thats where you are probably just looking at leaveshapes.
I can hypothize that every Genetic, collected later, closer to the the 70s. (in this case Kaikis Punto Rojo was collected in 2000), is better.
Further, we can also read the Phylos Measurements, wich indicate that Indian Landrace Exchanges Strains collected in 2020, are pure , i didnt say it prooves it, but indicates it, wich is always better.
SO, now comes the point :
-older is better
-thinleaved is better
so, wich one is really the winner?
And there comes my Experience. Long ago, i smoked the most psychedelic weed in my live, eventually on earth (there were multiple strains on that level, but mine was on that level, that i can not possibly imagine to be exceeded really)-
So, 20 years later i didnt know what it was, but i hunted it. i found that only strains from the 70s did give these effects.
Thats where my reason to defend ACE comes in.
ITs that, in my view, neither thinleaved 2020 Strains, nor Fatleaved older collections would likely bring you that Level of pure 70s Tripweed that i had.
Thats what i seemed to hear from unbelevable long hunts, reading unbelevable amounts of smokerports…
I would therefore say, that ACE is overall (it depends on the individual strain they sell) but overall a Choce as good as Indian Landrae Exchange or as Realseedcomp…
THATS MY OPPINING, not based on Books, its looking for the Smokereports that come the closest to what i once smoked.
If you get yourselve a Oldtimershaze, wich may ormay not be, well , its a haze… but this is one of the interesting strains on offer to date from Ace. per example.
ITs collected in 70s. i advice very very few strains, so dont be misslead to think the rest is shit.
so, yeah… older collected counts… something in my oppinion musta have changed, even if your 2020 Thai, Indian or whatever is thinleaved as fuck… in my oppinion, i never ever found a Triipreport like the ones from the 70s… so, this point always nobody talks about , that somethign changed, even in the this leaved strains…
and of corse on the other hand ACEs stuff might have inclusions, so, what is better, is also bit a question of taste IMHO. its just that people only speak about the thinnes… but again. today, even the thinnest strain has not produced flight-experiences… so… the 70s stuff did! so what happend.
hell, i recall vaguely , even a 10 weeker durban mad a person hallucinate, he said he sap persons so real that he didnt beleive it… this guy made an approprita imprssion and not much fuss about it. just a short comment… so, based on my observations, there is nothing wrong trying ACE, instead the ole Realseedcompany, or whatever with strains collected very recently…
I hope this makes you guys understand why i defend some stuff, and ideas, because i have experience with the real stuff, i have spent unbelevable rsearch, as you see i write unlimited long posts,
Oh i forgot, the feeling that older collected strains often have, and more modern collected are missing is what i describe as depth.
the feeling that modern collected but thinleaved strains have, is a bodyless high…
i wished we still had the old 70s Strains with zero body, PLUS depth.
Som thats why i dont particullary care for francos 2020 collected punto rojo. its anyway not the same.
It all comes down to taste. some people want uphigh no matter what, some want depth of older collections , in no way do i wanna tell people whats better, i just mentioned what i personally preffere. and bla bla …
peace, by and goodnight.