Landraces of India

Amen to that brother.


True, our government “of the people, for the people and by the people” is usually anything but.


Okay, sounds like we’re in agreement, and we’re also for sure flirting with moderation with this conversation. But I see you guys. :eyes:


Anyone else feeling like they have been thoroughly brainwashed by the state from a young age? ALL governments expose their citizens to propaganda. Always have. Always will. That will never change. All that can change is your willingness to be mindwashed.


And this is the simplest yet most difficult trick of all. To understand literally everything you experience is mindwash, from which you build an image of what you take to be reality and give yourself a framework to hang on to.


My order from Shiv is at 5 months and counting. Probably lost money at this point. :man_shrugging:


PM him and let him know.
5 months is too long…
He was using couriers when I ordered (probably still is) and he wasn’t getting feedback from them. My order went ‘walkabout’ but it was eventually sorted out.



I did let him know. And i am still waiting. Maybe I’ll get them in time for next summer’s grow. :man_shrugging:

Edit Just a reminder to myself not to spend money for seeds from outside North America.


Definitely seems like something happened to the package. If you haven’t heard back from him on OG you could try him on instagram at indianseeds97.


This is more philosophical, and we all agree on the Non-Aggression Principle.
It’s ironic that despite being the origin of all NLD landraces, southern India is so often overlooked. I’d wager that landraces across the entire Commonwealth originated in south India.


. i heard that too, that all nld is from south india, but am sceptical, this maps look. where are all the pointers going out from s.india? i think alot stem from s.india, like eastern and middleafrican , , thai i think too?, probably jamaican ?
yes, i like south indian quiet alot from what ive seen, i wanted to get one for 2 years. someone who smoked Thai, Columbian, everything , said the hash from them was THE most devastating strong canna ever (ok, thats not what i search, but interesting alltogether)


What I meant was the common ancestor of all NLD came from south India.

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understood, and i was always finding this statement that i heard too , slightly conflicting with other accounts. i mean im not shure if per example columbian, and every single nld infact is coming from the s.indian route.

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Of course not. I was talking about the time the species was domesticated, and sooner. Sorry for the confusion.

we had that topic lately, that in africa many drugstrains came via ethopia- and afghanistan, or wait was it ethiopia, southwest india (bombay region) ?

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What ur saying could be true. While the British was still ruling India with the establishment of the east India company, loads and loads of Indians were being shipped en mass to the other territories that the British had control over under the pretext of better working conditions and standard of life. Its was just forced labor. Some notable places are parts of Africa and the carribean. I recently met a Jamaican woman whose ancestry had indian genetics in their lineage. Most of them who were forced into such journey’s never returned to India because of the sheer length of the journey, and they travelled by ships. And no way in hell will and Indian leave his homeland without ever carrying this sacred seed. So it isn’t a wonder that some landraces around certain parts of the world can be traced back to India.
What I’m really intrigued is by the term south Indian indica. I don’t think that’s available. Here what we find is only the narrow leaf variety which had adapted to grow in high humidity and temperatures. :v:t4::herb:


Do not forget that cannabis is in the Hebrew Torah. Ethiopians have been trading with the Middle East tribes since the days of Solomon & Sheba(Ethiopia). Therefore, the good herb flourished on African Soil long before British Navy showed up in India. The ganja in the Middle East arrived there via the Silk Road.


There’s a lot of debate over whether the Kaneh Bosem referred to in the Torah is Cannabis or something else, but there are references to Cannabis (at least in fiber form) in several places in the Talmud.


I’m running Sheelavathi right now. Long winded S.O.B. she has be moseying along for 16 weeks in flower so far. Not even close to finishing. Hope she is good smoke.


I experienced this on my first grow…
Unfortunately me being a noob at that time didn’t help either and the plants never saw the end :pensive:
Hopefully they produce some nice buds for you brother…