Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

Gilgit Purple from @LandraceWarden.


Family Heirloom from @LandraceWarden.


Sunshine Piglrim - iraqi hashplant x congo - in the garden - frosty early…


Sorry to chime in randomly would anyone be interested in growing these out and getting seeds off of them??


How big is the cointainer?
Again :laughing: what is the nose on Hopar and Family heirloom of Kandahar?


How did I get the mildew?

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You just found me.
I wonder how I got pm the first time. I mean the first time I ever got it. I don’t take cuttings from people. I have taken two from people ever. I have always grown from seed. Every year my zucchini gets it. I always grew next to the zucchini with no issues, So I don’t think that particular p m strain Is what I have…and this year I am a hundred yards from the zucchini, Which didn’t get it this year. One thing I’ve learned over the years is to expect the unexpected. When the unexpected happens I try to explain it. There is always an explanation. Maybe
Pm Spores only travel six meters when there is no wind. Maybe they only travel that far when there is no shoe for them to get attached to, Or no body( mine) for a spore to land on… Or no other plants that can Be a stepping stone. It can appear out of nowhere. It happened to me this year. What host plant holds PM over the winter for it to appear again the following year outdoors? How does this work for any PM?? I don’t know how I got it but I have it. There is a reason Unrelated to a cannabis host plant, that’s all i know.
We could argue or we could try to figure it out.


5 gallon bag. I’ll give them a smell test after work. I’m not the best with describing smells, haha.

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Infected plant material. As for trying to figure out it’s original origin, that’s difficult with a historical infestation. What I do in those cases, is I put a red dot on the map where I know the mildew is living. After I have found all it’s hidey holes, I start connecting the dots. This latest one formed a red X on the garden for aster mildew, lol! I was shocked.

I know very little about mold and fungi. However, now scrubbed from the internet, was a large housing development in Oxnard, CA, that was condemned and removed due to mold. The developers are built on what proved to be a mile square area of a mold colony costing tens of millions of dollars.

I used to hunt the area seeing black mold on almost every plant out there.

What I am saying is that mold and fungi can colonize an area in a way that it can not be removed.


I’ve also only ever grown from seed and gotten PM. I can’t believe I even have to say that.


Have you ever tried to find the area of infestation? I know my infestations so well, I can tell you exactly where in the garden to plant a pumpkin and it’ll get mildew. I also know where to plant it, to grow mildew-free. I’ve categorized and studied several of the strains growing here. I think I counted like 10 different strains.

They both have a chemical/ floor stripper smell to them. It’s stronger on the Gilgit Purple. That’s what I’m getting. But again, I’m not the best at describing smells, haha.


Cambodian Red (monkeypuzzle) repro by @YoBigdaddy
Looks like we have three females, not showing any signs of flowering though just yet.

Cambodian Red (Zomia)
Below are two mother plants that I revegged and cloned. These were used to make more seed this past spring and appear to already have started flowering.

Below is a female Zomia cambo red offspring from the above plants.


They look amazing have you noticed any differences between the two? Other than one starting to flower already?


So far both lines look very similar. With the lighting it’s hard to tell but they both have similar dark green appearance and similar leaf size/shape and both seems like light feeders. The Zomia ones do have a stronger and more sturdy main stalk. I think these are already flowering though due to being clones and are 9 months in age.

The Zomia offspring seem more vigorous from seed than the monkeypuzzle. The one shown above is still in a 2.5qt container and seems like it has started stretching already (maybe due to small container?) whereas the monkeypuzzles plants are still a bit shorter and don’t seem to have started their stretch just yet.

Looking forward to comparing their flowering differences. Thanks again!


Its only the last few years that PM reared its head locally, at least where I live. Hemp growing is pretty big locally now, with a couple farms only 15 miles away. Legalization medically might also be the culprit. My area has always grown lots of weed. The first time i got pm was during the winter indoors. I threw the plant outdoors springtime to kill it, but it rooted thru the pot into the ground. The pm went away on all new growth. I think some plants can be carriers and under duress they will become vulnerable to spores already present on the leaves. I think it just lives where I live. I think every kind of mold known to the northern hemisphere lives where I live lol.
Back on track…

Oaxaca, Peshawar and Guadalajara


Fantastic work @deeez99

You do Make them Work, when you get them.


You have to use positive identification for any problems that arise.
I thought finally the mildew had jumped the gap to the squash patch that was out of reach, but it turned out to be cladosporium. I wiped out the dahlia mildew by tossing the plants in the garbage, and then getting clean plants. I grew them out of reach for a couple years and then moved them into the biohazard patch. The mildew never regenerated because the lack of a host plant extincted it. I think it only takes 2 years, but I haven’t tested the time limit. I gave it a 5 year gap to make sure, lol!


Smashing it again Deez

They look :blush: