Landraces of India

Gracias, mi compa!

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Trimbak you say is your favorite smoke, right? But, Bhadra is a bit stronger? Is that right? What other Indian landraces have you had the pleasure of trying? Have you had Kerala? Orissa? Sheelawati? Whats the best tasting Indian Landrace that you have tried? If you had to choose one only for me to grow, Trimbak or Bhadra, which would you choose? After my current project is over, Ill try one of them.


Will you be curing Revadi? Its hard not to smoke something immediately after waiting so long to harvest, but it could get much better.


@Upstate hey brother I’m so sorry I just checked ur msgs now because of some hectic work load from last 3 days.
Yes brother trimbak is my favourite one it’s taste so good and gives me good head high and good mood Lightner I must say. I love to smoke trimbak in morning time so I can work all day. It keeps me High till afternoon I can feel buzz in my head till afternoon. Bhadra is bit stronger brother like it gives u good high but keeps u in full trip like u will feel u should go out and have fun.bhadra is like heavy drug good to smoke but hard to keep doing work after u smoked it.its good for physical work if we have to deal with some hard physical work.

Yes I have smoked Idukki gold which was so awesome long flowering about 14-16 weeks of flowering stage. Idukki is my favourite one I will grow again Idukki I have around 80-100seeds of it wid me which was produced in last batch.

I will choose trimbak for you it’s the one of my amazing strains I have ever smoked and got the chance to preserve them.


Haha that’s so true brother after waiting for long time I’m so desperate to try my herbs flower. I really feel so hard to wait for few week for curing but I have smoked it just now.
I have cured it for like 17 days only


[quote=“Shiv9545, post:104, topic:42496”]
Yes I have smoked Idukki gold which was so awesome long flowering about 14-16 weeks of flowering stage
[/quote] and you judge flowering time from when the plants start to produce clusters of stigmas, correct? I noticed this while talking with a Ugandan farmer. He showed me a beautiful sativa, and then told me it had only flowered for 10 weeks, and after talking to him a bit more about it, I would say the flowering time was closer to 16 weeks by American standards. The weeks leading up to stigma formation are not counted as flowering by farmers in the tropics, where even the longest days of the year are short enough to induce flowering
@Shiv9545, please correct me if I’m wrong on that…


Trimbak sounds like it would be a great choice. Looks like it responds well to training too.

I love how these Bush out!


@Upstate hi brother yes even in village side from where I have hunted dis sativa varieties that people also judge or count flowering weeks from start only,they consider week 1st when the stigmas are visible to them on plant and after that week by week they just observe the buds stigmas colour so that they r simply observing the buds which are ripening. Most of the farmers in villages showed me copper yellowish stigmas on the buds and they said it’s almost ripen,they were showing me all buds where there were no white stigmas and only copper and yellow stigmas were visible and the farmer said it’s ripen now. Farmers count flowering week from start when they see formation of stigmas on bud sites.
That’s true brother longest days in summer are so hard to induce plant into flowering stage.


@Upstate yup it grows in bushy pattern but some of my farmers said it grows in christmas tree formation as well that is conical in shape. At the site of farmer I saw trimbak landrace with two expression one was so bushy like above pics and some were quite dense but conical in shape and quite taller than dis bushy pattern.


[quote=“Upstate, post:106, topic:42496”]
where even the longest days of the year are short enough to induce flowering
@Shiv9545, please correct me if I’m wrong on that

[/quote] So, during the longest days ( 14 hours in Nashik) plants want to stay in Vegetation mode, right? What if they were already flowering ?Would they continue to flower?


Can you tell us about the growing seasons farmers use over there? Are there 2 seasons a year or only one? You mentioned that the summer is not june, july, and august, like here in the states, due to the monsoons. When do farmers plant and harvest?


Orissa update? New pics?

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I’ll update with a couple new pictures this weekend. Slowly moving through flower. Right now about 50/50 white and brown flower pistils. Resin heads are super small but starting to see more of them on the bracts.

Pollination do not look like they took very well but the seeds I am seeing are getting brown.


Have you gotten some more pictures?

Good morning. I posted a couple yesterday in Comacus Projects.

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These are a couple pictures of Orissa Gold from Indian Landrace Exhange. I started harvesting my plant at 26 weeks. I’ll try to press and sure some like this.

The buds are super leafy. I find all you can do is hand pluck off some of the leaves as they are virtually impossible to trim with scissors. I’ve seen videos of local preparing these sativas, and they pretty much do the same thing just doing a rough finger trim.

That is probably why the buds look sort of leafy.


Beautiful buds! Is there some purple in there? Looks like some in the middle bud…


These aren’t mine. But hope mine look similar after harvest and cure! No colors in the Orissa Gold. Did start flower regrowth though, and probably could have kept flowering for a couple more months!


Goodness I’d love to smoke some of that


I have to wonder about weed strains in Asian countries.
They have to have been doing it for longer than anyone else.
Its also highly illegal in these countries, stiff penalties for possession & cultivation

India for example, minimum of six months in jail and a fine of Rs. 10,000 just for smoking.

Sure, usually you can bribe the cops that amount or less, but sometimes they just want to ruin you, and they can.
‘Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, any person found cultivating a cannabis plant is faced with imprisonment up to ten years.’

Ten years for ONE plant.

or Japan

simple possession of marijuana carries a sentence of up to 5 years of prison, while possession with the intent to profit is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment and/or up to a 2,000,000 fine

It makes you wonder what they are so uppity about when it comes to weed.
They must have some real pure lineages they are trying to preserve,
these governments also have medical marijuana programs
Imagine being such a weed snob that you can’t stand the idea of anyone else growing their imported western imperialist weed, so anyone who does can be jailed for 10 years.