Landraces of India

Just tested Agrowlyte using the open air method in a cereal bowl lol with Gauze Sponges and it worked excellent on 4 rough looking seeds. My last 4. I’ve popped 30 looking for Skunks in Afghan Skunk. Last 4 I’m using in case I missed one, day 3 here.

Agrowlyte smells like mild poor cleaner.
I can probably get a discount on this stuff, it can be used from seed to harvest.

Read up on it, I’m testing it now for seedlings and popping seeds in it with a strong mix to water.

I’ll even put a drop on the shell The next day if needed. Stuff may be a miracle product for many growers.

I still get great results from hydrogen peroxide, mold doesn’t ever appear on tails. Which I need that for seeds taking months to pop.

Most all mine pop in 3 days. If I cut the seed , like bellybutton off I’ve had them up in soil in 24 hours.

After 5 days I don’t use them seeds if they aren’t of value to the breeding project. @Upstate just got some seeds from what I bred. Germ rates should be excellent because late popping seeds are not trusted in my breeding circle lol :dove:


I’m outta likes bro…:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
H202 has always been my go-to method for germination. After the 24hr soak, I immediately dunk the seeds in a solution of trichoderma and bacillus subtilis for 30mins.
The h202 removes any unwanted pathogens and the trichoderma and bacillus would immediately colonize the tap root once the seedlings break shell. 1st the h202 soak and then the microbe soak.:v:t4::herb:


I’m like you and have great success with hydrogen peroxide. I heard 7 to 10% hydrogen peroxide is a pest killer as well. I’m gonna test that soon.

Agrowlyte is a Nature Derived Product consisting of 3 Simple Ingredients: Water, Electricity, and Potassium Salts.

Here’s the product key points. e63bf3_061402b580334656b460c93f1bf062a3~mv2


Germ rate was 100%. Nice seeds😁


I don’t want to be rude @Shiv9545, but have your prices come down? Do you still want $10 a bean? I just can’t justify paying that when I know you get them for less than a dollar per pound.

Again not trying to be rude… I hate being rude!! …I’ll give you $.25 a seed…that’s $25 for 100 seeds. Plus, like most members here…I want all 100 strains you have…:yin_yang:




The Megahlaya that made it so far.


Beautiful please keep me posted on the development

I’ll be cracking then for the next run



He charges what every one else in India charges, more or less. If you buy seeds in bulk the price will come down. It’s worth asking him. Typically he will work something out with you. Even at 10 bucks a seed, that’s cheaper than a plane ticket to India😉


Looking good buddy!


Things are different in India in a lot of ways. Things are tolerated though illegal so there are risks.

$10 a bean is spendy for regs yes if you buy 10. If you spend an amount worth his while they get dramatically cheaper. I spent a little north of $300 and it came out to $2.20 per.


Ah ah ah ah Stayin Alive, Stayin Alive
Ah ah ah ah Stayin Aliiive….so far


Nope came in the buds he bought from guerilla farmers in India! @budderton I’ve been trying to do research on these seeds and I can’t find anything specific for Odisha valley lots of different but not one specific. Also found that if from India means it’s sativa idk just starting to poke around love ther germ rate though may have to drop some for my long flower run coming up next.


In the other landrace thread budderton mentioned that the farmer sent this link to him as a point of reference > ORISSA GOLD


Thanks man! I was looking at the different golds just wasn’t sure that helps a lot!


If you ever run into Idukki gold, seize that bitch…

If i ever get a chance i am willing to run that one however long it flowers, that one is always an exception…
I wanna see that golden pistills with my own eyes :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Malana Cream


It kills spider mites, but it seemed like resin may have been effected so I wouldn’t recommend during flowering.


There are Indica types in Kashmir and Rajasthan. Maybe other places in the mts, such as Nanda Devi, uttarakhand, which becomes Indica like at high elevation.


There are a few people who do bud wash with baking soda and lemon juice and there are others who even add h202 as a first wash claiming it helps eliminate any pathogens.


It likely does, @iceman but im.pretty sure some terpenes got washed away on me during use…