Viet Black by SnowHigh | Seed to Harvest

Hello everyone! My name Is Johnny Goose and for those that have recently been following my “SnowHigh Seeds Health Update” post, I’ve been starting a new grow in a new 3x3 tent and I also said that I would be starting a new thread for everyone to follow.

I am posting shorts, reels, and updated pictures on my instagram I specifically made for this grow.

My handle on insta is @Johnnygoose420

I will attach pictures for the current grow at its most recent progress and be as transparent as possible. This should allow for easy follow of the grow and allows for those more experienced to have a word on what I am doing wrong or anything I can do to improve my grow. From building the fabric pot from the bottom up, to germinating these legendary landrace strain, I will keep you all updated.

Speaking of landrace strain, let’s talk about this one right?

This special strain, I got from It was a 5pack of regs that came with 2 free beans (Genetix Matter & Ethos) for $148 before the discount I applied. People might say it is a hefty price for 5reg beans but in my opinion, that $150 can easily be paid off if just 1 of those beans happen to be a female. Ideally, we want all female, unless breeding, $150 is not a bad deal for 1 female plant.

So, here it is.

Its name is Vietnamese Black Pure Du ma den. It is a cross between Vietnam Black 1968 & Viet Black. As far as my knowledge of this strain, I know very little. The only reason why chose to get seeds from SnowHigh is because of this specific landrace strain. The description of what people have said about the high they feel when consuming seems to be one of a kind.

I will quote a response from a member on this site. I don’t know how to tag other users but his tag name on here is ‘Royal’, so if you ever read this bro, please chime in because I am going to quote a response from you.

The strain he is describing doesn’t fit my strain directly, however, I will use it for reference as he is running the same lineage I am.

“ Vietblack

Southern Vietnamese Saigon x Northern Vietnamese/Chinese border

The Northern Vietnamese leaning pheno types run 9 to 10 weeks flowering and the South Vietnamese leaning run 12 to 16 weeks

Originally from Fet of the Spice Brothers Seed Company around 2007

An open pollination increase/preservation run 5 males 7 females was completed by AKbeanbrains in July 2021

Viet Combo Vietnamese x Vietanamese Black

Offspring of this cross has produced a range of outcomes from the trippiest to soaring highs while others can bring on paranoia, racing heart beat and hallucinations for those not used to it. Generally speaking Viet combo’s most early finishing phenos are around 10+ weeks. A large majority will finish around the 12 -14 weeks while the rare odd freak will try and push past the 15 week but what an awesome racing head high these have known to produce.”

When I read this, I was astonished to see the amount of knowledge he had on this strain. It seemed like no one grew this or just isn’t that common or popular anymore. But after reading his response, I am now more eager and excited to go grow these plants out.

I finally got everything going for what felt like forever. From getting the tent setup to the waiting times for everything to be delivered. The longest to ship was the fabric pot I got from Buildasoil which is a 45Gal grassroots fabric pot.

The equipment?

AC Infinity 3x3 Tent
4” inline fan with carbon filter
Mars hydro FC-E3000 (300W) light
45 gallon fabric pot by Grassroots
filled with New England Compost (CT) potting soil, compost, red wiggler worms/european night crawlers
Exhale365 co2 bag

The process?

I am doing everything in a fully no-till organic living soil 45gal pot from Grassroots.
I started off by layering the very bottom with large rocks for adequate aeration.
Then another layer of pea gravel to fill in the gaps. A layer of play sand then a layer of natural dirt (I dug some up from my buddies yard).
Then utilized the lasagna method in layering potting soil and compost. Side note: the potting soil I used is from New England Compost based in Connecticut. It is a high quality super soil mix sourced from all organic materials.

About 6” down from the top surface of the soil, I have included an entire worm bin full of red wigglers and European night crawlers. Then covered the rest to top the pot with potting soil and compost.

Once the pot is topped off, about 2” from the top of the pot, I layered down cover crops making sure the entire bed is seeded. On top of that is a layer of straw. This will create a barrier from the light and keep the moisture in the soil.


I gave the pot some time to inoculate itself and let the worms get used to their new environment as well as to just let nature take its course. Now I know you’re wondering the environment inside the tent. These values are based off the stage at which the plants are in. In my tent, the plants are still in the seedling phase.

Relative Humidity: 75-85%
Temperature: 77-79F
Light Distance: 32” giving off about 150par

Now that the tent is all setup, I began with soaking 3 out of the 5 seeds I got from SnowHigh. Upon researching more of SnowHigh, I got the impression from the community that these are incredibly hard to germinate.

So I went ahead and mixed 1 part H2O2(hydrogen peroxide) and 4 parts clean water. I let the 3 seeds soak in that solution in a warm dark area for 24hrs. Then after 24hrs, I transferred all 3 beans to a wet paper towel and put all 3 beans inside a ziplock bag and again put it somewhere dark and warm.
I had germinated only 1 out of the 3. I immediately took that 1 that germinated, we will call it Viet Black #1 (VB1), and planted it into a solo cup filled with seed starter soil from New England Compost.
As for the other 2 beans, I left them in the paper towel inside the ziplock bag for another 18hrs. Upon checking it, both still have not germinated. So I decided to sow both them in the seed starter soil in solo cups.

To my surprise, VB2 sprouted and came up making today, Aug 28, 2024, DAY 1 for VB2. Viet Black #3, however, still has not sprouted. I will keep it in the solo cup and keep checking on it every 24hrs and respray the top of the soil just to keep it moist.

