Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

That’s neat. So you put weed in bamboo and then smush the weed into it or you smush the bamboo? The weed is dried a day first or fresh?


The herb has to be dry …

Choose a bamboo knot, let it dry a little, remove one side and clean the inside …

Afterwards, grease the inner wall of the bamboo with honey …

Put the herb and need to remove the air …

Then, it should close tightly, with a stopper or the bamboo itself, and from there, there are three ways to prepare:
1- leave the bamboo at home, stored.
2- put the bamboo under the roof, to warm up (I never did this)
3- bury the bamboo in a dry place.

There are other variants, like adding brandy … But this I think was to disguise the bad smell of the anaerobic decomposing herb (ammonia).


highland oaxacan gold 5 for 5 planted 2/16/2021 I will take pictures in the

morning today was their first lights out for 10 hours they are growing crazy

be safe and be free



How was the effect from the Kullu? Always wanted to try it but that flowering time got me a bit worried which I thought was 120 days+ for some reason


Flowering time grown outdoors and force flowered was 15 weeks for all 4 of them. Smells were kind of gassy. Great branching on them and decent yields for a sativa. Not as strong as a hybrid, potency was close to being as good as Malawi, but not quite. I’m sure I didn’t find the most potent expressions with only 4 females


A post was merged into an existing topic: Landrace Expansion & Trade

Was it a wake up weed? In other words, stimulating?


The Kullu definitely has an up Buzz. Excellent for work. When I was smoking it everyday at work, I thought it was better than the Malawi I have. Now that I’ve been smoking the Malawi everyday, I think the opposite LOL. They are both very good oh, but the Malawi edges the Kullu in The Taste department for sure. You can find Kullu on strainly via Khalifa genetics. I don’t even think I found the best phenotype. The owner of Khalifa genetics is currently making an IBL of Kullu. The plant he found for this purpose looks killer. There is something special about the resin profile of Kullu. Perhaps it contains THCP, the super THC that is absorbed by the body ten times more efficiently than regular THC, effectively making varieties that contain this cannabinoid feel much more potent than their THC percentages would have you believe. Kullu tests at 9-13% thc, but smokes like strains having 20% thc or more. Wish i got a stable male when I grew them, I’d have spread the seeds far and wide. This one is nearly extinct, and was thought extinct by many.
Give khalifah genetics a look. His prices are very reasonable, and both varieties I Grew From his stock were pure in my opinion.


I have some, just haven’t grown them…I also have a bunch of rasoli from them and some from rsc.


Rasol supposed to be excellent too.


Thanks for being so warm and welcoming, I am actually a novice grower and am just starting out. I would love to learn from everybody, people are amazing out here. Peace.


Rasol is one of those places which do not get that recognition but are gems in their world. Rasol and Grahan are the only 2 villages that are entertained by the people of malana. Plants out there grow tall like quite tall and unlike malana domestication is not that rigorous though still being enough to shape the plants in a unique way, the flowers are quite fluffy if i being correct though the smell is very fruity with slight mint, the charas tastes the same personally rasol has better charas than malna though malan exxcels in there technique. It be amazing to see somebody grow this beauty.


Maybe I can pop a couple of those this summer. I don’t know if they will finish, but they will at least produce seeds.


@ShivamGrover is from Punjab, India. If you have questions about any Indian varieties, this is the guy to ask. He has tried all the varieties from Himachal Pradesh, and it seems like he has tried most of the varieties from India


@ShivamGrover I have some rasoli… actually from two sources. I planned on growing it this year but I would rather grow it outside and my neighbors are not good people. So it has to wait. Can I pm you about my strain collection?


Do you have any expieriance with the north Indian red stem variety , I have seeds and am very curious to see what they become.


And so am i


Well i have actually not tried all since himachal is the mecca of cannabis in India and there are just so many places cannabis grows it will take quite a lot of time to go through all.
Would love to help as much as i can. cheers


I’m looking at some seeds from Omkareshwar and another from Karnataka. Know anything about the cannabis culture in either of those places?

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yes you can surely pm your strain collection it would do wonders outside i have personally seen plants being as tall as 12 to 14 ft the smell and taste is amazing, in actuality i have never tasted the flowers out there but definitely the charas and it taste sweet fruity and at times minty though its an amalgamation of resin from a lot of plants.