Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

RSC does this also and gives you the degree latitude and the geographical location of origin. Not sure how they replicate the seeds since I think they work with them outside area of origin?

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Maybe why some fell apart or lost that special something? IBL’s can lose something too so…


Agreed. Most of US weed, for sure. I think the really good sativa smoke was imported.


I think we all think that since every piece of vegetable we buy at the store looks the same that everything should be like that. We have been fooled. Dead on consistency is the exception not the rule.

Nothing we can do about it.


Maybe polys make it easier to keep consistency but sterile :disappointed:

Strains like Flo, Sage, have good potential… as well as Hawaiian

Its going to work if you find interesting plants that get you high

It seems F1 generation is where you can find gold in sativa hybrids

after that it gets murky … great things but capitalize on the F1

Anyway, find the goods You gotem

still gonna get bored eventually…Always a better one

Its natures paradox


If rsc repros it is mentioned. Mostly indoor repros, but some Spanish outdoor too.

That’s what I think. No more hybrid vigor, and as the old hybrids were inbred, they have strayed from what they once were. Here’s a few examples. Nothing is for certain…
Durban Poison. Hybrid. KwaZulu-Natal x Hindu Kush circa 1900
Panama Red circa 1971 and earlier. Hybrid. Panama x Kandahar ( there were pure versions too)
Colombian Gold. Hybrid of Colombians or Colombian x Oaxaca
Cabeca de Negro. Circa 1975 Hybrid. Bahia Blackhead x Kandahar x Tirah Valley or Balochi
Swazi Gold. Hybrid. Swazi Red x Malawi Gold
Malawi Gold. Hybrid, 1940’s - 80’s Malawi x Durban
There are many more.


F1 are pretty much the same as one another because the genome is very hybridized since both P1’s are unrelated and thus the variants of this P1 cross will conceal all four of the contributors.
I think it was mentioned that F2’s can be selfed or syb x syb, to let what has been called transgressive segregation take place. This is where a person starts to find the extremes as the genome recombines and segregates. Some say you can find types that can be better than both parents and produce types inferior to the P1’s.

A theory of decreased parasitic load from transposon mobile/non mobile being unable to access the chromatid and thus can not replicate due to the reshuffling of the alleles/genes or base pairs. This suppression process works in areas of high recombination but is reduced as you move closer to lower recombination areas like the centromere. Watching and listening on the forums I believe this concept or theory might have merit.


There’s a better option to get Thai genetics instead to Buy Zomia high prices
Its a really interesting page


Probably the only place in the world you can stop by for rare landrace sativa seeds and a relaxing face massage!


Agreed! Prempavee is very friendly and assisting local farmers by encouraging the growth of the ecosystem/industry while also bringing awareness to the landraces


:sunglasses:Youre talkin’ way above my paygrade Catus!LOL

Im mainly going by what we have seen in loss of sativa traits in Line breeding

Its probably all sorts of potential @ every finial generaion

Its also people want it to finish outdoor in Northern Climate and have buku resin and test over 20%, and have it mow your lawn, and do the dishes too!

You just cannot do that and expect good results…which they found out but will keep doing$$

Just money…And the selection

Selection…I do beleive its easy to find a good plant in F!

Its just easier…but yeah…Its seeds business of the F1 hybrid

Its a great thing… but its not easy to make a Line function in polyhybrid stability…If only!

Blessing and a curse just like this bloomin’ computer!!!

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We grow a polenta corn - Cascade Ruby Gold - that has a mix of full cobs of gold, red, brown. We were warned not to select out and only grow out the red type or it will rapidly lose vigour.
Perhaps the same has also happened with some of those landraces, that certain growers took it in a direction that they liked and only grew that type, narrowing diversity and coming up against inbreeding depression.
Outcrossing again to something related should fix that.

Are you working on any Central American lines that will grow outdoors for you without light dep? Have a Punto Rojo x autoC99 F4 from Arnold with 3 blade first true leaves, looking promising.


20 feet high and 12-15 feet wide Nepali cultivar


You will have plenty to burn, mexcurandero! Even alot left for charas!

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Mexcurandero420. That’s insane. I’ve heard of plants getting that big. But seeing it being obscene and majestic like that is inspiring. :star_struck:


I have seen one as big or bigger, I was standing under it and did not ever realise I was standing next to a huge cannabis plant, and it had not flowered yet.

You have some amazing photos, mexcurander keep them coming.


I’m not quite there. I’m working mainly Sativas for now, and there is no hope for them to finish if unhybridized. I’ve made some crosses but haven’t hunted thru much of them yet. The most promising cross was made by @George. He made a hybrid of my 2 old strains ( coyote + candy)and Oaxaca thats really great. Probably just a bit long flowering for my place, but I might find out this year if i can fit a few in

@mexcurandero420 nice photo!


This is why I would rather grow the Mexican types. Even a 50-50 Thai x DC cross will get 11’+ even when topped.

Thicker shorter Aztec/Myan mountain types seem more practical jmo.

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I trimmed and chopped one of the two Syrians today. The first of many landraces I hope.