So for a recap, I have gotten 2 out of the 3 seeds to pop through the soil while VB3 still has to breakthrough. However, I will keep it in the solo cup and hope for growth in the next couple of days. I will also keep this thread fully updated as the grow continues. I am also doing a brand new instagram page all about this new grow and setup.

Be sure to follow the grow @Johnnygoose420

I hope everyone has enjoyed reading this and following along on this very unique strain.

Again, thank you all so very much and look very much to all the conversations I’m hoping this thread will start. Stay blessed!

Yours truly, Goooooooooooose


Vietnamese Black from DVG last season.

Good luck with your grow !


Oh man look at those buds! How does it smoke bro??? And how long was to harvest? Beautiful bro well done!


Smells like crude oil and pepper to me. Smoke is smooth and the effects are racy and different, thats for sure. I harvested outdoors Nov. 11. It started flowering late but proceeded nicely.


How do you like the high? Because from what read, it’s almost psychedelic. But wow what a beautiful looking plant those buds looks intense man! Would love for more pictures of your grow. I’m excited as ever to grow mine out


It’s a great looking start you definitely got an interesting strain on your hands I did a repo of snow highs viet black 3 or 4 years ago I crossed snow highs with a 1970s Viet black which made for a very very good strain. I have some seeds if you’d like to do an increase shoot me your information I’ve got both fem and regular seeds I would be more than happy to share with you. One piece of advice I might start off in flower in a 45 gallon pot you’re liable to have a real monster on your hands in a matter of a couple of weeks. Good luck I’ll be keeping my eyes on this one.


Hey man thanks so much for the comment! I’m always so eager to learn as much as I can! It’s so cool you have experience growing out SnowHigh gear. I would love to do a collaboration with you in the future as my plants grow! As of the moment I only have enough room for 3 plants. I will gladly accept some of your beans because that strain you got by crossing it with 1970s Viet black sounds so enticing that I would absolutely love to grow out!! So yea please! lol but that brings up another topic.

I’m limited on space and I have farmer freeman’s DNA test kit I got 3 of, one for each plant. If I end up having male plants, do you want me to grow them out and take a clone for you before I discard the whole plant? Because as much as I would love to grow out this plant if it’s a male and collect its seeds, I simply don’t have the room for a separate grow tent as I don’t want to pollinate any female plants I might have. So if I take a couple clones, I can get it shipped your way so you can grow out the male of this strain and get it for its seeds. I’m only asking because with this type of strain, I would feel guilty, almost shameful, to just cut out the whole male plant at such a young age(dna testing). If you have the room and will accept a clone from me if these plants end up being male, I would love to have a few seeds you produced from this strain as it will be the start of my pheno hunt of this strain. Pheno hunting this strain from the breeder is quite pricey. 5pack regs go upwards $150 so if we can grow out the males of this strain and take its seeds, pheno hunting this strain will be much more cost efficient.

I, again, want to thank you for your knowledge you have brought to this thread. Hearing actual experience from those who grew out very similar lineage as I did is not only comforting, but it’s very helpful because of the fact that you’ve been there and done it. Comforting because I now have a tiny bit of an understanding as to how these plants will look as it matures. But that “different” type of high was something that really drew me to SnowHigh.



good luck with your grow - following along :wink:

to tag a member in a post add '@" and their name like @goos


Awesome! Thanks again so much for the knowledge shared bro!!! Much appreciated!


Great grow detail nice cultivar and love the large pot I do some 100 gallons outdoor and 20s indoor looking forward to seeing what you find!


I started following you on IG :slight_smile:


Thanks so much man!! A good buddy of mine actually guided me through the whole process for living soil and I was amazed at how it was done. I went back and fourth wether to get a bed for a 3x3 tent but I would have no room because beds are usually 2x4 or 3x3.
So I settled with a fabric pot that has a 27” diameter giving me plenty of space on the sides as so I’m not suffocating the entire lower third of the grow. I felt like air circulation around the whole pot itself is vital. But thanks for the comment man!! I’d love to see some of the grows you’ve done with the 100gals


Right on bro!!! Thanks man!! Glad to have you along for this ride that tbh bro, I have no idea how it’ll go but I’m prepared for it. :expressionless:

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Do you happen to have close pics of the buds after trimmed? I’d love to see that a close up of what Viet black flower really looks like. :blush:


I will get one out tomorrow and trim it up nice! I generally just pluck the big leaves off and grind it up.


Nice dude I’m looking forward to it!!! :open_mouth: how long did you dry and cure it or you just recently harvested? :scissors::herb:

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Dry for about 12 -15 days. Cure for a month. Then into freezer ziplocs which are put in vacuum sealer.


Oh wow that’s interesting! So you vacuum seal your buds while curing? Do you get concerned with rh inside the bag? I’m not really sure what best rh will be for curing buds.

It is currently Day 4 for VB1. VB2 is growing nicely as well. As far as VB3, I’m being patient :joy:


Oooh baby… i love Babies. Look at them sexy leaf’s…

Love that I’ll be able to watch this grow… I’ve run Vietnamese Black F3 and now have it in a strain I’ve created using the original Ghost Oger cut.

Hopefully watching your grow I can see what traits to look for in my grows that might lean towards this VB.

good luck, your setup looks like it will do a great job…