Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That is f…king insane ! They are supposed to be storing seeds to save humanity after a planet destroying catastophe. They should store every kind if seeds that they are given. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Bastages. They’re seeds. What a bunch of hypocrites. :rofl: :angry:


Structure wise that looks similar to the Ace Malawi.

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Doesn’t look anything like my RSC Malawi Gold.

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Your 80s Durban poison grown by a customer, the plant went for 18 weeks indoors, this is what we refer to as wheat pheno but also known for the Durban pencils, old school cannabis at its finest​:seedling::grin:


Never judge a plant by how it looks especially a Landarace. When a landrace strain is removed from its indigenous environment and forced to grow elsewhere it has to mature in different growing conditions. In response to those new growing conditions, the plant will exhibit new characteristics. During that transition from the indigenous environment to new growing conditions, some of the characteristics of the original plant will be lost. To get those characteristics back, you’d have to return the plant to its native environment.

The other Malawi Gold x Grinspoon sibling


I have often thought about that idea. I want to reproduce my landrace seeds but in doing so, I will change their genetic expression. :weary:


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I’m full for this year unfortunately. Which Ethiopian strain is the one you have?

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The environment has a huge impact on expression… A landrace has been growing and isolated in the same area for at least 100 years. Even when not a landrace the environment will change the expression of almost anything we grow.


Go 6 weeks in a dish with husks removed. If the husks are sticking to the seeds, Then after a couple of weeks , rub them vigorously between your hands, blowing on the seeds after to the remove chaff. For bigger jobs spread the pile out over a couple sheets of newspaper, Keeping them on one end near the crease. Then lightly elevate that end and lightly shake the newspaper. Seeds will roll down to the other end. As all the fluff starts making its way down to the bottom, simply push it back up to the top and start over. Making a ramp is an even better idea, but i’ve yet to do it.


Even if you did five generations, If that seed were then brought back to the original place of collection and grown there for 5 generations, I don’t see why there would be any difference. If it can be undone in five generations it can be put back in five, imo. 5 generations is just an example of course. For sure, things change, but In one generation you’re not going to change very much at all. I always recommend an open pollination the first round for this very reason. That gives you enough seeds to play with and bring forward more f generations while having a massive reserve of seeds that are very close to the original.
@hammerheadgenetics Malawi grinspoon looks really nice.


Ace - Ethiopian


A cannabis plant the size of a redwood would be interesting.


lol. True that. I cull everything that grows like this. Mind you down here we don’t get too many string of pearls pheno’s, maybe the amount of sunlight has something to do with it.

I personally like ACE gear, but then I’m not puritanical about their offerings being landrace. Finding a standout unworked landrace is as rare as rocking horse shit, and they are difficult to breed with because they are so heterozygous.
All of the ACE Sativa I have grown have done exceptionally well in the tropics.

When I combine 3 or more plants, I put all of them together, let them free pollinate for the first generation, then from f2 onwards I select the best females and start culling the males with poor structure etc.
This is the modified bulk method, when done with large numbers typically the offspring are selected out into lines, The best of which becomes the release candidate.


Have to climb it and cut buds off with a chainsaw :grin:


I think Ace is great also for what they do. I’ve grow panama, zamaldelica, and Nepal jam. All vigorous and relatively easy to grow. Good smoke and a throwback to the old style sativas. I think their prices went up a lot last year, which made me not as interested for what you get.


Jack and the Beanstalk size cannabis plant. That would rule.

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Malawi is farmed. I know what you mean, but truly wild strains, or escaped plants ( feral) exhibit poor floral formation. The farmers that have made the world Malawi Gold have done so over the course of many, many years of hard work and dedicated breeding to give us those chunky sativa flowers.

When ace seeds stop listing their malawi , and panama under the landrace section of their website, I’ll stop calling them out on it. At this point it’s disingenuous, for they know better by now. I half expected to see that they had removed the “pure sativa” headline above their Malawi and Panama, but was again disappointed when I just now found things as they were 6 years ago when I spent my hard earned money, thinking I was buying landraces to preserve.

They got me into landraces, but it was because I purchased non landraces from them, and that set me on a mission to help people find the real deal.
I won’t say Ace is fake. There were different standards back when they started. People ( most) didn’t care about 100% purity. “Pure” meant that an indica was used, and then predominantly bred out of the hybrid. That was accepted. Today it is no longer accepted. People want to grow and/ or preserve the actual landrace now, not a " mostly" landrace, and if it happens that the landrace in question is not absolutely covered in resin glands, or if the flowering time creeps over 14 weeks, or that some plants look different from others, that’s OK now.

Africa has some beautiful Sativas. :heart_eyes:

Were yours short too? Surprisingly litle stretch?


Has anyone familiar with the Afropips Malawi ?

This might be closer what people are looking for…

Yeah, Ace…but I cant be too mad @ them…I get what they are doing

The are making things someone can grow outdoors in Spain and get a sativa harvest thats potent and finished

As seekers of the pure …its not going to be what we want

Ethiopian, Honduras, Thai, Old Timer haze, Nepalese

They have more than a few pure landrace sativas they stabilized and keep in permanent collection

Its a thing where they never want to release a plant that wont be potent or that goes off the rails

Meo Thai is one everyone wants…but its not stable

Everyone wants the Oaxaca79 clone…They just released their Oaxaca crosses

Panama was just not the thing once I smoked it …but it was just one pheno

If I really wanted that Ace Panama I would need to open the line with large number of plants to find it…Its in there!

They had a much more tropical version to begin with…but they get complaints! One loud person …makes them rethink releasing anything that’s not bombproof

This is the commercial reality they exist in.

In our reality we know…You cannot make true sativa plant behave like an Indica…Its True

Sativas need to grow as is as…we need to adapt

We are the one who need to learn about them…or we will breed them out of existence

Ace is good people…They maintain many pure lines…They offer up their R + D work

Guatemala that was another one they had…colorado sativas has them

Colorado Sativas : Seeds