Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

Corinto ( Corinthian…Colombian landrace. @GREANDAL

Chica 3 …starting to bloom well now.

The side growth on this one is very wide…I haven’t been manicuring this one to much…ye very wild chica.



Anyone have any pictures of any Acapulco gold ?


Fella over @ icmag did up the snowhigh Double Acapulco Gold Nicely


Snow high ‘gold and purple mix’ is good bet close to the double acapulco gold…

heres a source for the seeds


YES :slight_smile:
just doing a repro of the old Acapulco Gold landrace…
those are from Bodhi long long time ago…

where outdoors for selection… had 2 packs… those are the best… all where sativa … non indica in it like you find these day’s… had to check out first… otherwise would be waste of time :wink:
this is the old school with lime green leaf’s and red stripes …

and this is the next… if Colombian Red (Wacky weed/ old Punto Rojo) made it to me… than that will be like the last one… need to focus on the haze :wink:

so much still to come… love the old landraces … there are like old apple trees … there have this special… unique effect that is missing in today’s strains… like with the apples… they all look super nice… but the heathy benefits are bred out or lost during breeding because nobody cares … first short flower time than yield & look … last the effect if … to me first the effect… than the rest…
keep it green :wink:


PJ, you are an inspriration! I’m still looking at preflower but you are giving me hope. 4 1/2 feet tall but still in preflower. When these girls finally finish I won’t be worrying about running out of smoke for quite a while.


Thanks, ill check those out

Those are beautiful, awesome work. This strain is next on my list after i run and open pollinate this Columbian gold. In the hunt for a good C. Gold pheno and eventully an A. Gold pheno for the balkh x mli i have.


Photos Amigo…

It’s hard to make a comparison as we haven’t seen any fotos of your Corinto

Good luck


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Well, it’s Official.

The Kashmir seeds that have been Shared with me, (from India) they have some Fire inside @vinu58ster !! :raised_hands:

Day 3 in a damp Towel*, with 4/6 showing tails and the two tiny seeds have White showing. By end of the day tomorrow (25th) they will be planted

So I am incredibly Happy to take these into a Single tent expedition.

Looking for a solid “Mixed” crowd.

And from the shadows, there will also be a couple of Acapulco Gold Reg’s from @SativaKid’s collection… (These have a weeks head-start)

Kind of going after the mix we had assumed from NukeHeads hybrid… @Upstate

There will be Pollen!!

  • as much as I am a supporter of floating seeds… after 3 days of floating, the Kashmir seeds had shown ZERO response of any kind. So without hesitation I put them in damp towels

And it worked !! FYI, glad I took evasive action. This method below, has now basically failed with the two landrace attempts. Could be age of the seeds?

Bottom-line, the damp towels in a ziploc worked


Great feeling when you see those tails appearing ,and a big sigh of relief and satisfaction.

Good luck
with the Kashmir …I am sure they’re in good hands.



Wish there was something to see. So far wispy preflowers. Before yours flowered they had preflowers. That is where I am. Sun setting early will cure this.

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Thanks a whole bunch @Panamajock

Playing for keeps this go-round!

Kashmir is happening now, rolling the dice just in case there is some Surgery happening, Fall 2024


Corinto. Chica 1

Bud filling out now…I’m getting a bit of leaf drop on the fan leaves…I checked out your pics @GREANDAL and I see you had some do that it’s not a concern as the sugar leaves are fine… and the other two chicas are still green.



That’s awesome, when they take, I might have to get a snip from you.

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Not a problem @THCeed

Here are a pair of the regular Acapulco
Gold seeds I’ve been holding.
12-weeks Flowering cycle is the anticipated starting point.

And there in the background is A.G. #2 who’s root broke-ground, and has been slow taking Root

I had to give these A.G. Regular seeds a ride. Available History or not @SativaKid, Thanks again for these gems. Quite the aggressive sawtooth here already, end of week 1Veg.
gotta love it


red skunk 18 from @gregog just starting to flower! 3gal fabric pot.



I saw the same thing on a conifer/ever green - i suspect it’s a disease rather than an expression