Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Hi, we better get back to the plants. Panama red 1974, line of the old forero of overgrow nicknamed rushman’s preserved by members of the vibes Collective, shared by wesos and reproduction made in Hawaii by my brother Green (thank you very much, friends) cultivar of my brother @truhan


I plan to chop the Orissa Gold from Indian Landrace Exchange next weekend. This will put it at 26 weeks seed to harvest.

Will it be worth the the commitment of time and space? From a standpoint of adding a few new hybrids to my collection with some new and unique genetic diversity absolutely without a doubt!

This is a shot of the Orissa Gold from a couple weeks ago.


Gorgeous plant! Are you getting the spicy smells?
@Yaxu…thanks for the photo! I have a long way to go before the Snowhigh Panama look like that.


Not getting any spicy smell right now. It sort of smells like tobacco to me. I’ll get a better idea next weekend when I am trimming her, and after a bit of a cure.

Good luck with the Panama Black. That was definitely a challenging one too that went 26 weeks seed to harvest for me too.


This one is Panama red × Panama red hair…
I’m prepared for putting in half of a year. Seeing your photos stiffens my resolve…
Those last photos…thats Panama Black? The resemblance to Swazi Red, at least the few photos I have seen, is the dry nugs photo. Gorgeous! Great
job! I would never have guessed that plant pictured would have dry buds that look like that.
The Orissa is smelling like cigars? Only other landrace I know of that mentions cigar smells is Swazi Red, which is supposed to be extremely smooth smoking. How many weeks flowering for that one? Or did you flip from seed?
I hope you can afford to let that one cure. My Malawi seemed to double in potency between month 21/2 and 31/2. Unfortunately for me, I smoked a bunch when it was fresher because much of my weed last year was landrace and I had little choice. If only I could go back in time lol. I look forward to hearing how the smells develope after the chop.
How tall is that one. Looks like you were able to keep it under control.
You should put that photo in the Indian landrace thread😁 and your harvest photos of it too! How did that Panama smoke? How many weeks flowering?


Hello Yaxu. Good to hear from you. I have heard of Panama 1974. Do you happen to know the effects of that one? I’m hoping for some energetic phenos to pop out of the line I’m growing.


Yeah, sort of interesting. I think it will change as I trim and cure.

I have not grown pure Swazi Red. I grew the Red Afro on 12/12 from seed, and it was only 12 weeks start to finish.

The Orissa Gold is only 3’ tall. I’ve trained it quite a bit. My guess is if I let it grow without training it would be 5-6’. I’ll post a couple pictures over in the Indian Landrace thread too.

That is a Panama Black. It was a strong buzz but very clear. I’ll definitely have time to give some of the Orissa Gold a nice cure. It’s nice to have the variety of both the pure sativas, and the indicas/hybrids.


Really nice @Comacus !


Sorry, I should have been more clear. How many weeks flowering for the orissa? You said 26 weeks, but didn’t mention if there was a veg or not…

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Beautiful plant. I saw one just like it in the book “Gandalf Grows the Ganja” by Dr. Suess.

That’s one of those plants you could look at for hours; not that I’ve ever done that. Lol

Kev :call_me_hand:t5:


@Kingmambo…I’m a moron. I just looked for the book lol! With Legalization coming, that sounds like a believable title!
That is the type of plant you could stare at for hours…not that i have done that either…:lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:


8-26 to 11-26 in veg, and has been flowering since 11/26 so 12 weeks flowering this Thursday.

So not so bad really on the flowering time except it took her 3 months to become physically ready to start flowering.


I bet if you had switched to flowering immediately upon birth, it wouldn’t have finished any quicker…( well, maybe it would have) You were able to get the flowering time someone growing it outdoors in India would experience doing it the way you did. I’ve kicked around the idea of just having some Thai plants growing on the periphery of the room, to give them some age before a flip to a flowering light cycle. Wonder if they would act in a similar manner? Really nice job keeping it under control. What soil does she like?


Yeah, they have been on 12/12 from seed since birth. Actually switched to 11/13 when they started flowering. Used Ocean Forest this run. They liked it at first. As they used up the natural fertilzers I had trouble keeping them happy. Was using a light dose of Jacks 10-30-20 and some CA MG.

This next run I am trying Jacks 3-2-1.


I get it now. So you "flowered "the whole time, and noticed flower developement the last 12 weeks, right? Boy, that’s a LONG flower cycle. As long as Thai. Sativas don’t get any purer than that. Enjoy it. Savor it. Put some away for 2022.
Its hard to feed these sativas. They are finicky. Thats another reason why I used so many containers. Adding soil they liked by up potting was easier for me than figuring out food requirements. In the final pot I used spikes and some dry food on the bottom of the grow bag, and they did well with that. Just the other day, I dumped out the Oaxacan to check the roots, and put some fowfarm under 5hem to buy a couple days. Next day the leaves were crinkled a bit.
I think you’ll have better luck with the new ferts you got. They prefer the low numbers it seems.
Regardless of the challenges with feeding, you pulled it off. Have you thought of a South Asian cure for a bit of it?
So that flip to 11/13 triggered flowering? Pretty quickly?


Is the Southeast Asian cure like a cob where they compress the weed when moist, let the temp rise for a day or two, and then let dry? I have thought about trying it, and maybe making a mini brick with some of it!

They had already started to flower on their own at 3 months of 12/12. I had read some stuff about reducing the ttme on these long flowering satties, from snowhigh I believe, to help control size so decided to move to the 11/13. Almost also moved to 10/14 but ended up keeping them on the 11/13,


Yes, exactly. Like a cob cure. In India they use a buried clay pot, but @Eudaemon used a mason jar with great success. You’ll have to stay on top of it for a couple days…but it cures the weed much faster than the way we do it( the way i understand it, at least)
I’m going to try a similar light cycle as what you did. It makes sense. @YoBigdaddy has talked with Steve aka Mr rabbit about something similar for Thai strains. It seems most of the experienced indoor Tropical growers do something like this. I tried to do that last summer, and did most days, but there were days the plants had 12 or even 12 1/2 hrs of light, tho mostly 11 1/2, the best I could do with my work schedule.
Might be worth starting a thread about this cure technique…


Has anyone experienced a landrace with banana terps?


I may have missed the topic, but here in Brazil, we grew up with a legendary indigenous recipe that cures bamboo.

Open a section of bamboo, clean it well, add honey, put the herb and squeeze well, close and bury … I already did, with a month of waiting …

It is very sweet​:joy::joy:

And honey preserves …



I think I heard of a banana mango terp profile from India…