Landraces of India

No brother it’s not a 30 ft tall landrace.
Forwarding u the details of gadchi and revadi in Personal msg.


Hey thank you so much brother for writing that smoke report and every other information regarding bramha in very detailed manner.
I really appreciate your feedback and the neat details u have posted.
Specially the effects u explained it in such a great way i enjoyed a lot while reading it.
I would love to see the pics of ur bramha all phenos or pics of flowers after curing or trimming anything.

MOST WELCOME MY BROTHER! I will try my best to keep collecting such types of rare landraces and i will keep forwarding it to our OG community.

That’s very true nothing beats our self grown rare landraces.
Much love :heartbeat:
Thank you so much again brother.


@romanoweed, personally I think there is more to it than just decarbing , I think there is more to it than all that, and I find it hard to put into words but there’s has to be something else in the plant tissue like maybe the spirit of the plant or something like that or some other chemical process idk for sure but definitely more to it than meets the eye


You are actually chemically changing the resin by rubbing it between your hands and breaking the resin head.


I actually settled with the Explonation that the Plantmatter itselve also contains some Compounds.
And wehn i made Kief with not so strong Weed, i lost those Compounds, and the Smoke slipped under a treshold of making me high.

Thats why SamSkunkman per example is a big Kief lover, no pressing… because his Weed is strong enough.

I think i will just combine Kief and Weed,
as much as the potency of rubbing and decarbing is there, im not shure if i just preffere the high of fresher weed. (Doesent need to be 2 weeks old really, but just no crazy rubbing and curing methods, thats what i lean thowards)


@romanoweed I like some of my weed better fresher too. Especially some Sativas. Others I’ve tried really lack any effect without a good cure.


A multi-purpose Nepalese would probably work. Some of those have been selected for large seeds for centuries now.


For sure. Some big seeds in Some North Indian and Nepalese varieties… But man I read that post again about that culinary seed cannabis… I’d give that a whirl if I had seed. Those seeds are just massive


Weird. The Annapurna seeds I have from two different areas are some of the smallest seeds I’ve ever seen in my life. Smaller than sesame seeds.


Never seen so small seeds…(in cannabis)

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Can be small or big, depending on usage and time domesticated. Kumaoni seeds( on the border) are quite big but for sure some are very small. Some plants are for fiber, some for drugs, some for firewood, some are for food and many are multi use.


It seems like smaller seeds indicate a more wild ancestry. I’ve eaten seeds that got “toasted” in a joint, and they were quite tasty. I’d like to make something like a split-pea soup out of them, but it would be painful to destroy so many seeds.


I got a bag with some giant seeds in it once. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to keep them. The plants that grew from them would have been huge.


not necessarily !!!
the smallest seeds I have are from wild trees in Nepal - that grow HUGE…


I meant that larger seeds are indicative of domestication. I know the size of the seeds has little (if anything) to do with how large the plant grows.


Some pics here from the Kullu landrace from Khalifa(CoCo Genes accesion)

This first two pics are from what I think it has been the most beautiful male, also the longest flowering one:

This last pic is from the most different female on the bunch, I would think it either has autoflowering genes or very fast flowering ones, since the other ones are starting to form the seeds. Any thought on it?

I already have a couple karnataka and kerala wayanad from @Shiv9545 germinated, will share pics as they do.

Oh and sorry, they are not in the better shape, its the first grow on this soil, it will slowly get better with time!


I use them as bean sprouts in ramen and soup.


Check out Kalimpong. Seeds are tiny. Plants are huge. I’m thinking it must be a recently farmed strain to have such small seed.

I think this is typically the case.
@royal the one lady is short. How many weeks flowering for that one?


It seems that my order that I made to shiv9545, will arrive when it is already late and the season is over.
I hope they arrive on time, even if it is to throw a little pollen from Meghalay, Ukrul, Brahma or trimbak to bro Yaxu’s female “Punto Rojo x Original haze”. that she is one of my favorite smokes she is spiritual, joyful and creative. the aroma is quite soft like the South American landrace sativas. but it tastes like fruit and pine (upload://8KlpQ9RkFVGSMGSyPGtcZTO4tKS.jpeg)


looking really good :slight_smile: