Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)

That makes sense to me. 8 of 14? 16? As a rule, at least from all the other African flora I’ve seen, African plants are tough. This looks the part. Thank you :blush:


Love it, Transkei bagseed was the first cannabis plant I ever grew (and lost). What are the aromas like on the Transkei?


Harvested the ACE Beldia today after it started to throw a few stamens. Liked this plant more than the ACE Beldia I grew last year, has some nice clementine and bubblegum highlights to the minty earthy tootsie roll aromatics standard to Beldia. Significantly more botrytis and PM resistant than the big Khalifa Genetics Beldia, which is still a week or two from finishing despite initiating flowering at the same time. In the KG version of line’s credit, bud structure is more dense and resinous, especially on the sugar leaves. Looking forward to comparing the chemotypes. Pollination with Verde Limón #6 (lemon pheno) also successful.


Damn I hate to read this but it makes me feel not as bad for cooking a few of my plants as well :wink::crazy_face:. Hell one i was 3 hours late watering and she was done not having it within 2 days all leaves hung limp and brown. Clones is a must in this environment just in case. You may not get the size but youll still get something. Heres you oaxacan sop pheno looks like just starting to flower.

still burning up with temps over 100!

some car dried nanan boclou not from spear of destiny those cuts arent dry yet.


:sunglasses:Looks pretty cherry dude!

Make sure to give us a smoke report when you can

…interesting one for sure


That looks great. I’d be interested in a smoke report. I’ll be going for round two sometime. Have about 100-200 seeds.


2x Snowhigh Vietnamese 3 Way Reg Males
2x Ace Seeds Zamaldelica Reg (Females)


Corinto Clone 1 …Starting to bud now



This was just posted a day ago and wow, looks like Greenhouse hit Swaziland hard! Spanish documentary and check out the very-not-Swazi looking plants:


That’s awful. I have a pack of Swazi Gold that Guitarzan had repro’d that should be a long time flowering line - if anybody is keen to make F2s to share with the group, let me know


What’s the source of that Swazi?

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This is what i found from johnnypotseed who I presume copy+pasta’d this from Guitarzan:

" Swazi Gold (South African Landrace) **
The females in the above cross(swazipulco gold) came from these seeds. I got these from a guy in South Africa I met on Strainly. He told me that he collected the original seeds 20 years ago from a farming family. He helped them out with something, and they let him pull seeds from their garden. I grew some of these outdoors last year. They didn’t finish, but they looked like the real deal to me."


Bro i’m interested on it

I got a weird obsesion for Swazi lately…

I can make a repro and share and send you back many


Fuck me! 5,000 plants! Pot leaf hopper d8JBdDJ Pot leaf hopper


Sad! :thinking:

Here’s how real Swaz looks like in situ!


Technically a Landrace/Feral strain , this is a wild variety of i would call feral hemp in my area of oklahoma this stuff has been around since at least the 70s 80s as told by a few elders

It smells like old hazes but dont really have alot of thc but the sheer survivability of this strain is outstanding and still blows my mind how it can continue to thrive with these hot days and no water at all and just kinda does its own thing.

Every few years or so i will go and check it out to see how if its still around. And found these specimens.

Then found this gargantuan male. Never seen a male flower like this with tentacle like structure so i sampled him.

Also surviving with no water or care and not eaten up. Had a clove cinnamon , leather smell. Very very thick leaves with trichs that felt like a cats tongue. And very greasy stems.


I saw a documentary on swazi gold. Hamiltons pharmacopeia he goes to Africa where it’s grown asks a bunch of questions and samples it. Apparently the locals can tell swazi by the smell. They can’t put a finger on it but say yep that’s swazi!


Thats feral Hemp


Yea, its been around my county for a long time I plan on using those traits to breed with this CBD X Ethiopian cross I have that i use for FECO and would make a indestructible plant mass for my chickens and turkeys to eat as feed but it will take some time to work.


Clove, cinnamon, leather sounds interesting, curious what sort of medicinal properties it carries - hope you find a way to F2 those :grin: