Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

So, now i show you a uncherrypicked couple ACE Strains. (i left PAkistanCitral Kush, 1) cause i have never compared any afghanis , especially i dunno even if its suposed to be Landrace. it shows “inclusions”.



New Caledonia:

Thai chiang Mai:

From now on its interesting:
China yunnan

Nevils Haze:

See the Samples where i said it gets interesting. I said once that its theoretical possible that broadleave Stuff might group way faster with Skunks…

On the other Hand oF corse the China Yunnan might have gotten outcrossed. OF CORSE.

The info i have as a hunter, is that this China Yunnan Line comes from an australian Person. i just found it interesting how it groups with skunk, dunno why.
Well, watch this: when i look at nevilss Haze, wich some People say it includes 1/4 Afghani, even the thinnerleaved Versions… then i realize it shows literally as 99 percent landrace…

Makes me think if really Fat Leaves grop easily with Skunk, and Thinleaves no matter what group with landrace, cause most Landrace Samples in Phylos are probably some Thinleaved Equatorials ? and create a broad Cluster (isle) trough their multi-regional / and thinleaved Measurements… But Afghani , fat as a momma comes only from ONE SINGLE REGION, hence creates a comparable small (Isle).

You know what i mean , i personally leave room for “error”. and this Nevils Haze is making me do that.

Anyway. You see, in most ACE Sativas i dont find that overwhenlming goodlocking Measurement, neither does it look much worse , but a bit worse DEFINITLY than the modern Samples i showed.

So, for me i stick to a brief conclusion i already said.

WATCH OUT when buying ACE Seeds, on the other hand i cant say that all Landraces of them are outcrossed. The Analysis is just too unconclusive enough to suspect they did outcross em on purpose. Besides some Lines, some Lines DO show significant “indicators” that they may be not very pure.


This is were phylos falls because it didn’t recognize that wat was sent to them labled as nevils haze was (I think )a Filipino landrace and the system couldnt work that out. Swap them around and it makes sense then.

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Ok, for Completion Pakistan Chitral Kush ACE:

No idea how to rate the “OG Kush” similarity…

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Not sure what they recognize as ogkush in that instance either. Their classification is just based on theirs or so called experts ideas. Its not bassed on real old world plant basses as far as I can see.


i googled the nevills haze for like a year… cause it was one of the few Sativas (i was after Mr Nices offer of wich i saw a Sattie looking Pheno) that were aviable, and psychedelic.

My conclusion was that most Folks suspected , well most settled with a mostly SE Asian genetic, with 1/4 Afghani.

There is room to think its a pure landrace… but i, vaguely vaguely recall that there is something heavy/zoned out in it, reading the smokerports, but mostly of corse very psychedelic. Thai Sativas are infact a bit similar described, so it could also been infact “pure Thai”…

Anyway, interprete yourselve.


sceptism is good . however, its nice to also make hypothesis.
I showed you a Phylos Video short before… They mention the name of the Company who do the Genetic mapping in the vid…

Also, @heritagefarm hypothized they wanna show Skunkman as the only one with pure stuff. However, Indian LAndrace Exchanges Samples were overall showing as same pure. That was something i have learned today,

so, thats why im not so shure if this is all manipulated… but again, im openminded. lol

i hope i am. am i?


Theres a plant thats patented thats based off the equadorian that came out of Amsterdam (i cant remember the strain name)

The way they patented it was to show it has a ‘unique’ cannabinoid and terpene profile.

The problem comes when enough strains are panted that theres an overlap in the profile they have and what you/we breed.

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Because the florida og crew sold their story and phylos is supporting it.

Similar to how any heirloom Affy/Paki will come up as ‘Skunk’ and not landrace.

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It really is amazing how much effort you put forth to not listen to me or what i screenshotted from Vibes members, yet what you posted from Phylos confirms what i said.

Ace Malawi Killer is Malawi x PCK.

Neville used Mullum and Afg/Skunk Haze to make his haze. You can find that on MrNice forum.


The relation is being shown backwards if anything , more like those strains people are seeing as inclusions have paki in them not the other way around. What is there base for landrace , what is there base for hemp ? It’s neat they are showing other people to have what they consider pure landrace but there entire method is flawed and is only a small portion of the plants genetics.


You mean this one?

I find all breeders, it doesnt matter from what collective they come from, behave like little Monsantos and are so worried that someone else will make seed from their commercial releases so they are making sure the progeny leads to inbreeding depression and degraded weed so you need to buy more new seed or keep cuts if you like this stuff
Having Reeferman and Luiz from BSC as source of genetics, no wonder everything is fake and just fantasy names
You know Dubi is not a breeder, so why do you judge him as a breeder? He is a businessman, judge him as a businessman if he is succesful or not. Malawi is hybrid, Dubi himself said so
Names are just that, names. The genetics come and go and are tweaked again and again according to the direction the wind blows. Only the fantasy name remain

You complain about people like Dubi or Snowhigh cashing on Vibes collective strains. Sorry guys, but with your acts and attitude you are promoting and encouraging the copies and the release of your strains at bullshit prices
So if Bangi Haze is a strain of yours, release it commercially under the Vibes Colllective seedsbank brand and sell it for 10-20u$s pack. You will see how fast all copies stop
You are crying online and the copiers are laughing all the way to the bank. You yourselves are allowing this to happen with your own attitudes and this is all leading to the degradation of cannabis. If you start with degraded depressed weed, you will end with more depressed weed
And Vibes Collective breeders are so worried about people reproducing their strains that they have deliberately bred in order for progeny to be lower quality than the original stock if you repro it. Same like Monsanto soybeans


What you say is true @funkyhorse but it can also work against. There have been instances in the past were great old elite pure lines have been released. Eg flying dutchman pure thai, greent hornet Vietnam, thai, dutch passions pure thai, gypsy thai ect ect and due to being released to the public no special attention was paid to preserving these and many others. Only for one day the supplier having to shut down mostly due to it not paying enough vs time involved to make and matain things or the strain being pulled because not enough people are buing it or sometimes other reasons. In the end most of those got lost. Yet I know of strains keept privately within select groups that are now and then gifted to those who have passion that have survived through a few generations.


