Late summer 2022♠stoned /w rockwool

It’s been a while! I took a little summer holiday to clean up my stuff and try to renovate. This is the first time I have taken a summer holiday from growing. It’s great to avoid the heatwave, especially in the in the attic, and start now that it is cooling off over here I am excited to start again, almost from scratch… I got my camera gear here and snapped some photos to share.

These are all from seed, and have spent time under 315watts ceramic metal halide for what seems like a couple of weeks. I moved them about 4 days ago to their permanent place and switched to 12/12 two days ago. Ready for action…

I sowed these seeds a few days ago, and I am about ready to move them too. First, I’ll let them relax here for a moment and soak up some rays, and I’ll try to blow lots of wind on them to make strong stems. When they start to fall over, I’ll twist the top of a wire, and shove it in the rockwool like this.

A friend gave me some clones a few weeks ago, and one of them is soon ready to duplicate. He only sowed one of each type. Guaranteed female clones are good for mothers when starting from scratch after a holiday break from farming.
Out of 5 clones given, Blackberry Cake was the obvious best.

Wishing you all the best.


Good luck, you have some nice varieties going!


@Pie wow… beautiful start, or restart! :wink:

I will be tagging along, just pulling up a chair! :green_heart::sunglasses::v:



DANG, WHAT A LINEUP!!! I know it might take a while, but kindly clear that far right corner, I’ll be here for awhile. EXCELLENT restart, indeed, Continued positive growing, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I appreciate you, fellas! Very nice. I hope we have an excellent year, and we find some beautiful treasure!

These should be moved now, but I am too tired, and I consider ‘repotting’ them perhaps tomorrow or the next day.

Some of them look much better,pleasing, and promising, than others to me.

The last table always gets the last pickings of the seedlings, and these are a bunch of runts. The airflow in this room is subpar for me now, because I’m renovating my project a bit right now, so I think this end table with the biggest hot-spot had to drink more. The water declined in the reservoir faster than the others, but it did not need more nutrition than the others, therefore the EC rose to 30% higher than the others, and I have corrected it this evening. Their burned tips alerted me, and I added water to dilute the hot nutrients.

Still no more of my time and energy left over for duplicating, so she has to wait a second here and make even more.

Summer vacation is still not over yet, and I am having so much fun. Soon it is time to crank it up a notch and start the working for real :laughing: Please wish me blessings on the care I try to give. It’s much fun to share with and learn from you guys. Cheers :green_heart:


Nice setup : )

Great catch on the hot spot and subsequent rise in ppm

Lookin forward to this grow
: )

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Thank you! Yes! Here we go. I have been so occupied with other things, that I was disappointed not to get everything on my agenda for the week. Things are still moving forward, though, and I’m still gardening late nights.

This Blackberry Cake bush starts getting chopped up tonight.

Blue Lights is looking nice, and they start to show sex. Here are all of them.

They have started bloom.

These Blue God and Black Candyland F2 are super duper ready to rock, and I’m just working on setting up their environment a little bit more before repotting so that it will be a bit easier for me a bit down the road.

These are Blue God.

Blue Lights looks a little bit more spacious. I culled 18 males just now.

Oh yeah! What a nice good job hacking that Blackberry Cake down! I think she is small enough now, so that I can flip the switch in this room.

Cuts in rockwool looking nice.

The washing machine is running, right next to the ice machine.

Cheers, fellas! I wish you an awesome Friday and great weekends!


Heyyy, now! Looking great @Pie !! Always love seeing a bunch of beautiful healthy new starts! Thanks for sharing!

Hope you have a great weekend too! :v::sunglasses:


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Everything everywhere is going well. Most all males are cut down now, except a few unidentified. I need to look carefully because this otherwise great looking feminine specimen, is also masculine. There are no light leaks in this room. I also noticed last season with Black Candyland, there were 2 very clear unusual hermaphrodites. they were unusual in the way that the male flowers were growing in the same bud as the female flowers, unlike in this photo, where the male balls tend to be around the nodes, but not usually at the main bud sites. These are Blue Lights. Should I cull it, or just pinch the balls off?



:fireworks:OH, heck, yeah!!!

Finally, I get some progress on my ventilation, so thaT I feel comfortable ‘repotting’ these. The heat had been an issue, and it still is an issue. In the Blue Lights room with the heat-spot, I suspect should be much better after today:

Here is a view from 1-4 Blue Lights^^

This is from #2-4 so there is a different perspective.^^
I am really embarrassed that this turned out to be such an overgrow with the Blue G and Black Candyland F2 seedlings, as I wished to have them put down a week and a half ago, but I am also glad to know that from this experience, you can put them so close together in rockwool-slab-half-cubes, for even SO long, and it was very easy to separate them without the roots being to tight into the other cubes. I might even relax better next time :upside_down_face:

I lay all The Blue g. down just now; I wonder how they adjust.

