Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

This is also my preference. There are things to be found there one will never experience with modern polys.

Thank you for such a pleasant and reasonable exchange, something I find indicative of the inhabitants of this thread.


Likewise, my friend. It is great to be able to discuss these things and find common ground on what ultimately is of value to us (even more when we share the same passion). That is a precious aspect of our community.


I have always assumed itā€™s NL5. Somewhere in one of their (ace) descriptions they mention having almost totally selected out the ugly side of NL5ā€™s effects.


Turpentine, pine and Sour blueberry. Havenā€™t tasted the sour blueberry yetā€¦ But the others taste like they smell


Same here, but in the 90s. The first time I saw a broad-leaf plant, I was fascinated. This was before learning about all of the sub-species and variations.


We have a family picture my Dad wonā€™t let anyone see of him standing beside a plant he grew in the garden when I was barely able to crawl. Not too big about 6ā€™. His biker friend gave him some beans to go as he knew my dad had a green thumb. But my dad being a non smoker didnā€™t want to have it around us kids at the time. Little did he know 2 of the 3 brothers would have a life long relationship with this plant.

Iā€™m fascinated with landrace and sativa but aside from Island Sweet skunk thatā€™s the most sativa Iā€™ve touched to date (grew up near the west coast of Canada so only thing I saw growing was wide leaf indica dominant plants. Iā€™m looking forward to working with true sativa landrace/crosses just have to wait for them to arrive in the mail.

This said I have alot of reading in my future about how to feed and handle these beauties


Thanks very much for chiming in, always great to have other first hand perspectives.

Donā€™t mean to be a damper, Im just worried that others seeking the pure pure to get some watered down version. Not to say there arenā€™t sativa effects or phenos to be found in the GT line. The flower pictured looks denser than what iā€™d be looking for in a pure sativa, but thatā€™s just the purist in me speaking (i have a biasedtowards string of pearls, fenotrigo, fox taily types). Regarding ACE, we know for a fact that dubi is not transparent with listings and lineage so it is difficult to take what his company represents at face value (see: Bangi Haze).

Ultimately, love the discourse we can have here and the love for these long time flowering landraces ^ ^


Happy Saturday, all you landrace and heirloom fanciers.
I just made up some packs of what Iā€™m calling Koh Gold. Itā€™s 2 female KDKT, sourced from KD and sent over by @Tlander crossed to 1 male Malawi Gold, out of a once removed repro by @Tejas from seed collected in Africa.

I think the general consensus is that the KDKT has been touched by Dutch genetics in the distant past but has been grow and selected in that part of Thailand long enough to be considered a heirloom.
Anyhow, I havenā€™t grow any out yet, but Iā€™d expect some pretty far Sativa, but not 24 wk + far.
So I have 6 packs up for grabs to the first 6 members that are open to receiving them and respond here. If youā€™ve got a pack already, please give other members a chance to get one. Thanks for your interest.


@Budderton Wow :grinning: Heck Yeah! Dibs.


Iā€™m guessing people just havenā€™t woken up yet as the reason these are still available. It is Saturday morning and these are better than cartoons.


:rofl: :rofl:


I couldnā€™t grow them for a year, but if you donā€™t get your 6 Iā€™d be really happy to add them to the list of waiting seedsā€¦


I would be happy to see what I can accomplish with them.


Thereā€™s no strings when I give out seed, get to them when you whenever suits you @rasterman .:grin: Send me an address in PM and Iā€™ll get those out to you.

Right on @Raratt , shoot me an address in PM and Iā€™ll get an envelope out to you.


I stumbled across this.


Iā€™ll stick my hand up . Dibs please.


Right on thatā€™s 3! Send me your details in PM @ShiskaberrySavior .


Iā€™d love to grow some koh gold! sounds like a great mix


Right on @Movement13 , send me your details in PM and Iā€™ll get those out to you.
2 more packs to go!


@Movement13 i hope you have space for about a year, lol :joy::wink: happy growing to everyone, I can personally vouch for Budderā€™s gear :gem: