Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

3 males? Wtf! Dude that’s all kinda of shit luck… so no vb fems then? Oh dude I’m disappointed for you if that’s the deal… :frowning:

On the slightly bright side they look like stonking males…


Yeah, I don’t get that anymore, maybe it’s because I’ve pretty much exclusively smoking sativa… I remember the paranoid panic from my youth… maybe I’ve just stopped giving a shit lol.


It’s amazing what one can get used to. I’ve actually been bored during combat deployments to Iraq. Bored! In fact, that was part of the insurgents’ strategy.


Oh it’s not luck, it’s my half assed light dep. I should have just let them go on their own. Going to let them be for now and see what they do.


Isn’t that what they say war is? 90% boredom 10% terror? Respect for your service brother.


So this is what a real Sativa looks like? Light and almost feathery. Cool! I’d love to have a few of those seeds, but I grow outdoors in good soil and full sun. I’m afraid where I am the rainy season (November) would develop PM and bud rot before they matured. Keep up the good work!


Hi to all the sativa lovers! :cowboy_hat_face:
Here let you a picture of the same bud… Just a 60 years of difference. Some things never change here in Mexico… Fortunately.


Pure sativas will generally handle humidity and rain with no issues. If you pick the right region for your climate they are bomb proof. :bomb:


Well I guess my light dep was actually just effective.

No gender ambiguity here, just three magnificent bastards. :laughing:

So yeah, a little bit of a bummer but I have cuts so I’ll start some more with pollen in the bank. What are the odds? I don’t know a bookmaker that would touch it. :joy:


You have a 12.5% odd of germinating 3 seeds and the 3 being male, assuming a 50% chance of either sex.



Ah but it’s skewed by the particular m/f ratio of the variety in question…


Chiming in for an endorsement of cannabiogen’s punto rojo. Had one in the batch of this last year’s experiments and it was hands down the best uncured smoke I’ve ever had, so good that it’s puts the medical dispensary stuff to shame (not a difficult task to be fair). It didn’t last longer than 3 weeks… and now I regret not vegging that one to allow for a healthier yield (started 12/12 >>> 10/14). Pre-chop it had a kind of fruity, rain scent and during the sample sessions it had a kind of fruity-incensey-menthal-spice taste, but not like frankincense, rather like a fruity menthol spice- hard to articulate the flavor profile. The effect was very quick and strong, euphoric head feel - very clean, absolutely no stoneyness. The bud structure was super arid with what appeared to be calyxes braiding together; while the overall frame had a kind of spear-type structure as it grew taller. No detectable pest problems or PM on the bud itself, threw off some nanners toward the end that caused me to chop early - luckily I did get some seeds from her.

Here’s a pic for reference:


Yup. Highly skewed. Thai weed is notorious for having high female percentages and the tribes of Manipur, the Meitei in particular, which grow this Manipur, hail from Thailand originally. Good idea to put that pollen away. Looks like you will have some in time for me to pollinate my Manipur. It’s definitely a close one though. I’ll have fresh stigmas for maybe another 3 weeks max.
@US3RNAM3 sounds/ looks like a good one! I like weed that gets you high right when you dry it out. Hard to screw it up by curing wrong. Sounds like an amazing flavor profile.


@Upstate Special medicine for sure

Some others from this last year’s experiments >>

Laos Sa (RSC) also grew very tall, very quickly with zero veg time. Same protocol as the PuntoRojo above. Battled a bit with pests (mites) and was stressed enough to start throwing a lot of nanners towards the end. Had two phenos, one that had cluster flower formations while the other was more wheat like. Took 'em out about ~ 90 days after sex showed before the chop. Could’ve easily gone longer but was worried about pollen from nanners.

Both had a similar jungley spicey taste but the wheat pheno was much more complex, with notes of chocolate+ other flavor. Effect was clean & introspective — primarily felt in the head. This is all with a brief drying period ~ 2 weeks for the samples. Didn’t have the patience for a proper cure on 'em, and in retrospect I regret not permitting for a proper cure. The effect of the wheat pheno was particularly weak vs the cluster type —edit > looking back on it, I think i harvested the wheat pheno before the cluster type. Note: They were both extremely airy, with no density ---- as you’d expect from a landrace hailing from this part of the world: IMO they deserve to go longer, next time nanners or not I’m taking them as far as possible.

Pic for reference of the wheat pheno>

Pakistani Kush (high elevation) from @paklandracexchange

No doubt about it, indica genetics. Struggled a bit in my environment with pests and a bit of rot at the end pre-chop, but definitely one that I make the exception for on the indica spectrum. Grew like a spear with some off-shoots.

Think> Hindu kush sister, but with more personality. Proper cure advised again! Mix of both head/body effect, really spectacular medicine:


Beldia #2

This one is more susceptible to aphids so definitely becoming hash.


Wow, the Beldia looks choice @GREANDAL - what sort of aromas are you picking up off of #2? Have you done any sample tests yet??


Thank you :blush:

I haven’t tested this one yet, will give a smoke report in a few more days.

All of these have to different degrees very similar smells; sweetish honey with what should become minty/menthol background but is now a nose running astringency.

#1 is several days drying and now broken up in the paper bag. More astringent and generally more fierce in odor.


@GREANDAL Well done! I hope she smokes as good as she looks😁

That’s a great description. Fierce in odor​:drooling_face::drooling_face:


Landrace Durban. Quite possibly the strangest land race I have ever grown. Keeping the source of this one a secret for now but I can say it is probably full on Wild landrace. The calyx’s are the strangest I have ever seen, looking like immature seeds popping out of them when they are young. As a matter of fact I thought I somehow pollinated all the plants thoroughly when they were earlier in flowering because of this strange calyx. I guess the best way to describe it is to show it

In one or two pictures I made sure to include a couple seed buds in there for comparison sake. Calyx’s are very very small, plants have been flowering since July 8th
Never mind the dirty thumbnails in the photo. Those aren’t mine​:lying_face::lying_face::lying_face:

Here’s a couple better pictures showing the weird calyx. These are more like leaves that have not quite figured out how to be a calyx. You can see the white seam in them where there is an opening in the calyx, often indicative of a seed that is ripening when it splits the calyx open but in this case just a weird style of Calyx.


How’s the overall structure looking? Did you microwave a sample yet?? :smile:

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