Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Thanks for the kind words everyone :pray:, now if you could all just come help me trim it id be most grateful :laughing:

Yeah I can only imagine man, I put a jumper on here when it gets down to 15C!. It’s monsoon season here and we had 380mm of rain in 3 hours a few days ago, so getting them through the next couple of months is going to be interesting, I expect to lose a number along the way just from storms and collapsing under their own weight … such is life I guess🤷‍♂️


It’s nice to see my Hau Bac are around and enjoyed , we released a Hau bac x Og also I think a few might be calling Hau Bac


hey i recognize your name, haha re

Yeah, it was a clear high, or clean high. i liked it more than the cursating Vietblack.
I mean Vietblack x Hoabac is what i could smoketest. and was not as good.

The Hoabac was cleaner.

There was a “im not high” quality in the onset. You know the onset of smoking canna can be a bit stressy… but in the Hoabac i could feel the deep power of Vietnamese, wich is a Kindness, The Kind effect means, that you arent as stressed, as you would with 99.99 percent of weed today.
So the onset was very smooth, at Peak its very deep, the Air is filled, something in the air, no… actually Hoabac is more like the focus infront of your Head, its very close, touching your skin, sits on you, right infront of you. The world appears like trough a looking Glass.
I love it


@romanoweed I may be wrong but dident you get the hoabac from Old school breeders association, looks legit to me …

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I was reading your interesting post and all About Acapulco thing is totally wrong. There’s many different strains on Guerrero highlands and some are really potent until This days potency like Jack herer hybrid, i smoked 20 years ago stuff from there and i smoke the same strain 15 years later and the potency still being top grade.


Some more pics of the garden, I am battling leaf septoria, never had it before and it took me a bit to work it out, at first I thought it was a deficiency or a toxicity but the super fast ground up progression gave it away.
The summer rain also brings the wingless grasshoppers and caterpillars🤪. It’s been wet and humid so I’ve blasted them with all neem oil, and will probably do so again, the lower leaves got some copper fungicide so I’m hoping that combined with the neem oil controls it for a while….I’ve read that you are supposed to pick off the affected leaves and burn them…. But there are just fucktons too many for that to be practical🤷‍♂️

All together : these are all sativa of SE Asian heritage… we are close here so SE Asian weed is what we had instead of Mexican brick weed since long before strain weed was a thing. I didn’t even see anything indica here until my mid twenties, everything was some form of SE Asian sativa.

These are leaning Thai and are frosty right from the first pre flower calyx. This stuff is devastatingly potent.

Good size stumps with well anchored roots. I tip these once just to try and keep them under control and then I gaff tape the fork together to stop them splitting down the middle in a torrential downpour. I’ll probably stake a few of them when they fill up.

More Thai…. A big mofo, going to make some beans with this one.

VB pheno #1

A bit thin stemmed but really graceful plant and has a high with no ceiling, one of my favourites.

Another one.

A couple of different VB pheno’s

A hybrid of the VB above and a nice GG.

Most of them are flowering now at 13 hrs of daylight.


Unfortunately smashed with the septoria, but it shouldn’t effect the flowering…


they are getting beautiful
But its hard to watch it just on screen. Hope to see the purple black colors in VB.


How is it actually to smoke Sativa only. do you feel like weed incompares you longer periods after smoking? I feel that with my “mostly sativas” still happening.

How about motivation, i felt that i dont get as lazy over longer periods of smoking “mostly Sativa”


Yeah it’s definitely less heavy and doesn’t leave you burnt out like indica or hybrid smoke does, though it’s still every bit as potent and it can leave you a bit jittery/anxious if you over indulge. I still grow a few indica for my night time smoke, they just only produce a tiny amount and are a real pita to keep from rotting. I’d like to donate some of these out for a seed run at some point as they are likely rare in the northern hemisphere.


where do i need to sign up, lol!
yes, burnout next day is not too bad, but i still find myselve taking a day off after a sativa Trip night.

Im very critical smoker, and hope i find this weed that only raises Livequality.

I felt a couple longtime advantages after my 10 years abstinence. Now smoking mostly sativa, i felt that i have no problem accepting silence, when someone doesent speak, and you think there is a need to… In this phases my mind just starts fantasyzing , and i love it . these effects are over a month or so


How is the effect of Manipuri? I like sativas and I’m looking for a good one to grow here in Deep South of the United States (about 32 degrees north, with a humid, sub-tropical climate).

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Trichomes on a male! Very nice. I hope you saved some of that pollen.

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When you think about it, landraces are basically heirlooms whose genetics have been stabilized by more primitive means.


What’s primitive about it?

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Instead of grow lights, potting soil and chemical fertilizers, they used sunlight, natural soil and natural fertilizers (dung, compost, etc.). Sorry about the confusion. I meant less advanced. The effect is the same, though: strong, healthy plants with desired characteristics.
For what it’s worth, I meant no offense.

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Oh no offense taken! Purely for discussion, didn’t intend to come across that way.

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I was wondering if you were referring to their breeding methods and mindset rather than their source of nutrients and photons.

Salts and LEDs make it possible for so many more of us to grow indoors but as far as the plants are concerned there’s no beating the big ass bulb in the sky.


Sadly at best we strive to approximate. What I’d give for a ton of volcanic soil. lol


I was referring to pretty much everything. The breeding methods are pretty much the same (with the exception of clones): collecting pollen from the best males and pollinating the best females. Instead of using technology to test the cannabinoid content, they consume it and take note of the effects. The end results are the same, and they speak for themselves; old-school landraces can be quite potent. What makes landraces so interesting is the terroir lends itself to subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) differences between the strains. One of the differences between the old landraces and the new hybrids is the effects of landraces tend to be more complex, or at least to me. Don’t get me wrong, the new indoor hybrids are outstanding, but I’ll always prefer landraces.


The difference between a hammer and an eldritch wand. Imo…

Or crimini and cubensis. lol