Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Holy fuck, where you pulling these epic photos from? That Timanfaya is awesome, and the Oregon Indica before that, bejeepers. Love those kind of plants where the bottom branches make whole plants of themselves.


icymi…there’s a bogo at Kwik and RCS.

Erdpurt x Friesland - Buy One Get One Free ‘Friesland M33’ - Kwik Seeds

Syrian Landrace - Buy One Get One Free - The Real Seed Company

I’ve been learning how to not overwater Syrian plants, so I grabbed some more to finish my training. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Lol. A little forgotten Indica, perhaps?
Looks like you’re in for a treat. The Afropips is good smoke.


The width on the leaves of the ACE Malawi is a head scratcher

Sounds like you found the late “indica” pheno I also found. It was ko weed for me. Made me wonder about whether it’s pure or not.

Not really​:rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::rofl:


The desert strains are tricky when young. Water around the edges of the container and only give a quick drink when the cup is light. Half or a third the normal amount. Don’t water twice.


I think I got it under control now. Started with 6 seeds and the last 2 turned out nice. Will be chopping them soon. I’d like to do a open pollination in September with my bogo order.

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I killed a whole fleet of moroccan The first time I tried to grow a desert strain. The next time I killed four. Last time zero. Looks like we’re both headed in the right direction😁. How did you like the Syrian? @TricycleOfDoom


I had a bit of finger hash today. I found it had a pleasantly soothing body effect and somewhat introspective.


I don’t know of any 22 week indica. Do you?


@Grayeyes No, but outcrossing with Indica and then selecting the late Sativa phenos can do this. Malawi is supposed to have a crystal clear super uppity high, no stone. i could only smoke mine at night. Lights out in 15-30 minutes. I’ve seen pictures of the old afropips malawi and they don’t look anything like what the real seed company carries and what I grew, which was short and stocky. I think somebody accidentally outcrossed their strain and since has selected the late plants, Or Afropips did it and the chunky Indica phenos were used by the Spanish guy when selecting.


Nice job, dude.

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I don’t know if there was an indica cross in the RSC Malawi I grew. It did get 4 feet high in a 3 gallon pot. I did smoke it in early evening discovering I couldn’t sleep at 2 and 3 am. Mine also had the pineapple taste that you told me yours did not have.


Then again I have had Angus tell me that he hired geniuses that decided 3 or 4 different strains could all be together in one bag from field collection.


Hot dam, this is sad sad news about RSC afropips stock. I was looking forward to running this alongside TLT and possibly other Malawi/mulanje lines. My suspicion is for contamination in some later repro due to the pure sativa experience that many had over the years, when Jim was around I saw no evidence of indica contamination.


@Haggis While it may not be 100% kosher according to the scientific community, all the landracers know exactly what it entails. Ofcourse, there are exceptions to these monikers of “indica” or “sativa”

I prefer the classification system used by Indian Landrace exchange where they divide landraces by altitude, latitude, regions etc.

if you investigate the qualities/characteristics of the NLDs vs the WLDs there are patterns that emerge that have been distilled into “sativa” and “indica”

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And another fact to consider, with more than now 80 years of declaring cannabis ‘illegal’ who knows what any strain was crossed with. Guess it is not fair to look back farther 100-150 years. I know I have no idea of what somebody’s great great grandfather did.


That’s my guess too. Everybody hybridizes and then selects the fast plants. No reason you couldn’t breed the other way if you accidentally outcrossed. I have a sneaking suspicion some breeders have done so.
Does this look Sativa? I don’t know. Any strain I’ve grown that buds like this flowered from seed I can find Indica in its past thru trading history or known outcrossing by a breeder. I suppose It can’t be ruled out that some of the arab genetics made their way to malawi long long ago and have been almost entirely bred out of the genepool. I definitely found a Malawi and Uganda that are the same pheno, And the seeds came from different years and from different areas of africa. The malawi I got four years ago from south africa. The uganda are from mike. Definitely no relation… Yet there is one.
I can tell you the Malawi I am growing now.has no chunky plants and all of them are tall and lanky. Same as TLT Malawi. Here’s rsc Malawi 12 12 from seed. 15 weeks for all but one, which would have kept going


Landrace Malawi


Lol, who did what? “3rd base”. Sounds kinda Abbot & Costello.

I think we have wrongly assumed that anything smoked back in the sixties or seventies was not hybridized. My research is showing me that almost all of the most famous varieties were most likely hybrids