Leaves missing serrations

Anybody here ever get any varieties that throw an occasional odd leaf with little to absolutely no serrations in them?


I have 3 different plants going and all 3 of them are doing this.Stock came from a bag of supposedly random seeds.I think all 3 are the same variety on the the account that all 3 are doing this serration thing.I’ve never had one do this before.

Cannabis will do that when it’s trying to reveg from flower or from a clone. Not too odd.


Yes. Very often see it after flowering a plant and re-vegging.


These were planted from seed though.Why would they have revegged if they have been on a veg light cycle since sprout?

It’s not that they have re-vegged so much as it is a naturally occurring characteristic which does happen and therefore nothing to worry about. There may have been some environmental thing happen like low light or root bound in small pots. There are other triggers that can make a plant do that.
It could also be variety specific. You got those seeds from a baggy so you’ve no info on the source I suppose? Any road. Not uncommon. Have a good’un.


The seeds were gifted from who knows what and where so I might as well call it bagseed.Plants are healthy and very stinky and greasy stems at less than a foot tall with fast growth so I cant complain.They already have that B.O skunk funk going on.They all went from a small compartment on my tent to the big compartment to supplementary outside sunshine.All the no serrations are on the same set of true leaves too now that I think about it.Looking like an environment thing?There still pretty growing nice no PM and the bugs don’t really like it.

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seedlings can have strange growths I call random. It won’t be like that in a clone of the plant, though. Clones are fairly uniform.


Had bunch of clones in pots and just put them outside, a month later stuck them in raised beds, they threw up all kinds of wierd leaves with no serration and giant leaves as well. As of today they are all back to normal on all new growth

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Going to be taking two clones from the bottom of those each and going to try and sex them to see what they are.I always had to scrap the plant when I found out if it was a male or not before.Now I’m kind of looking forward to finding one.