Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

She’s gorgeous!


My suspicion, having been a smoker back in the 70’s, would be you are correct…but…it got a lot worse in about 1980 when it seems like a butt load of Afghani showed up. Changed things a lot it seems to me as I recall.
What we used to get in the Midwest went from “keep you up all night” to “couch lock” in the span of a few years.
I do remember getting AG and CG and Jamaican weed with reason to believe.
Then everything got skunky. And not necessarily in a good way.
To be fair, I may be an outlier. I’ve always hated skunk.


Yes I grew the shorter Mexican stuff before the Afghan hit. I was still able to get it to finish end of September-October. No skunk but had more of a deep musk smell or when you find dead chickens and throw them on fire or stove. Not sure if that makes sense but some of the smell coming from the Mex weed wasn’t that pleasant either is my point. The high was awesome and lasted three hrs. Yeah had lot of negative propaganda going on so I quit for a while but stupid kid will believe authority because they know what they are doing and are so honest and transparent :crazy_face::wink::thinking::dart:


What? Heresy! :rofl::rofl::rofl: That’s okay - I’m not big on tire rubber and cat piss smells either.


:sunglasses:Like that Syrian …Is that the RSC Syrian?

That’s got to have some interesting flavor for sure!


Yes it is from RCS. I also got some Iranian #2 and #3 that I hope to grow out this winter.


The MM x NH x MG is still growing and starting to chunk up a bit.

These went from 16" to 5’6" during the initial stretch which lasted around 4 wks. Growing in a 1 gallon, with the bottom cut out, stacked on a 3 gallon.
Smells so far: fresh herbs, lemon grass, parsley, sage
@Hashpants , I think you’re gonna have some trees on your hands come fall!(knock on wood!)


They have a unique look , as well.


Yeah mines too thirsty to keep up with in coco, but is going to yield with the best of them.

I also have a nice clone.


Oh you got the wild, scraggly looking pheno, that doesn’t form tight, structured flowers. It kinda reminds me of some of the Thai phenos. I saw one out of six I started that was like yours but I culled it because I was afraid it would be a long flowered and might be more rope then dope. Or it could be the best ones.:sweat_smile: Good on you for having the patience to see it throw to fruition! All the best with the rest of your run!


Great!..Love to hear about the Iranian when you do that one

Dr greenthumb has Iranian for a long time He mainly has the hybrids♀-cannabis-seeds/

This one called “Jazz” is Oaxaca x Iranian… I think about getting but its feminized & expensive

^^This guy has the Oaxaca seeds that were sold pure @ one point …long ago

Heres another one I remember… also Oaxaca Iranian but different source…out of stock ATM


Just spotted this. Ends tomorrow.


That’s beautiful! Nice job keeping her happy. :+1:

Yeah buddy!


Ha! Me too lol. I wanted to hit the like button but I didn’t know what I was liking🤣

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Yeah the MM x NH X ML just takes over my tent. Makes me wait forever Man hahaha. That’s why I kept the clone despite the challenges, might be mythical smoke or yeah possibly rope. That’s the breaks. This is definitely not watered down weed like a lot of the stuff getting pre rolled
nowadays . It’s been really fun to grow this Mullumbimby because she grows and grows and keeps growing. Definitely more on the science fiction Amazon side of weed. And Thai is a good thing if she’s has that in her- we like Thai weed in these parts that’s some of our favorite creative smoke. I think I’m about to meet a new sativa friend and sativa lovers in my vicinity will rejoice in 6-8 more weeks. This plant has inspired me to go back to soil. I need a simple soil mix for next run and a way to avoid bugs indoors. I think I’m definitely going to keep her in the rotation and decided to add a lambsbread in there next to her because at this point why the fuck not: I want some huge jars of lambsbread and mullumbimby. When I chop her I’ll just pop that MM clone in there to take her place in 3 gallons of soil next time. These MM x NH X Malawi could be my window plants. I should just keep cloning them and fill my windows with them. Thanks again @Budderton you’ve got some unique weed and last year I was like hey I don’t have any haze and now I’m smoking that ah11 daily and when that runs out I’ll have ounces of this wild haze Life is good. Now what will be the indica to balance her? I’m growing mostly sativa still. What’s your favorite indica? Overgrow the world!


Right on @MikeyMeteor ! I’m glad to see you’re enjoying taking on those long flowering sativas!
Yep, the Mullumbimby Madness types where bred up off SE Asian imports from the 60s (or even earlier) Thai, Los, PnG are all said to be in there, perhaps even Columbian Gold, depending on what camp you subscribe to. Same could be said about the Nevils Haze. Columbian/Mexican/Thai depending on what story you’re buying.

Depends how you define indica. I think Afghani/Pakistani hash plants types but the translation is literally “by India” . If you’re looking for the opposite effects, fuzzy brained, couch lock, then you can’t go wrong with Chem, a classic OG Kush or a combo of the 2. I like the LA Affie #11 × Afghani Hash Plant but I’m a bit biased. Here’s one at 6 wks of flowering.



I’m learning this also. Afghan doesn’t mean couch lock and fuzzy. I definitely get this from the chems though sometimes. This must be some kind of hybridization. The “purer” Indica I go the better and clearer it is.


Guerrero green x Michoacán f2

highland Guerrero f2


What are you thinking your finish time will be, I think you are just a little bit north of me?


Honestly couldn’t tell you first longer flowering I’ve done they say between 13-16 weeks flower my guess Novemberish-December but Time will tell