Shit, I dont know about this exactly, but its true that people with exclusive things wont share it as easily, just look at the lambsbread and vibes collective, no sells, but crosses yes? If you want to preserve something send every pack of seeds sold some beans of that thing you want to preserve, dont keep it to yourself or it will die with you/your collective!

Purely my opinion, people is complaining a lot about dubi, yet I dont see real comparisons with true landrace vs what they sell. Ace seeds opened the landrace world to a lot of people, while other banks you got to search really well and order sometimes by an email you get from a forum(not saying its bad, but I prefer a website tbh), I dont know dubi, neither the vibes collective. Also, I think too that phylos is sketchy as the dna roots shit. Anyways why dont we just grow the plant and appreciate its beautiful varieties? We need more work done in terms of genetics/history of cannabis, and imo, we dont have the mediums neither the samples to do the true genetics comparison.

We need the farmers from those countries with precious landraces to do their own bussiness! And also we need more grow logs! I will start soon the grow log of kullu,muang sing, ot’s haze and ace ethiopian, if someone with the real deal(with facts) wants to come along and help say if its pure I think it would be a great thing!


The fourth panama that was used in the cbg panama red line was shared by sudaka from icmag (user from chile) many moons ago.

kaiki = charly garcia (kaiki was his name in cannabiscafe)

I grew panama de ace and panama red 74 and clearly panama de ace is a hybrid with who knows what, reeks of dutch hybrid.The only thing I liked about ace was his zamadelica from 2011, it was a planton uufff yes sir. I have a package from Honduras that I will grow some day.

Most of the plants that come out in pylos with the name Sam Skunkman were donations from icmag users, the Uzbek, Angolan, lambsbread for example.

But let the plants speak for themselves and whoever wants to believe that it is a hybrid or a landrace believe it, these dramas already have me rotten, let’s go back to the plants better hehe

wachuma, are you thcvhunter from icmag? overcome the dramas, cultivate and live peacefully.



i think you didnt understand (no offense at all) perfectly whats the point: the point is: some people claim that ACE hybredized mostly everythign (besides a few lines.) atleast thats what i thought they said.

My point was mor that ACE might not hybredized it, it was already hybredized when they got the Lines. So it were probably all collectors lines, known in spanish circles…

They didnt really identify them as HYbrid, because they Lines cursated under Landrace, because they were collected as such in Countries… Thats what i theorized, not claimed, but theorized, because eventual evidence.

In no way do i wanna claim it. i simply responded to the claims. showed my “theories” funded by my intense research about everything sativa, landrace, old lines, whatever.

I found one of the 4 Lines , used in ACE panama.

I want to say with it, if you believe Kaiki, that everything is a bit outcroseed, and he is the “good guy” in your view… then you find his punto rojo , one of the lines used in ACE Panama very non-hybrid? Or do you find it hybrid?

So, incase you People find it hybrid, ahm, then you trust a guy that claims other people sneaked in an indica, but his lines look to you as if he sneaked in an indica, so you trust guys word, that sneaks in indicas to later be relased? so that means, hääh, im confused how your thinking goes, i mean you all are very shure that he is telling truth right? I dont want to put links, pm if you need source… Probably there are explonations, but… confused me a bit.

i hope thats enough “evidence” i dont mean to claim anything with the evidence of corse. i just wanted to present things i seen, just that.


nice to hear something new collego! wohoo. Peace

This post was not for you, I wanted to quote only the last paragraph of your publication where you talk about the fourth panama. The other panama was panama 2000, which is supposed to have already been hybridized. In icmag not long ago greengrocer returned to the scene and published photos of panama red 74 and panama 2000 that were used in panama and panama 2000 they looked like well hybridized buds maybe everything got screwed up there.

I never grew up kaiki red dot so I can’t comment. And I don’t know what you mean if I trust or not, maybe the translator doesn’t help me much.


i edited the wordings, i spoke to People, not you alone. all good, college.

yes, its possible it catched Indica pollen, acording my research, but it was PROBABLY not done by ACE. but happend before, in Panama. you made my day.!



This guy always trying to argue with someone!!
Hey @romanoweed how many strains have you went out and sourced ;Landrace)?
Why don’t you do some real research and see that you are very problematic. I don’t understand you kid I really don’t. :thinking:

Does this look like a sativa dominate plant or hybrid based off your scientific observation???


Thanks for all the questions you’ve posed, I think the discourse is helpful - especially with all the knowledgeable members that are able to chime in and contribute to the landrace dialogue.

It seems you’re contradicting yourself on the ACE Malawi gear, as the screen shot post you referenced stated they were from African Seeds. The African Buzz is related to African Seeds as well.

I’m hoping that not all of ACE’s “landrace” gear is hybridized but I will atest to the fact that their “Panama” certainly has some indica genetics in it.