Landraces of India

Wow Mind blowing info

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download (66)

Cannabis indica 1911 crop grown by Parke-Davis at Parkedale probably.


There aren’t any history records about that.

The Dutch supplied the Khoisan tribe in South-Africa with probably Cannabis in 1753.
Slaves from Congo and Angola brought Cannabis to Brasil in the 15th century.Later on when slavery was over, formal slaves brought seeds back to West-Africa.In 1862 Marijuana was brought to Jamaica by Indentured Sierra Leoneans.

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I got you beat. Waiting since June, lol. Special order.
Everything Shiv gets is in small batches. The chance of getting a similar batch of weed twice is slim, so if something goes wrong with the first order, you may have to wait a while for a second attempt until some more good stuff comes around.


Prior to the 1940’s 80 plus percent of all medications prescribed by pharmacists were cannabis based. They know. They’ve always known. Let that be a lesson to any naive people reading this. Our government lies to us all the time.


Sure thing. It’s likely been around for a couple thousand years in Ethiopia. The other “land of the Kush.”. Aka kushites.

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You have a late one eh? I bet it’s good. Really good. Fingers and toes crossed for you.


If it ain’t, I’m gonna be pissed!
Not really. But it would not be a very good day if I spent a half a year growing some bunk.


It happens but I doubt it’s bunk.

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Harachandi Sahi Ganja & Bhang Shop’ in Puri, Orissa, India, 1969


The Afro-Eurasian Landmass is the largest piece of contiguous terra firma in the world, so cannabis could have been spread even in pre-historic times. Anywhere humans go, domesticated species always follow. Cannabis is also originally from nearly dead center of the landmass, so it’s spread was only a matter of time.

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The pre-historic proliferation of cannabis is what I’m betting on. Birds, mammals, early man crossing land bridges and wind currents.


The only difference between propaganda and education is perspective. Rhetoric is rhetoric.


I prefer the annunaki nephilim Enoch some of the angels/ aliens spread knowledge and also spread medicinal/sacred plants at least it just seems like Truth to me :slight_smile: lol further down the rabbit hole lol PS I believe I was all down with intent


Just like how the Amazon rainforest turned out to be one giant food forest/garden every tree was planted for food production simply amazing and it was constructed preflood just another piece to the puzzle :slight_smile:


The whole Enki/Enlil scenario appears to be an alteration of what was already created, thus the vegetation/building blocks were already here. Don’t forget that massive cities that supported millions of people are buried underneath the Amazon jungles and are now being revealed with LIDAR.


A lot of some of it anyway. So far, an area the size of Georgia has been discovered to have been man-made, complete with flood controls. That was 5 years ago now. Maybe they’ve found more.
The Iroquois also farmed the forest. It’s estimated that one of every 5-7 trees in NY was a nut tree, planted by the natives. A huge section of Pennsylvania was essentially a massive hunting ground, with all the understory brush cleared away to allow for clean shots with an arrow. Almost nothing on this continent was truly wild when Europeans came here. Imagine all the wildlife with that massive protein source in the woods. Today, most nut trees are cut down for firewood or furniture making.
Plant a nut tree😁


Hey all you Indian landrace enthusiasts. Just a quick report on germ rates from the Odisha Valley seed I sent out.
27 seeds were soaked for 24 hrs…

with 23 sprouting tails! Very encouraging, considering everything these beans may have been through! Best of luck to anyone starting these and I’m looking forward to seeing a few grown outside this summer!


Impressive germ rate. Anything over 60% with landraces from country of origin and I get excited


These are fresh right? I mean, didn’t @Budderton just make these?

Definitely dropping some along with some of shiv’s stuff shortly.