . Moderate buzz, with no uplift of Spirt or creativity but not terrible. We’ll see how it goes after a couple months in the jar.


Going by looks alone, I’d say you’re in for a treat after the cure. Looks nice.


This Colombian Black plant was lousy tasting, but had decent potency at harvest. I smoked most of it in 2 weeks after it dried. However the tips of the top buds I allowed to cure and look out now! Super strong buzz. Very stony awake high. The flavor now is amazing too. I mean just delicious. Like a dry toke on a clove cigarette. Maybe two months cure at the most. I see now why the black pheno was held in such high regard. BCO Colombian Black if anyone is wondering. Picked week 15, but goes past 20 if you let it. Easily managed indoors


Gorgeous ! ! !

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Mostly Uganda from @kidete

South Congo from @Kidete


Did you pollinate again? I’m not seeing too many turned stigmas, mostly white. Are those orange stigmas the ones your looking at?

@Upstate, I just read your comment about Black Willie.

May I send you the 2 remaining Black Willie seeds from OSBA ?

Regs and just now ~ 3.5 years old…

Would be my pleasure


There are probably some untouched populations of cannabis in Tibet and Bhutan. For obvious reasons, Tibet doesn’t get a lot of tourists. Bhutan also limits the number of tourist visas they issue. There are probably untouched populations of quite a few species across the Tibetan Plateau.

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Maybe a repro is in order for the Black Willie? What do you think @Upstate?


Black Willie 2021


Uh… that sounds beyond amazing! :drooling_face:


I’ve got just one thing to add: Piri Reis.


Yes I pollenated again but that pic was only 3 days after I think. I was looking today and it looks like a few more coming! I just pollenated Monday night I think. No those orange hairs aren’t what I was seeing lol. I was just excited about how well the first took and stating that I hit with more pollen not actually showing a photo of the pollen taking.


Sweet! First intentional pollination success too? :+1: That pollen went to California, came back to me, sat around for a couple or more weeks in the envelope and then went back out west again. 5,000 mile Oaxaca lol.


I can handle a repro of black Willie at some point, but I’m waiting for Black Tuna seeds atm for the same purpose. Christmas mail taking its time again. It would have to be a summer run, but at 3.5 years old it would be a smart move to get to them before that, unless they’ve been refrigerated…so if someone else volunteered earlier it wouldn’t hurt my feelings. Do what you have to and get those going.
I’d have to hide the Willie plants from the landraces or they’d have bud envy😁


An unusual landrace(?) From China. This is Hemp grown for its giant seed, shown pictured next to some good sized paki seed.

And here’s a couple Coyacan from @George. My old heirloom hybrid Coyote Candy x Oaxaca :yum:. First hybrid with my own strain that I’ve ever grown. The best phenos( below) of my heirloom get pretty crusty, so I can’t wait to see how it mixed