Landraces of India

1894 report of indian hemp commission


Thank you for clarification.

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Chicken manure is hot and has a lot of nitrogen

Flushing won’t hurt and may help
The tiger bloom has nitrogen in it if you’re experiencing n overdose stop using it for a bit

How often do you feed and at what ppm’s


I try to keep it simple, and I don’t check ppm.

Every other week I feed. I haven’t had them on a schedule for feed since the when they up potted it was with the chicken manure compost/soil blend a couple weeks back.

I’ll do only water for the next two weeks and go from there.

Thanks brotha!


Morning Malana Village update 43N, she’s flowering for sure! Little budlets everywhere, especially after I staked her out last week to spread things in anticipation of a wet fall and to take advantage of the weakening sun. The lowers were starting to yellow which isn’t weird this time of year but I felt like it might be that they stopped getting enough sun. I’ll probably go back and add some cords up to the porch awning or a net to catch the droopy tips as the branches weight up, this girl is skinny stemmed, though it’s taken the wild wind gusts and pounding rainstorms we’ve been having without missing a beat.

I’m hoping to take this one into late October or early November, frosts willing; that will give it another 5-6 weeks to mature before we find out how hard of a frost she’ll take, I’m guessing that anything down to 30 or so will be fine, maybe even lower! The weather in Malana is currently pushing frosts, they are at 32N but 8700 feet above sea level, I’m at just 200 feet. Everything is still covered in dew in this 730AM photo shoot:


If she can make it another week or two before a heavy frost nails her, I think she’ll keep on going even if one does hit. Once plants get to a certain point in flowering, It seems like they try harder to finish after a frost rather than giving up. Just a couple weeks into flower if hit with heavy frost they seem to give up. Might not be a bad idea to throw some chopped leaves down for mulch to keep the roots toasty. Looking promising!


Oh we should be good for that, the forecast is looking great for at least a few weeks at night barring a real cold snap, the monthly projection from NWS is saying it’ll be warmer than average by a bit:

I have really high hopes for this line, I think it’s a strong contender for a New England acclimated landrace sativa to grow and cross into some other stuff, for the hardiness and NLD open structure mostly. I hope it smokes as good as everyone talks about the Malana Cream being, I plan to cure the best tops as flower and dry sift/hydraulic press the rest into traditional coins or pucks. Most of it is going to go to my lady’s dad who’s about 70 so I figure he’ll appreciate some old school pressed hash, and I certainly will. She’s gonna use her share of them for barter with people for farm and craft goods lol she doesn’t smoke


Malana can have some frost.All those high altitude varieties are acclimatized for frost and high humidity.Parvati in the greenhouse i had was 100% mold resistant and cold resistant.


My rsc Malana(15 females maybe) stopped flowering after getting nailed with a series of heavy frosts during mid september. 28 degrees for 4 nights stopped flowering dead in its tracks for over two weeks, And they never did end up doing much of anything productive afterwards, despite warmer temps… There was no leaf burn, and the frost didn’t kill anything, just stunted growth. They are tough plants…just not NY tough😁


Now… if they could just give accurate data for tomorrow’s forecast, lol.
A week ago, an extended DRY spell, 10 days long, was forecast. ( I heard the forecast in the background) It has rained 6 of the 10 days with 3 of them washouts. I don’t even look at the forecast anymore, but if I did, I would bring a t shirt for the days forecasting rain, and a rain jacket for the sunny days… and I would be better off.


Malana Village 43N update: doing well, flowering along just below the roofline of my neighbors shed (yes!). I’m calling this one Malana Garage and the other one is Malana Pasture lol:

Weather is killing it, finally! Good finishing weather if it keeps up like this:


Anyone got news about Shiv97?
I’m still waiting seeds from him


Wow! You’re doing it! Fucking Malana up North! Woohoo! Awesome to see😁. Budding much faster than mine did, and like you said, that forecast is only going to help. I’m 10 degrees colder. I really want to see her take some frost before the end, but for your sake, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the weather holds.


No word brother. Not good. I’m out about $600 myself. Was supposed to get 6 or 7 kerala strains, And didn’t even get the Wayanad everyone else got.
Everyone should seriously consider pulling resources together to get these strains explored and preserved. I have a pile of them. Our access to them is now gone.


Well I still have his Pulga, Mithu (Western ghats regions of Maharashtra, India), Badrakali, and maybe Godavari but I didn’t see it last time I dug through my collection


This was grown in 1916 from seed from India.Don’t know which part of India.

download (29)


This has to be the longest amount of time that Shiv has been incommunicado. Perhaps he in the field collecting.
Any word on CocoGenes? The website appears to be overtaken by spambots and the last post on IG was back in July. That was video from the Himalayas.


He never did that. He knew people from all over India that bought weed, probably by the kilo, And saved him the seeds. ( he bought as well,)
No word from Cocogenes either. He might very well be collecting.


You are very right
now we can’t lose what we have
I’m just get few Strains from him
but when I make the reproductions everything it will be distributed here.


I have some of his stuff. Hopefully some of the wayanad. I feel like I dodged a bullet guys, hanging that much money out there but I got all but one thing I ordered. Hopefully he’s not plant food.