Maybe Candyland F2 can wait another moment too^^

Upskirt perspective shows how much space the lower canopy has, and how close the rockwool sits together.

Cool beanS!!
I hope you all get something awesome this week! Don’t worry; be happy!! :green_heart:

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A little bit has changed since my last post. Here are a few shots of what is happening:

Blue Lights^^

I selected this as #1, and I selected a couple others and cloned them. Most of the rest of them had fat fingers or generic hybrid, but this is the only one with skinny fingers that are more on the hazy shape^^

Here is a close up of that one. They aren’t very big right now, and they are not very pungent either.

Blue G and that table of clones buddy gave me that I took cuts from:) There were a higher number of hermaphrodites I culled from that Blue G table, (~eight of them).

A few of the cuts I took, of the Blackberry Cake. Exciting!
Cheers! :beers:

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I did a lot of maintenance this evening, such as refilling tanks and adjusting EC, and took a few photos to journal some changes.

Here are a couple of shots that I forgot to upload^^

Joti says about Blue lights: “Grows short and compact with a giant cola on the top.” I agree that they are short and compact, but these colas seem average. Although they are very dense! I used centimeter measuring tape.

Here is a shorter, but fatter cola. all of these Blue Lights look very greasy, and have hard, dense nugs.

They all look pretty to me.

I look forward to seeing how these clones do another time, especially number 1. Most of them smelled like some mild sweet berry, but not tropical sweet fruit, and number one has a sharp smell, that is a bit like citrus mixed with a bit of chocolate mint. Maybe there is a keeper in here. These Blue lights are scheduled to be finished in a few days according to the breeder, but it looks like a week or two to me. These were my favorite to grow of what I have run from JOTI so far, out of Blue Lights, Black Cali Grapes, Black Candyland, and Blue God. The cannabinoid profile hasn’t been tested yet; closer examination is needed in order determine whether it’s suitable medicinal or not.

The table of runt seedlings also displayed some more ‘wild looking’ buds, and not-so-vigorous specimens that I wouldn’t want to clone for next time. Few specimens could be winners.

Blackberry Cake looks very beautiful, and actually smells like berry , but not very pungent.

Wedding Cake also looks big and pretty, but has a mild sweet smell. Sensi Seeds

Blue God is the least favorite of mine from Joti. The smell is very faint, the buds are very small, and there wasnt much vigor in comparison to the other strains. Maybe the cannabinoid profile makes up for something, but it looks like too small of a small yield to justify cloning any of these.

That Blackberry cake I put down 18 days ago is getting bigger.

Oh, it is starting to get cold and better for growing. I am preparing for the next season already, and have cool plans in store. Thanks for being a part of it with me:)
Cheers, OG guys and gals :blue_heart:


Time flies. I am so happy with this seed run, and it was difficult to decide between 5 different specimens to clone. This reboot is really nice, and I am on track to fixing the place up again.

I’ll focus only on Blue Lights in this post, and changing the season for this room only, because that is all I am working on today. I put a CMH in the room and turned the HPS off to get better final images of the final day’s results.

^^A few close ups of a few different phenotypes. They are dense, and have a mild faint smell like berry. Blueberry… They are very greasy. I tested my favorite looking one, and it is of excellent quality. These were fast, and hardy and easy and of great quality; if considering choosing JOTI, I can recommend this strain. I have not checked my yield and done the calculations yet, but it looks good, and would certainly be higher yielding next season using a clone i have chosen.

^^Everything in this room is cut, and hung upside down. All the water is removed from the room, and replaced with a dehumidifier. The tanks get a simple dry scrub, and are moved to another ready-made room with clones replaced on the tanks. After I set up the next season and focus on giving these tanks to the new clones, I can come back to this room the next day and remove all the fan leaves. The day after the fan leaves are removed, I’ll spend however long it takes until I am done trimming the fan leaves from the top halves of the plants. The bottom halves go into the freezer for making bubble. It has been an awesome late summer, and I am happy to be established and growing again. I hope to share more interesting grows next season. Thanks for sharing, this has been really cool!

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:checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: INDEED, YOU CROSSED THE FINISH LINE!!! :checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: Kindly step over here to receive your :trophy:. WELL DONE!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I love you back!
Bro, when i looked at all these plants in vegetation, I saw,this one phenotype was unique the ~1/55,and it reminded me of something i saw of some FUNKY medical stuff like back in High Times around 2000 when you’d see those seed advertisements and Blueberry was always top price. you know that, crazy serrated sharp big nice looking medical leaf. and it yields big and is fat and so top shelf. a lot of the others look even better in terms of frosty silver looking fat dank nug bag appeal, but that one rare old skool leaf phew!. This is excellent. Highly recommend. Mine is 18th gen. i keep this around fo sH00!

selected five: