Landraces of India

There is also another story about Colombia.In the early 1970s a shipload of Mexican seeds were brought to the Santa Marta area where it was inbred with the already thriving Colombian indica.This doesn’t mean that the Colombian indica was a broadleaf variety, but means from India, probably brought by sailors, who were smoking ganja.

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From High Times magazine 1979


Great info. I clearly remember reading about cannabis growing in the teens too.( 1910-1920). Nothing about that yet, though…?
The Santa Marta, in my mind, was likely a landrace hybrid. My theory is that some of the more famous golden age cannabis strains were in fact hybrids, which is why they cannot be found today in the same extremely potent form. The hybrid vigor is long gone now.
Seems like Colombia had Sativas from Southeast Asia, Mexico,and India at one time or another. Add in local Colombian And you have the ingredients for Haze. It’s no wonder they had such potent grass


Borneo was separated in an English and a Dutch part in the 1930s.The UK had India as colony, but the Dutch were also cultivating Cannabis on the Island Java for medicinal purposes.Also Coca was grown over there btw.

In the 19th century the Dutch brought Cannabis from India to Aceh to serve as insect repellent against caterpillars in the coffee plantations.People recognized the plant, which was grown before on the Island.It seems that traders from Gujarat India came to this part of Indonesia in the 14th century for trading the spices, what I read in Indonesian literature about Cannabis.The use of Cannabis for recreational purposes got prohibited in 1927, only medicinal was allowed.


i know you think potent cannabis is hybrid.
however, i searched 7 years for the most intense weed, and atleast in my youth i found the most intense to be the hallucinogenic, and tripeperiences…
they very predominatly come from Vietnam , Indonesia, eventualy Mexico, and Congo…

Mexican i have one single anedote of “MExican Tripweed”. And one other guy that doesent know if his tripexperience came from mexican , but asumes it was, cause he smoked middleamerican strains often…

For SE Asia i found much more such accounts for Tripexperiences.
There was even a well frequented small Middleamerican Thread, where multiple people told how strong Middleamerican Strains are, they were al old timers reasoning if now Columbian was strongest, or panama, or MExican. But later in the vivid discussion with funny reports, one guy asked: “but would you guys call it tripping” … nobody ever anwsered with a clear yes, everybody was like, yeeh, mmmh, roundabout…

people who smoked SE Asian weed however, some of them go YES.

Looking at SE Asia, i funnily find very few trade-theories… i found links to tribes,you know me…
So yeah, the only place where eventually tripweed existed in Middleamerica should be mexican, unless i missed the great tripreports from Middleamerica…

Well, find me a tripreport from columbia that mentions outofbodyexperiences, probably i mised it. one guy had hallucinations on columbian red, now i remeber, yes, seldon happend…


Growing only land races for the last 5 years, on average I I find about 10% potent plants. The stories I read of The more famous Strains of the seventies, nearly everyone had an incredible experience. To me that says hybrid


Pirates Brought cannabis all around Indonesia As well. Arabs too most likely


@romanoweed If there were very potent Inbed lines in the seventies, where did they go? Why would they disappear?
In my opinion what happened seems to mimic
very closely what happened to me with my blueberry. Eventually the hybrid vigor Disappears


i asnt talking soley about " incredible experience", i spoke about outofbodyexperiences… those happend to se asian smokers… and black congolese … thats intense for me… no?

Where did they go?

First we aknowledge where they come from, the flightexperiences, and numerous hallucinogenic experiences, step by step…
ok, we did that…

so, where did they vanish? i dont know, and i dont need to know, but i have my theories, and since i try to be kind i tried to tell you about the vanishing of power very lise… but i found not much open ears for it… because it included telling people that some seeds are a far cry from the real stuff… so… what should i doo. ?

i anyway told already what might be the reason, i told about it upstate…

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you want to hear again: it might be that modern landraces all over the world actually since the Prohibition in the 70s are nomore selected. or more rarely… so they become abit more wild. Acording me its also not the rise of globalisation, and the HYbridisation, it may be a reason too.

So, and if you get a 70s Thai, wich you rarely get, but you do, then its gone trough inbreeding probably… and its been reproduced in foreigen enviroment, wich influences Selection eventually (enviroment might be the least impactful) , there it vanishes too…

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Not necessarily brother…
They may be so lucky that their cannabinoid receptors responded differently and had an amazing experience…
I’m smoking hybrids now, but when i was smoking landraces, some strains just make me wanna do things while most of them are just normal…



what is this?

hybrid, haze?
Nope its 1970s Thai pic from just today!. So, you can see 70s thai looks somehow like a hybrid, i mean with it, it looks not like brown dried weat like modern colletions off thai tendenciell doo…

so, what do we associalte with brown wheat look? AAH, wild species… look in nature alot of wild species have brown coloration and such… So, imho people stopped selecting since the 70s, because prohibition, they didnt have time to even choose a keeper, but they more importandly didnt wanna loose yeald… they didnt wana risk freedom for “quality”. they just were getting by… around the world…
hence their strains look like wild species more and more… not totally
because without selection stuff reverts back to wild.


The traditional variety grown on Trinidad almost disappeared.This variety was brought by pirates but they got chased by 2 hurricanes when they were heading to Trinidad arghh.

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Dutch pharmacopoeia 1934

Oost-Indie = East Indies


1943?? when i see that colors,i´d say it´s snaped much later.


The pic was black/white, just colorized it.


1894 Naggaon India


Kerala 1983


It really makes you wonder why penalties for cannabis are so draconian, compared to its pharmacological effects…or maybe not. Unfortunately, the likes of Hearst and Anslinger were able to convince the American people that a ban on it was the only way to keep America “white, Protestant and sober.” For a bunch of people who call themselves the “land of the free”, Americans sure do love prohibition of any description.


More accurate to say that the American state loves prohibition. The people, as a whole, never have.