Landscape photos. Show your beautiful bits!


my profile pic is a landscape… I put it there as an “easter egg” of sorts, it was one of my go-to smoke spots. I’m still waiting for someone to recognize it.


Changed my shops hours to Sun/Mon closed as worked 6 days per week for 1.5+ years and super burnt out. So first two days off. This is from today will post more of tomorrows venture.

Cornwall Fire Lookout Tower in Cache Creek BC.


Ore Mountains,East Germany…


this is,what it looks like atm @GMan :wink:


Thanks! I never saw this thread. I’ll have to load some pics myself.

That pic looks more like where I grew up. It’s just the opposite here. It’s very dry.

Kudos to all who posted pics. We have some really good eyes out there. I’m a voyeur and have always loved photos. I’ve been really bummed this year because I screwed up my camera last year and only have the iPhone now and it sucks.

Here’s a couple of shots of the leaves from last week. I went up to the mountains to catch the last of the colors. I was a little late this year.


Some more from yesterday and last week )

Tulameen BC through forestry roads and Greenstone Lookout Tower. DIdn’t take any chances yesterday as it was already snowing up high on Conquihalla area and didn’t have proper clothing and there’s not cell signal there at all.


I wish the islands terrain was more like this…


That last 100 meters or so up to the Greenstone lookout is a serious ride, eh? I’d never do that in my truck (not enough clearance) but have done it many times on my dual sport. Pretty much have to navigate the lower section carefully and then throw caution to the wind and open the throttle up to the top.

For anyone who hasn’t been there (most of you, I am guessing) that’s a serious achievement to get a truck up to that second last photo. I’m impressed.


I sort of feel like you’d fit right in in Kamoops, bud. Endless terrain like that around here. Greenstone is only one of many. I’ve hunted that entire area viewed in the last photo. It goes on forever.


Thats one of the areas I’ve though of moving haha. Everything on the island is super dense forest thst you can barely move through. Or blown out cut blocks that you can barely move through. We no longer clean up the cut blocks after logging because… get this… it ruins small animals habitats if you do lol

Id kill for some nice open mountain country mixed with meadows… our deer are nearly impossible to find and they are the size of a corgy, the work vs reward is a hard pill to swallow lol

If you ever want to hate your life, ill take you out on an unsuccessful black tail hunt hahaha




The 100M would defiantly be harder on a bike or quad but was not bad once I got going. My truck is only AWD atm 40/60 split so wasn’t sure how it would do but was super easy just went slow on the first drop, came around the corner and lined up and gave her lol.

I did walk it first to see the rocks trail, but was already up there and there were people there and had cell signal so said fuck it go for it lol


I grew up in Kamloops from 84 to 95. I’d like to move back as the coast is whack now. Though about moving my store but would have to have way more stock there as don’t have the luxury of grabbing stuff at the suppliers in the AM on way to work.

Cornwall lookout was harder as it was a long way down vs Greenstone so was cooking my brakes coming down Cornwall as have no 4low and 1st on auto tranny don’t do much for a long drive down.

Did Nahatlatch in my Bronco but wouldn’t do it in this one as would cook the brakes for sure.


Here’s somones video going down

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As always, it’s considerably steeper than it looks in the video. Still awesome though!

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Lol reminds me of my brother in law’s driveway from the road to his farm house in Scotland, it’s like a dry river bed with big rocks every where. He has a Landover so it’s no problem for him. I would nearly lose everything under the car when we would go to visit :cry:


Panama City from the old town (Casco Viejo)


Sunrise this am from Morrison CO