Landraces of India

Lol. Imperialist western weed. Good one.
Not sure about Japan, but in India the laws arent really enforced very much, or maybe I should say, plenty of people still get away with it. . Think of it like California. You’re not supposed to grow it, but many do anyway, even on a large scale. Some get busted, but many succeed with harvesting. Cannabis been a part of their culture for so long people dont think much of smoking it in most places. The strange part is that bhang is still legal and there are bhang shops all over. Smoking is illegal, but have a " pot brownie".
As for many pure lineages. No doubt. There is a good reason Indian pot has( to a larger extent than most countries )remained unhybridized…it’s that good pure. Flowering times more than quality are driving hybridization. The stiff penalties you mention also force farmers to try to lessen flowering times in an effort to beat the fuzz. In addition, farmers simply cant keep up with demand. The population is too large. So they turn to faster flowering genetics in an effort to get in another harvest a year.


i once watched a small doku about “why did drugs became illegal” . they said it grounded in Christs believe that Drugs detach you from God. Despite Jesus sometimes praised the Wine, any drug was principially seen as problematic aound the Elite of Christian Community (Moses, and such)

So, they started a Probhibition, i dont know if there were any Penalties, but at least you were reagarded as looser doing any drugs.

BUT the acceptance of Alcohol was simply cause the People just could not give this one Drug up! So they decided to make an Exeption for Alcohol, and keep a propper Image halfway upright… probhibiting all Substances beside the Alcohol.

So, what society allows or not is simply based in their belevesystem.

Indias belevesystem is Hinduism , in wich they beleve Cannabis can be benefitial for Spiritual progress. Same thing, in their believe Cannabis can bring them closer to god. They litterally enforce heavy smoking in religious Rituals. (thats why they only smoke Chillum loaded with hash, one after the other, or drink Bhang, cause its so strong.)

You dont see them smoking a sweet tiny spliff… You only see them pushing the limits, like their in a hurry, right…?

Its all based on believe System whether we allow something or not , and Westeners are actually not consequent, we would actually ban everything .

Indians are consequent, and its not allowed other than for fulltime practicing religious People (Sadhus). If you are not a Sadhu, you theoretically could be fined drinking a Bhang Lassy (if im not mistacken).
So, Bhang lassy is there only to be bought by practicing Sadhus. But shopowners probably wont care.


One more thing: India would acording their Blieve not really banned anything. Cause they have no negative View of drugs, the opposite is rather true. The beileve Cannabis CAN be GOOD for spiritual progress.

So, their move to ban Drugs actually comes from this Christian Believe System. Then spread over the whole World one day. If i not mistacken.

And when Indian Goverment was trying to introduce the Ban for everything, they saw it just couldnt be done, cause the Ban of Cannabis contradicted the Societys View, so Cannabis stayed legal for practicing Sadhus.


I lived in India in a large metropolitan area for a while.

Maybe I didn’t know the right people, but whatever weed I found was bad compared to what we get in dispensaries here on the west coast USA. Full of sticks and seeds, probably grown in cow shit because that’s what it tasted like.

Hash was available but sketchier to obtain, sometimes quality was good but sometimes not so good.

I hear they are talking about legalizing it over there, they really should. Extra tax money, one less crime to have to worry about, embrace the classical Indian view of Ganja as a sacred herb.
Wheres the downside


quelle surprice. the good stuff is available only at the source,


India has a real problem with contaminated weed. Meaning they put chemicals and other additives in the weed. Really nasty. I’m sure to get the good stuff you have to be there Harvest Time and you have to know somebody. They can grow all year, but the offseason crops are not as good as the main season crop


Manipur is generally 4+ month with kashmir being 8 to 10 week


Dont forget bhang


I already described laws for bhang couple posts aboe the one you read.
i have not forgotten to mention.


the main harvest is from October to Jan. Genially farmers plant from April to May or from august to September in places where ganja farming is more prevalent, though in the mountains generally fields are left as it is and they start germination by march or april


so, unlike the genral belief plants out here start flowering from august to September and the main season to harvest is November to Jan. plants in may are fully in veg mode


The lolab valley Kashmir is supposed to be a 5-6 week strain with the other Kashmir varieties being in the 8-14 week window you describe. Those are second or third in line after I grow out these skunk beans from authentic genetics.


As some of you have already seen, I received a very nice order of landrace and heirloom seeds from India. 17 varieties total! My friend Indian seeds97( IG handle) has told me he will be available to tell us about these varieties tomorrow. I know tomorrow is Mother’s Day, but hopefully some of you get a chance to stop in and ask some questions.


Wow bro. Thats awesome.

Let me know if you wanna trade anything ,)

  1. Revadi
  2. Matori
  3. Bhadra
  4. Trimbak
  5. Kashmiri
  6. Gokarna
  7. Gadchi
  8. Dwarka
  9. Bramha
  10. Ambi
  11. Pamya
  12. Rivera
  13. Krisma
  14. Goa
  15. Ambi
  16. Satpur
  17. Ozi

Did I get all the names correct @Shiv9545 ?


Thank you so much bother for appreciating, and yeah I will keep you sending all the new collections of landraces varieties.
Yeah buddies it’s late here, I will be able to ans all of your questions tomorrow.
There are very unique pure line sativa landraces beans which are never crossed with any other pollen


Yes Brother just 11th it’s PAMYA named landracee


I’m very much looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow. I know people will have many questions for you. People in the state’s know so little about the genetics of India.


Here is a Rasoli landrace (Himalayan India). Intetesting mutation with an additional leaf protruding from the petiole where the leaf meets. Mutation is a commonly used term for an abnormal plant’s morphology, but as a strict scientific term at the genetic level isn’t it when a gene mutates, here I don’t think the gene mutated but it is an inherent adnormality in the unmutated genetics.