Landraces of India

Thank you, I appreciate the clarification, my friend, @Heritagefarms .

I grew a lot of Mexican, Central/South American Sativas in the mid/late 80’s. That’s pretty much all I grew for a long time.

A few years ago, when I lived in California, I had some PCK (Red stem pheno) seeds and grew that for a few years. It was one of the most beautiful cannabis plants I have ever grown and none of the plants exceeded 4 feet tall. It truly was a great smoke!
:bulb:I believe I have seeds of a PCK cross in my stash. I’ll try to remember to check.

Every so often, I would get seeds in the weed I bought off this Navy guy. He always brought something back from his travels. Weed from all around the world… a nice break from the constant flow of mostly Mexican grown weed. He’s the dude that gave me my first Thai, Indian, Vietnamese and Indonesian sativa seeds in the mid 80’s.

I wish I would have had the sense of preservation, then, that I do now. Those were pure varieties. They were all very large plants in their own right.

My friends used to toss the seeds they found, but I was already a seed fiend and kept mine… theirs too if they would give ‘‘em up. I had many cigarette cellophanes full of seeds with the name scribbled on it back then.


preserve em now if you still have the seeds.


These are the pck from ace under a 300 watt light


Looks a lot like their Congo that I bred with, I clearly got the PKC dom pheno


What a difference a month makes
My sept 3rd post showed beautiful Sudan plants loaded with bud. One month later i have 3 branches renaining on one plant. The rest was composted. Too wet for Sudan outdoors in NY…though they would have finished flowering on time if not for the mold. They get dry mold( no going to spore on these plants)which doesn’t spread like the slimy kind, but they get lots of it. Terrible leaf diseases too. They succumbed quickly once past mid flower. I’m getting Lebanese grow flashbacks. So sad.
I didn’t mean to post the Sudan picture in this thread but since I did I will give the update here


Matori tester turned out male - pollen being put to good use :wink:


leaves of Matori male


Nice Matori male. Will you try again for a female? I’ve seen some nice ones pop up.
Assam Green phenos from Indianseeds97 on IG. Our very own @shiv9545 here on OG. smell is fruity on my favorite. Hard to describe the other one. Plants are just about dry so I will be giving a smoke report soon. There is one plant left at week 13 of flowering give or take. Plants began flowering September 8th and the green phenos went 12 weeks as advertised. I expect this last plant to go around 16 weeks. So 12-16 weeks flowering. The last plant is just starting to put on good resin now. Every time I’ve seen resin come on late that means a great high. Fingers crossed!

The Buds turned out really nice for the time of year I had them flowering here at 42° north latitude. I think started earlier in the year and given a decent veg these would be great yielders. The one heater dried sample I had 3 weeks ago was very good smoke😁


I know those plants are called Pakistan Chitral Kush but they really look like Pulwama, Kashmir with those colors. Beautiful!
Here’s Lolab Valley currently…


A couple of the plants are actually getting decent buds. They are not nearly as big as they look in a photo. The biggest Cola is the thickness of an index finger or a bit bigger.


East Manipur strain is good smoke. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t look like hay but it has one of the strongest land race highs I have experienced. It has taken my head high experience to a new level. Very high head high. Great taste too.


Yes, definitely going to do a full run - perhaps indoors…


Nice. The Manipur Burma that I grew last season begins as a mellow, sunshine-on- your -face euphoric high that morphs into an energy expansion that moves outward from the solar plexus.


I see some similarities but those Kashmir have different bract structure , different bud formation and the leafs are thinner. In all honesty they don’t look very much alike at all besides sharing some color a trait that many different lines carry.


Purple Assam phenos. Similar in looks/ form to Cryptic Labs Oaxaca string of pearls pheno


Really nice looking. Are those developing seeds or just swollen calyxes?


That would make for an interesting cross to a Oaxacan. I wonder how structure translates into the effect of the high. Pearl/wheat berry shaped flowers maybe produce buoyant happy highs and the thicker the buds are the more “body” to the high. Sure, it’s probably complete hogwash, but of course further testing is required… :evergreen_tree: :smoking:


Wow that’s a beautiful plant brother!


I’d wager the Oaxaca and Assam have a common ancestor, one that was brought to the Americas about a century ago. I’d also wager south India genetics are way more common than most people imagine.


Red Assam…

From Indianseeds97 on IG. Thanks @Shiv9545 for the unique genetics😁


Most welcome brother, flowers are looking so good :blush::heart_eyes:.
Im waiting to hear smoke report from you brother, it’s really potent variety definitely.
Loved the way u grew it.