Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Araku is straight up Mango either ripe or slight raw with a sour taste but always mango
if you guys know about Mango Bite its a Toffey we get in india, the flower taste exactly like that.
Nirmal on the other hand is sweet and citrus at the same
this is mango bite


Sounds Awesome! Do you think Mango Shillong is related then? Need to get me some of those Mango bites!


Mango shillong is not so sweet unlike the mango you get in araku, they have more of raw mango taste.


Loving this thread…thanks to all,who are contributing,!


Good news! I was finally able to order Mango Shillong. Payment went through. Been trying over a month. I’m really looking forward to seeing this one grown out. Sounds awesome.
@GMan would like some information about Parvati Valley strains when you get some time. Specifically Malana area genetics. I was mentioning to him the potential for potency in these genetics, and the quality of the hash this landrace cultivar can make.


So last year around this time I attempted to germinate 50 lolab Valley seeds. I used un finished compost( duh) and anything that sprouted got cooked. After probably at least 3 weeks or so I just dumped the soil and seeds out in my garden and lighly scratched it in, hoping that maybe something would germinate. After an inch of snow last night I was in the garden and decided to check that spot where I put the soil and seeds. To my slight surprise, there are two Lolab Valley plants coming up. Maybe some more will germinate.


Indianseeds97, from India, is currently on the Indian Landrace thread for anyone interested in learning about these unique varieties


I found two more volunteers in my yard. The last two are in weird spots. One came up behind the gutter down spout. It’s a red and bronze looking color. One leaf, and a stem that sort of looks like it’s been growing a while. I may try to dig it out to get it away from the house. The other is coming out of a pile of rocks, lol. It’s looking fine. That’s about 7 I found so far.


I found five so far. Crazy because several of them made it through some snow storms, and they were all tropical.


Not cannabis specifically, but with some of my veggies and other plants I find that a handful of the ones that are heat or cold tolerant will have a pretty good tolerance in both direction.


Interesting. I wish I knew exactly what plants had popped up. I’m pretty sure one of them is Malawi gold


Hola @Yaxu
Espero que todo este bien por alli, te dejo unas fotos de Llanera, muy bonita
Llanera 1

Llanera 2 florecio como la CG72 pero sin tanta productividad. Y al igual que la CG72 algunos cogollos se pudrieron una semana antes de que la planta termine

La Llanera 3 sigue floreciendo en la ultima semana antes del solsticio de invierno. No tuve ningun problema de hermafroditismo tanto con machos como hembras, todos firmes sexualmente y plantas felices. Solo hongueo el feno que se parece a CG72
La Llanera 3 se florece como la 1 solo que esta es feno verde

Cuidense en estos tiempos y feliz invierno


One I thought was pot turned out to be a vine plant that looks just like cannabis in the young leaves.

But, the ones I have let go are just killing it. No nutes except to one that popped up in used pot. I figure it doesn’t have the nutes in that mix to carry it all the way so yesterday I gave it some fish hydrolysate and trace elements and humic, and some microbes.

But the ones that came up in the dirt only are really impressive now that they’ve all grown past the hail damage. They almost all look similar which tells me maybe they all got pollinated by the same dad. 4P Haze from @lefthandseeds is my guess.

The fan leaves on almost all of them are large 9 fingers. The one that popped up literally out of hard clay looks a little more to the indica side. Maybe the PPP. I’ll see if I can get pics today. I have 5 and they are all over the back yard. The one in the rocks by the gate is a mystery to me how it got there. The rest were either in a pot that I tossed or left out in the weather, or where most plants were at the end of the season.

After watching the natural strength they seem to have after being in the dirt all winter has me wanting to do a test and plant next years plants, at least a few, into the dirt after the first frost and I know it’s winter. I met a local dude that grew up here and he says that’s the way he grows his. I didn’t think much about it until I found all of my volunteers, and then I remembered what he had said. I think he’s on to something. I haven’t had to feed or water them except the one in the small pot. and only once for it.

It’s really amazing how resilient they are. No watering from me and no nutes. I think the whole over wintering of the seed has benefits. It will be interesting to document where and what I put out to see the results in spring. We had some really cold weather last winter. We usually get permafrost that slowly melts and expands the upper levels of the soil. That probably helps the new seedlings with soft sandy clay loam soil.

So, I have 5 I’m gonna grow all the way. Should be fun. I’ll probably never know what they are because I had a lot of different varieties out in the second half of summer. That makes the anticipation even more exciting. Like when I grew the bagseed I saved. Never knew what it was but always came out fire, better than the weed I bought and it came from, ha.


Beleza amigo ! Sabes tu latitude ?

@Bud_Weiser … jo … 23° S … Rio de Janeiro

:call_me_hand: :call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:


Punta Roja. What a beauty!


That is a beautiful plant! Nice work!


Does anyone know per coexidence where to contact Nick from Holysmoke Seeds?

Its for a very important Reason, and i can explain in PM.
It would anyway be a Breeder that wants to contact him, who lost his Strain, an i have reasons to beleve Nick has it.

Thanks for PM me.


Wish i could take credit. A friend showed me the picture.


Some massive fan leaves from a plant that popped up on its own from last season. It’s growing where I had the Malawi. Good chance that’s what it is. Looks so different growing in the ground.


Some thai plants

Pallani black South Indian…