Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Those fan leaves should provide some shade on down the road nice .


Big leaves arenā€™t they. At some point Iā€™m going to have to kill the plant, although it will break my heart. There is no chance of me digging it up, and itā€™s already almost 5 feet tall. It grew 3 ft in the last 2 weeks! It would most certainly be a tree if I left it, and there is no chance that it will finish in the ground here in NY. What a difference from the two-footers I grew Last Summer. Hard to know the limits of a plant when grown in a 2-gallon pot for most of its life. Surely this one would have better smoke than what I harvested last year, which was great, (dont get me wrong) but Outdoors at 42 degrees latitude does not do a tropical plant complete Justice. It just canā€™t be grown to its full potential because the sun isnā€™t strong enough.


Good point! Never thought about the sun not being strong enough

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Upstate cut some clones and bring them insideā€¦finish under lights


yo gusto mucho :heart_eyes:


This is a long shot, but perhaps you could mount small hand held mirrors on the ground to intensify and focus that sunlight, acting like miniature photon amplifiers.

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If you work your flowering schedule to occur two months before until two months after the solstice, the sun would be strong enough. But it really loses strength by September

I might have to. No branches yet to take. I want to see the next couple sets of leaves before I top it. I think they could get bigger.

I think they actually have some greenhouse plastic that does this. I think it is made up of numerous bubbles, kind of like bubble wrap. Donā€™t quote me on that, but I seem to remember talking about it with somebody. After legalization it isnā€™t a bad idea at all. Even reflective foam or mylar could help alot. Would be a red flag at the moment.


I have an afghani dominant plant that was started in mid March just starting to flower. Is that normal


Out side Iā€™m assuming depending on hours of sun itā€™s possible.

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Yes outside

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My at 39 degrees latitude, but havenā€™t seen early flowering like this in years. It will still be a 6.5 month old plant after it finishes which is still a long time in my book


Iā€™ve had some monster Malawi, itā€™s some of the most resinous flower Iā€™ve ever seen, and huge fan leaves just like thatā€¦

I sometimes dig my plants out when they are as big or bigger than that, often I chop the top off and root prune them pretty hard if I am putting them back in the tent. itā€™s amazing the abuse they will take and bounce backā€¦


Afghani plants can Autoflower. Usually itā€™s from feral plant genetics. They can also ā€œautoflowerā€ due to root constriction in small containers. Not necessarily a bad quality.


This one is interwoven with garlic. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a chance I can dig it up. I just tied it down last night because it was sticking up above my fence by 2 feet. I might just get a cutting. When plants come up on their own I take it as a sign that I am supposed to grow them. I feel that itā€™s a gift from the spirit of weed, helping to guide me towards the right genetics.


Itā€™s a bushy plant. I topped it several times, I posted a pic of it on my outdoor thread yesterday. I just have so many questions about this plant.

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Iā€™ve wanted to get a few of these landraces from RSC for a while now. Figured I better get them before the Kalamata Red was gone, and I later kicked myself for not grabbing them!

I have so many things already but hey what is the harm of a few more :grinning:


Thatā€™s a nice little collection you got there @Comacus. I have a Mazar I Sharif from the rsc growing. Itā€™s got medium thin leaves and a Christmas tree stature. Itā€™s real hardy and does good out in a field somewhere. Medium size plant. I canā€™t wait to see how it flowers. I do admit that these landraces are addictive. Love the highs that they create. I got some brick once that tasted like black licorice and the high was real nice smooth up. Iā€™m sure it was a landraces from somewhere. I have been looking for that high since. You wouldnā€™t happen to know a landraces that taste just like black licorice would you?


Iā€™ll look back through my notes. From memory, several of the Africans note the licorice smells. I remember I grabbed a couple for that note but donā€™t remember which ones now!


Just ordered the Laos gold myself. I was holding off and tryingt to be frugalā€¦really I was. Sudanese is next in the list as well as their jamaican lambsbread\highland cross


Sudan. Flea beatles like themā€¦ but they are starting to flower with 16 hours of daylight. Males are spilling pollen already.
Old Silversides Oaxacan. In one of the photos youā€™ll notice there are no white hairs on the buds, which is a first for me. ( just the caterpillar branch tip) Turns out the culprit is an inchworm. He only ate the hairsā€¦

Goroka highland, aka png gold
secret Thaiā€¦

Pallani Black South Indian male. Hit it once with just a teaspoon of cal-mag and you can see the damage on the fan leaves. A reminder to go light on any kind of liquid fertilizers with landraces.
Mystery plant. Durban or Malawi. No way in hell it will finish because itā€™s in the ground, but I donā€™t have the heart to kill it. No point in cloning it because even a clone wouldnā€™t finish Outdoors at this point
peg) POK, ( Pakistan occupied Kashmir)formerly known as Azad. Beautiful leaves.
Blueberries! Ready in 1-2 weeksšŸ˜. Canā€™t wait for some blueberry cobbler! Looks like a bumper crop.