Landraces and heirloom (Part 2)


Late Night Double Feature, or,
A review for two (with pictures):

Corinto, a category of color-

Brand: The Landrace Team (via Criposo Art)

1.) Name: Jasmine, after a girl I once knew… Note: Doesn’t smell like jasmine, but is very flowery.

Odor: Sweet, extremely floral bubble soap.
This one smells very floral… (originally I was thinking kind of rosey, but really, it’s more lilac.) It’s probably one of the most beautiful smelling weeds I’ve ever found. Zero traditional “weed” smells… you could break up a bud, then hold your fingers under someone’s nose without telling them what it was, ask them to guess, and there’s no way they’d ever guess marijuana. The smoke smells floral too, but much more soapy. More of a bubble soap, (like the kind you dip the wand in and blow to make bubbles), than any sort of bath soap. It also has a fog machine, “magic purple” smell… I can’t describe it any other way… After smoking this, I am convinced the Frankies Haze does indeed have a heavy amount of Colombian in it. Think a warm spring night, and lilacs in the moonlight. With a pure cedar oil back, all turned into a soapy, fog machine fog.

High- a slight delay, hits hard, but then mellows out and fades. The type of high is up, active and motivated, but with a spacey, forgetful head, which can combine to create a schizophrenic effect, where you are lazer focused and moving, with a hyper awareness of your surroundings, but are also with a walking amnesia, where you can’t focus on what or where, which can in turn lead to paranoia. Good, but short lasting. Two bowls can make breathing weird.

Taste, kind of like eating purple and black jelly beans together, with a woody, limey, flowery taste.

2.) Name: RAD

This one smells like a turtle pond… Like the ones at cheesy pet stores that sell bugs, reptiles, amphibians and fish… For taste, smoking is pretty okay, but vaping can be a bit too mossy tasting for my personal liking… slight menthol mint taste on the end…

High isn’t as strong as 1… Is much more mellow… much more cruise-y. Not a downer by any means, and is probably more focused and driving, while also having a kind of mind eraser effect, like a work horse zombie… but doesn’t get me as goofy, so I dub it weaker than 1. Smoke smell is still floral soapy fog…
Really beautiful plant.

Chumkiri Roi-


Company- Monkey Puzzle, aka Steve Dando

These supposedly were sourced from an ex-Kmer Rouge soldier, who is now a village elder somewhere in the area of Chumkiri Cambodia. Steve had to make friends and go drinking etc. with locals in order to meet people who knew people who eventually invited him to a village gathering, where he met this individual and personally picked seeds from his plants he had growing out back, with his permission, of course. Steve said the seeds were noticeably smaller than those from other varieties he collected, and that he thought they might have originated in Vietnam.


I grew 8, leaving 2 more seeds, and out of the 8, there were no pure males. There were 6 hermaphrodites, (with only 2 of the 6 producing significant pollen, the rest only getting minor balls in the crooks), and 2 pure females. All 8 produced seeds.


Smells… The stem rubs for all have a very unique smell… It’s easily distinguishable… It’s similar to some Africans I’ve grown, but much more tacky epoxy… The buds are a combination of green onion miso, orange peel, fresh mint, and green grass. Smoke can smell like a temple… A very grassy, very Summer-y temple… One smelled and tasted like that weird plasticy gak crap from the 90s.


High: Very snake like in effect… Very sort of, wraps around you and squeezes you… Very dreamy… Very blissy… It reminds me of an obscure song, (from an obscure band), called, “Making Sand Angels”…
Taste is the same as the smell of the buds… maybe a little more earthen clay pot and musty something…


The Corinto and Chumkiri are pretty close in terms of potency…
I’d probably give the edge to the Chumkiri in terms of straight power and lasting effect, but I actually prefer the Colombians here in terms of type of effect… the only issue is that you need to smoke more to get where you want to go with the Corintos.

Smells go to the Corinto, easily… but the taste and smell of the Chumkiris could be better for cooking. I think I’m going to make some Pad Thai with it included… it will probably taste great.


Loving your style mister!


Beautiful flowers! :drooling_face: Did you grow these indoors or outdoors?


Seeing this made me laugh out loud. I grew up in Oklahoma and as a videographer for a television station several times I attended the bizarre self congratulatory bonfires of sheriff’s departments as they wasted good diesel burning mounds of that hemp. So proud of themselves ridding the county of possible rope. No telling how many precious youths were spared headaches! Full battle dress in case the coyotes or a badger came at them. Big stands of it that obviously followed the washes. So obviously feral but it looks the same to flir as any cannabis so the landowners throw the news story bone to the county and get it chopped for free rather than have those gomers low crawling out there looking to bust them.


Lovely plants and thank you for your excellent description! I’m not good at that but what you said is exactly what I found with the corinto.


Now that’s what I call a compelling review, bravo Sir

Curious how many weeks the Chumkiri Roi went in flower?

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Lol yea the locals have been out before trying to eradicate years ago, i think they just needed grant money honestly and made it a big deal i the paper with a pumped up value. :joy: but it always works its population back up and spreads


Oh yeah. NEARLY HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN STREET VALUE!!! That’s some high end fiber right? LMAO

You can’t stop the rain, birds and rodents from spreading it around.

You’re definitely right about it being tough stuff. Still green and standing tall when everything else is blasted and brown.


What an excellent idea!


My wallet hurted


These were all outdoors, but had some help from a poorly heated popup greenhouse toward Nov-January. The cold still slowed them dramatically though.


It never really stopped… It started earlier than the Corintos, which, those took a long time to even put out genitalia, but was still putting out pistils and pollen into January. The seeds were done, so I figured that’s enough of that, and cut them around that time.


Fairplay for getting anything that late in the year outdoors. Those graphical drawings of high type are real cool, thats a new language in the making, nice one. Cross these with any earlier outdoor suitable partners?


Thanks for posting that, but they were sold out by the time I got there 17 hours later.


Happy Sunday all you landrace and heirloom fanciers! I’ve had some seed in giveaway cups for a while and I’d like to move them along. They are
Araku Valley (High altitude Indian) x Malawi Gold .
The AV was collected and sent to me by @iceman and the MG is from @Tejas seed increase of TLT .
Both the parents where as advertised, long flowering NLD. I haven’t seen this cross grown out yet but i think It’ll be a good click.
I have 3 flips left to giveaway and I’ll include a flip of Sudan x Malawi Gold with each because i can.
If you have commented or posted pictures in this thread and would like to have those two flips, call dibs with the following phrase, “A dope trailer is no place for a kitty”
First 3 to use the dibs phrase get them, thanks for your interest!



A dope trailer is no place for a kitty dibs :shushing_face:


Cheers @420noob ! Send me your details in a pm.
2 spots left on this seed giveaway!


@Budderton dibs Ill take a flip if available!

“A dope trailer is no place for a kitty”


@cannaology add the phrase he mentioned and so did I.


Right on @Cannaology , you’ve got the 2nd spot. Send ne an address in PM. One nore spot left.