Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

The thing I find, is nobody ever asks me even how I determined any of the things that people question. Every time they’re just like F-you that’s not the way it is! Anyone wonder…like how does he know it can’t travel 6 meters?

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Definitely doesn’t come from seeds.

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I assumed you had a tape measure or a calibrated eyeball.


mm That’s sort of a question, and I’ll run with it!!! I actually had a powdery mildew infestation I was studying in the garden. In a decade… yes TEN whole years, the mildew colony was never able to jump the 6 meter gap between host plants. That’s right. Open air, mildew festering at max levels untreated completely, yet unable to go from point A to point B which was a gap between host plants of 6 meters/20 feet. I did use a measuring tape. And a decade of time.
This is why google sucks ass compared to actual research.


I always knew there was something, because you’ve always been very particular about that six meters. Ten years is plenty for me to trust that number.


I’ve never once said they come from seeds not once. I said people who grow only from seed have gotten pm even @US3RNAM3 said he has gotten it growing only from seed. :thinking: So it must have travelled by wind. How does this fit into your 6 meter theory?
Sorry @US3RNAM3

10 whole years wow good for you. Did you try it in different environments probably not just at home. I’m not gonna buy antidotal evidence when mycologists with doctorates have study their whole life say something different. Like I said 95% of what you say is informational and good info, but saying things are an absolute just from your findings disregarding all other info is a bit for lack of a better word narcissistic. You also said aphids do not lay eggs only clone or live birth that’s incorrect as well my friend. Now your method to treat pm seems very legit and I’d guarantee it works well. Your hash making science is hands down the best I’ve seen or read about along with a lot of your plant knowledge you share is great. I don’t take info from one source I like researching things. That’s all my point is bad info is bad info even if it’s only slightly off.
Using Google for general info especially the ai generated rundown it’s b.s. but you can use it to find published peer reviewed papers with the info you are looking for. Also can access university studies and again doctorate degree scientist in the said field. Multiple Dr. of mycology with their research is available that isn’t google b.s. you’ll have to dig to get through the b.s. but it’s there google is a search engine to find good or bad info.


It has been recently discovered that the thought to be hop only variant of PM Podosphaeria macularis has “hopped” over to hemp.


Back to topic this is a beautiful plant … :kissing_heart:


Balkhi Afghan (afghan selections) X Maple leaf Indica NLD pheno (sensi) -
just been calling it the afghanT. Project for short

The seeds are from an open pollination of Balkhi Afghan X Maple leaf Indica NLD pheno from a heavy yielding pheno in the open pollination

Threw a few seeds in to this mound around May1st and kept two rolling and they turned to monsters they are loving the triple digit heat.


Finally some beautiful indicas :yum:, they are majestic, great job done … beer3|nullxnull


I love your screed against me brother! You shoulda heard the UCDavis phd crew. Your indignity is noted. The thing is I said something specific, so you have to go and falsify that. Meanwhile, I’ll be watching aphids give birth under the microscope! Fascinating!

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Cool, but let’s keep things on track … :pray:



here some actual pictures of Thai Stick that i’lll sent to a friend via a friend in thailand…
the original was nearly lost in most places or lets say pollinated by western genetics…
you know it :wink: … so he’s very happy so far… he got also some OHz seeds… hope to see those too…
best part is… he makes seeds from Thai Stick and will share it there to the locals… :slight_smile:
those things touches me deeply and maybe it help’s … did the same in morocco … pic’s hopefully coming soon…

Thai Stick 70’



I’m outdoors and the spores are everywhere…literally. The wind blows the spores off the plants that have pm, and I’ve been throwing pm leaves on the ground when i pick them off and my plants are set on them or right where the leaves were. Either the plants make it this way or they dont and get tossed. Indoors i did eradicate pm with
sulfur. Outdoors it can’t be done where i live. I sprayed all the plants twice early in the season with sulphur and sprayed the ground where the plants are to no avail…sprayed all again at the beginning of flower and even 2 weeks in. Everything i have is grown from seed. Maybe if I had a small yard in the city, but there’s far too much vegetative life where I live. Pm is all around. Ive grown here too long. Its a part of my biology here now. Oaxacans looking good. Glad you have a mix of pearls and regs. You’re in for a treat!


@TexasTea Oaxaca, a Guadalajara closeup at harvest, and some dry Peshawar buds. If you are looking for pm resistance check out Peshawar. There are immune plants to be found in high %.



Your friend stay near Nakhon Phanom or Phon Sawan?

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Dude you are just repeating old wives tales at this point. Prove to me this mildew is “everywhere” using microscopic imaging.

I see you refuted everyone with anecdotal evidence of your own grows and are now complaining that someone else is telling you old wives tales.

It seems the burden of proof is on you when the entirety of mycological, botanical and agricultural sciences say that these fungal spores travel much farther than you say.

  1. FWIW my first ever cannabis plant was grown from seed and got PM on my balcony. No cannabis around

  2. If that PM topic is going to go on I suggest to take it out of this thread


I welcome everyone to the lab where they can read so many startling details. It’s the future over there hah hah powdery mildew - an easily exterminated parasite. Strap in, science is boring AF! lol!

You will see why I have an edge over… what I consider 20 year old “knowledge” that can be easily falsified.

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